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>>Святослав  2jun2024(su)09:49  No.101534  OP  P1
Eddsworld Vs Cahj

CAHJ vs EDDSWORLD (CAHJ 2 = Charlie, Andrew, Harrison and Josh ... 2)
Run Time: 4:26

From my first nervous line that I drew in this project, tell now, seems like a thousand forevers... Or, more realistically, about 4 months :D But at the risk of sounding cliche, I've worked so very hard on this and I'm damn proud, so any responses, constructive criticisms, or hey, even a few 'your mothers,' if you feel like it, would be more than appreciated.

I'd like to thanks Edd, Tom and Matt for their support during this project as well as the rest of CAHJ on my back every few seconds about the release date. Without you guys I probably would have just finished the start menu by now.

Right, I'll shut up. Enjoy! This was made for you guys :)

EDIT* Since the first day I got flash, when I was 10, I have desperately wanted to win an award.It's been a geeky lil dream of mine so THANK YOU SO MUCH everyone who voted and reviewed :D And daily second? I'm absolutely over the moon <3! x

Front page? My mind is well and truly boggled.

518953_CAHJ_2_Fight_real_.swf (2.67 MiB)
550x400, Compressed (Deflate). 6389 frames, 24 fps (04:26).
Ver8, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]

>>Святослав  2jun2024(su)09:56  No.101535  OP  P2
It's A Eddsworld With Swfchan!

Then, i never win eddsworld.
Created: 2/6 -2024 09:49:02 Last modified: 14/7 -2024 12:45:49 Server time: 14/07 -2024 13:10:10