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>>Anonymous  6mar2011(su)02:01  No.476  OP  P1
Music from Flashes

In this thread we share the music that can be found in various flash files around the Internet. Let's make this the biggest and most useful music sauce thread for us swf people!

+ Post a to the flash that uses the music as proof that the music is actually used in a flash.

>>Anonymous  6mar2011(su)02:14  No.478-479  OP  P2-3
Just for good measure I'll start with flash ID #1:

Link description: Just a link to the flash that uses the music.

Air - Electronic Performers.mp3 * (10.76 MiB)
05:35 stereo 44kHz 268kbps VBR <PREVIEW>
"10000 Hz Legend" 2001 [Electronica]
Track: 1/11
Encoder: LAME3.97
>>Anonymous  6mar2011(su)02:22  No.480-481  OP  P4-5

Link description: Just a link to the flash that uses the music.

Pendulum - The Other Side.mp3 (9.22 MiB)
05:15 stereo 44kHz 243kbps VBR <PREVIEW>
"In Silico" 2008 [Electronica/DnB/Alternative]
Track: 6/10
Encoder: LAME3.97
>>Anonymous  6mar2011(su)02:30  No.482-483  OP  P6-7 swf

Link description: Just a link to the flash that uses the music.

Cool&create - Help me, ERINNNNNN!!.mp3 (4.38 MiB)
03:10 stereo 44kHz 192kbps CBR <PREVIEW>
ƒr[ƒg‚܂肨 - Help me, ERINNNNNN!!
"“Œ•ûƒXƒgƒ‰ƒCƒN" 2004 [Game]
Track: 9
Encoder: Gogo >=3.0
>>Anonymous  6mar2011(su)02:33  No.484-485  OP  P8-9

Link description: Just a link to the flash that uses the music.

DarkMateria - The Picard Song.mp3 (5.35 MiB)
04:40 stereo 44kHz 160kbps CBR <PREVIEW>
"None" 2001 [My Own]
Comment: Composed, sequenced and encoded by DarkMateria, March 1st 2001 (Original 1998).
Composer: DarkMateria
Original artist: Jean-Luc Picard :-)
Copyright: [email protected]
Encoder: DarkMateria
>>Anonymous  6mar2011(su)02:39  No.486-487  OP  P10-11
Fucking toll booths...

Link description: Just a link to the flash that uses the music.

Ken Silverman - Prepsong.mp3 (1.23 MiB)
00:32 stereo 44kHz 320kbps CBR <PREVIEW>
Comment: "Trip" / / PREPSONG.KDM
Encoder: LAME3.97
>>Anonymous  6mar2011(su)02:47  No.488-489  OP  P12-13

Link description: Just a link to the flash that uses the music.

Raffi - Bananaphone.mp3 (4.41 MiB)
03:12 stereo 44kHz 192kbps CBR <PREVIEW>
"Bananaphone" [Crap]
Track: 1
Encoder: LAME3.94 (beta)
>>Anonymous  6mar2011(su)02:53  No.490-491  OP  P14-15

Link description: Just a link to the flash that uses the music.

Scooter - Apache.mp3 (4.19 MiB)
02:58 stereo 44kHz 197kbps VBR <PREVIEW>
"Who's Got the Last Laugh Now?" 2005 [Trance]
Comment: Back to rule you all
Track: 7
Encoder: LAME 3.90.3+mod / LAME3.90.
>>Anonymous  6mar2011(su)02:58  No.492-493  OP  P16-17

Link description: Just a link to the flash that uses the music.

Charles Jolly (Charles Penrose) - The Laughing Policeman.mp3 (2.45 MiB)
02:39 stereo 44kHz 128kbps CBR <PREVIEW>
Charles Penrose - The Laughing Policeman
"24 Original All-Time Childrens Favourites" 1993 [Children'S]
Track: 1
Album artist: Various Artists
>>Anonymous  6mar2011(su)03:00  No.494  OP  P18
I'm taking requests btw so if you have some flash you've always wanted sauce on this might be a good time to ask.
>>Anonymous  6mar2011(su)03:09  No.495-496  OP  P19-20

Link description: Just a link to the flash that uses the music.

