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>>Anonymous  29dec2023(fr)22:17  No.100639  OP  P1
Natsume 2: Elsa Mod 1.1

Sorry for the duplicate post, needed to patch something.

1.1 hotfix
- Fixed snowflake issues with Ruffle player (going to test on that locally from now on...)

natsume_2_elsa_mod_v1.1.swf (6.5 MiB)
550x400, Compressed (Deflate). 1481 frames, 30 fps (00:49).
Ver6, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]

>>Anonymous  29dec2023(fr)23:23  No.100640  A  P2R1
Pretty fucking high quality if I do say so myself.
>>Anonymous  30dec2023(sa)00:18  No.100642  B  P3R2
the snowflake part was not just brave thing to do, but fucking brave. still waiting for the anon to un-vampire our umekos though.
>>Anonymous  30dec2023(sa)08:45  No.100644  C  P4R3
This is great, it's like OP is the second coming (heh) of Corta. Totally mogs my edits (which I should probably do more of).
>>Anonymous  30dec2023(sa)23:18  No.100648  D  P5R4
Are you the big booba edits maker ?
Would be nice if that could make a comeback.
>>Anonymous  31dec2023(su)06:37  No.100653  C  P6R5
Nah, I'm the one who did the goth Reikos. Big booba editor remains mysterious and anonymous, though I could make an educated guess at who they are.
>>Anonymous  31dec2023(su)17:10  No.100658  D  P7R6
Do you think you can also do some big booba ones ? Or it is somewhat hard to make work ?
I cant myself for some motives , so i am try find a kind soul to help me here.
>>Anonymous  3feb2024(sa)02:49  No.100835  E  P8R7
Damn, that's some quality
>>Anonymous  3feb2024(sa)13:15  No.100836  F  P9R8
>>Anonymous  29feb2024(th)23:30  No.101030  G  P10R9
Hey, can you finish the Zone Tan mod? I know it's not your, but I hope someone will do it
>>Anonymous  1mar2024(fr)19:26  No.101043  H  P11R10
Created: 29/12 -2023 22:17:17 Last modified: 11/3 -2025 07:01:06 Server time: 13/03 -2025 17:16:38