Infected Mushroom - I Wish (Skazi Remix).mp3 * (18.45 MiB)
08:03 stereo 44kHz 320kbps CBR <PREVIEW>
Infected Mushroom - I Wish [skazi Remix]
"I Wish [skazi Remix] CDS" 2004 [Trance]
Comment: ..:: [HEB] ::.
Track: 1
Encoder: lame 3.89 sse enhanced
>>Anonymous  6mar2011(su)03:14  No.497-498  OP  P21-22

Link description: Just a link to the flash that uses the music.

Happatai - Yatta!.mp3 (4.94 MiB)
03:58 stereo 44kHz 173kbps VBR <PREVIEW>
happatai - yatta!
>>Anonymous  6mar2011(su)03:36  No.499-500  OP  P23-24

This song is also known as "I Am Glad To Finally Be Home" or "I Am Glad I'm Finally Going Home" or "я очень рад, ведь я, наконец, возвращаюсь домой" or just "Trololo".

Though its actual original name is actually "Vocalise" in English or "вокализ" in Russian as far as I know. I'm leaving the file name like it is however because I think that title is what the song is most known as (except for "Trololo" of course). Maybe, at least it was when I first downloaded it.

Sadly can't find it in better quality.

Link description: Just a link to one of many flashes that uses the music.

Eduard Khil - I am very glad, because I'm finally returning b...mp3 (2.47 MiB)
02:41 stereo 44kHz 128kbps CBR <PREVIEW>
Encoder: Lavf52.32.0 / LAME3.97
>>Anonymous  6mar2011(su)04:05  No.501-502  OP  P25-26

Link description: Just a link to the flash that uses the music.

Force Dimension - Deus Ex Machina.mp3 (8.09 MiB)
03:31 stereo 44kHz 320kbps CBR <PREVIEW>
>>Anonymous  6mar2011(su)04:12  No.503-504  OP  P27-28

Link description: Just a link to the flash that uses the music.

DJ WyZz - The 7th Inning Stretch.mp3 * (11.65 MiB)
06:21 stereo 44kHz 256kbps CBR <PREVIEW>
Wheatus, Shaggy, Fatboy Slim, Will Smith, Steve Miller, Weezer - The 7th Inning Stretch
"I Stepped My Game Up" [Hip Hop/Rap]
Track: 8/27
Album artist: DJ WyZz
Encoder: LAME3.93
>>Anonymous  6mar2011(su)04:18  No.505-506  OP  P29-30

Link description: Just a link to the flash that uses the music.

igiulamam - U Can't Touch Mormon Jesus.mp3 (3.76 MiB)
02:02 stereo 44kHz 256kbps CBR <PREVIEW>
Encoder: LAME3.98 (alpha)
>>Anonymous  6mar2011(su)04:47  No.507-508  OP  P31-32 r.swf

Link description: Just a link to the flash that uses the music.

Lemon Demon - Hyakugojyuuichi 2003.mp3 (5.51 MiB)
06:01 stereo 44kHz 128kbps CBR <PREVIEW>
"Clown Circus" 2003 [Other]
Track: 13
>>Anonymous  6mar2011(su)04:52  No.509-510  OP  P33-34

Link description: Just a link to a random flash that uses the music.

Hampton The Hampster - The Hampsterdance Song.mp3 (6.46 MiB)
03:33 stereo 44kHz 253kbps VBR <PREVIEW>
"Hapsterdance The Album" 2001 [Soundtrack]
Track: 1
Encoder: LAME3.98b
>>Anonymous  6mar2011(su)05:00  No.511-512  OP  P35-36

Link description: Just a link to the flash that uses the music.

Machinae Supremacy - Gimme More (SID).mp3 (5.27 MiB)
03:32 stereo 44kHz 207kbps VBR <PREVIEW>
SPIMS - Gimme More SID
"SPIMS vol. 2" 2008-2008-02 : [Synthpop]
Comment: lol
URL: lol
Track: 9
Composer: lol
Album artist: lol
Publisher: lol
Original artist: lol
Copyright: lol
Encoder: lol / LAME3.97
>>Anonymous  6mar2011(su)05:04  No.513-514  OP  P37-38

Link description: Just a link to the flash that uses the music.

Makino Yui - Omna Magni.mp3 (2.25 MiB)
01:38 stereo 44kHz 192kbps CBR <PREVIEW>
"Sousei no Aquarion Original Soundtrack" 2005 [Anime]
Comment: #nipponsei @ / #nipponsei @
Track: 17
Encoder: LAME3.96r
>>Anonymous  6mar2011(su)05:12  No.515-516  OP  P39-40

Link description: Just a link to the flash that uses the music.

Lemon Demon - The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny.mp3 (5.91 MiB)
03:35 stereo 44kHz 229kbps VBR <PREVIEW>
"Dinosaurchestra" 2006 [Alternative]
Track: 6
Album artist: Lemon Demon
Encoder: LAME3.97
>>Anonymous  6mar2011(su)05:27  No.517-518  OP  P41-42

Have to say it's better than the original.

Link description: Just a link to the flash that uses the music.

Saint Smythe - Ultimate Orgy of Homosexuality.mp3 (3.28 MiB)
03:34 stereo 44kHz 128kbps CBR <PREVIEW>
"Insanity at its Finest"
Comment: As seen in the animation at
Encoder: LAME3.96.1
>>Anonymous  6mar2011(su)05:35  No.519-520  OP  P43-44

Link description: Just a link to the flash that uses the music.

coda - shiilol (Longcat's Song).mp3 (1.72 MiB)
01:52 stereo 44kHz 128kbps CBR <PREVIEW>
Comment: Made with Sony ACID 5 / Made with Sony ACID 5
>>Anonymous  6mar2011(su)05:39  No.521-522  OP  P45-46 wf

Link description: Just a link to the flash that uses the music.

Mr.T with Motoaki.F - Burning Heat! (3 Option Mix).mp3 (1.44 MiB)
01:34 stereo 44kHz 128kbps CBR <PREVIEW>
>>Anonymous  6mar2011(su)05:56  No.523-524  OP  P47-48

The music in the flash is from the 2007 anime "Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann", actually two tracks are used.

At the beginning of the flash the first ~35 seconds of "Taku Iwasaki - No Way! Only 1 Minute and 20 Seconds to Suck It Up!" is played and then the track that I'm posting begins and continues throughout the rest of the flash.

Link description: Just a link to the flash that uses the music.

Tarantula - Rap is a Man's Soul! Surpass 'Impossible,' and S...mp3 (5.29 MiB)
02:47 stereo 44kHz 265kbps VBR <PREVIEW>
"Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Original Soundtrack - DISC 2" 2008 [Animé]
Track: 2
Encoder: LAME3.98r
>>Anonymous  8mar2011(tu)01:25  No.559-560  OP  P49-50 _do.swf

Link description: Just a link to the flash that uses the music.

Lemon Demon - I've Got Some Falling To Do.mp3 (5.54 MiB)
03:26 stereo 44kHz 222kbps VBR <PREVIEW>
"Hip To The Javabean" 2004 [Unclassifiable]
Track: 14/15
Composer: Neil Cicierega
Encoder: iTunes v7.0.2.16
>>Anonymous  8mar2011(tu)01:45  No.561-562  OP  P51-52

Link description: Just a link to the flash that uses the music.

Lodger - Doorsteps.mp3 (5.99 MiB)
03:56 stereo 44kHz 212kbps VBR <PREVIEW>
"Hi-Fi High Lights Down Low" 2004 [Rock]
Track: 8
Encoder: LAME3.97
>>Anonymous  8mar2011(tu)02:04  No.564-565  OP  P53-54

Link description: Just a link to the flash that uses the music.

Lodger - I Love Death.mp3 (6.83 MiB)
03:40 stereo 44kHz 259kbps VBR <PREVIEW>
"Hi-Fi High Lights Down Low" 2004 [Rock]
Track: 4
Encoder: LAME3.97
>>Anonymous  8mar2011(tu)02:23  No.566-567  OP  P55-56
I wonder how many of all the millions that have seen this Swedish meme that know that it wasn't originally a YouTube video - it was a flash loop.

Link description: Just a link to the flash that uses the music.

Caramell - Caramelldansen (Speedycake Remix).mp3 (5.14 MiB)
02:55 stereo 44kHz 246kbps VBR <PREVIEW>
"Caramelldansen" 2008 [Bubblegum Dance]
Comment: Originally ウッ-ウッ-ウマウマ(゜∀゜) (Speedycake Remix)
Track: 1
Album artist: Caramell
Publisher: Quake Holdings, Inc.
Original artist: Caramell
Encoder: LAME3.97
>>Anonymous  8mar2011(tu)02:30  No.568-569  OP  P57-58
Here's another really old meme...

Link description: Just a link to the flash that uses the music.

Coburn - We Interrupt This Programme.mp3 (5.77 MiB)
03:25 stereo 44kHz 235kbps VBR <PREVIEW>
>>Anonymous  8mar2011(tu)02:44  No.570-571  OP  P59-60
Speking of old memes:

Link description: Just a link to the flash that uses the music.

Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up.mp3 (6.63 MiB)
03:35 stereo 44kHz 257kbps VBR <PREVIEW>
"Whenever You Need Somebody" 1987 [Pop]
Track: 1
Encoder: LAME3.97
>>Anonymous  8mar2011(tu)02:47  No.572-573  OP  P61-62

Link description: Just a link to the flash that uses the music.

Z-TV - Please Stand By.mp3 (1.84 MiB)
02:00 stereo 44kHz 128kbps CBR <PREVIEW>
>>Anonymous  8mar2011(tu)02:53  No.574-575  OP  P63-64

Original source is much better:

Link description: Link to a flash that uses the music + the original video where the music came from.

YTPMV - Tomorrow I'll (Robotnik's Penis Song).mp3 (3.17 MiB)
03:27 stereo 44kHz 128kbps CBR <PREVIEW>
Encoder: LAME3.96.1
>>Anonymous  8mar2011(tu)03:00  No.576-577  OP  P65-66

Link description: Just a link to the flash that uses the music.

Scott Brown - Taking Drugs (Remix).mp3 * (12.18 MiB)
06:05 stereo 44kHz 278kbps VBR <PREVIEW>
Scott Brown - Taking Drugs? (Remix)
"Hardwired II CD2 - Unmixed, DJ Friendly" 2005 [Hardcore]
Track: 5
Encoder: LAME3.97
>>Anonymous  21mar2011(mo)21:12  No.767-768  OP  P67-68

Link description: Just a link to the flash that uses the music.

e.via - 삐까 Chu~! (Pick Up! U!).mp3 (6.96 MiB)
03:01 stereo 44kHz 320kbps CBR <PREVIEW>
"비아폴라 (Via Polar)" 2010 [K-Pop]
Track: 5/6
Encoder: LAME3.98r
>>Anonymous  28mar2011(mo)05:29  No.917-918  OP  P69-70

Link description: Just a link to the flash that uses the music.

MOSAIC.WAV - Akiba in Wonderland.mp3 * (11.67 MiB)
05:05 stereo 44kHz 320kbps CBR <PREVIEW>
"Setsujou! Hyakka Ryouran" 2007 [Anime]
Track: 2
Encoder: LAME3.96 (alpha)
>>Anonymous  16nov2011(we)15:55  No.2757-2758  OP  P71-72 LAXY.swf

Link description: Just a link to the flash that uses the music.

zabutom - Final Blast.mp3 (5.41 MiB)
03:18 stereo 44kHz 228kbps VBR <PREVIEW>
"Zeta Force" 2011
Track: 7
Encoder: LAME3.98r
>>Anonymous  13dec2011(tu)21:13  No.2855-2856  OP  P73-74

Link description: Just a link to the flash that uses the music.

T-Roc - It's Da Roc.mp3 (4.81 MiB)
03:29 stereo 44kHz 192kbps CBR <PREVIEW>
"Forever [unreleased!]" 2004 [Rap]
Comment: Produced by T-Roc / Recorded @ Rocs House Recordings
Composer: T-Roc
Original artist: T-Roc
Copyright: Rocs House Recordings
Encoder: T-Roc
>>Anonymous  13dec2011(tu)21:51  No.2857  OP  P75
Noticed I made a little mistake here, that's supposed to be the superior Jean Claude Ades Remix, not the dull original track.

Here's the real NEDM music.

Coburn - We Interrupt This Programme (Jean Claude Ades R...mp3 * (12.41 MiB)
07:55 stereo 44kHz 215kbps VBR <PREVIEW>
"YTMND Soundtrack - Volume 11" 2006 [Soundtrack]
Track: 2
Encoder: LAME3.90.

>>Anonymous  16sep2012(su)20:11  No.4538-4539  OP  P76-77

Link description: Just a link to the flash that uses the music.

Vinter in Hollywood - R U Robot.mp3 (9.6 MiB)
05:01 stereo 44kHz 267kbps VBR <PREVIEW>
Vinter in Hollywood - R u Robot
"Outbreak" 2009 [Electronic]
Track: 3
Encoder: LAME3.98r
Created: 6/3 -2011 02:01:21 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 10:22:14 Server time: 12/03 -2025 11:01:29