>> | Anonymous 18dec2024(we)22:16 No.103047 OP P1new | prpr.swf (324.6 KiB) 1280x720, Compressed (Deflate). 175 frames, 30 fps (00:06). Ver43, AS3. Network access: No. Text: No. Bitmaps: No. Audio: Yes. Video: No. [find in archive] |
>> | Anonymous 28dec2024(sa)01:42 No.103103 A P2R1 |
>> | Anonymous 29dec2024(su)01:44 No.103107 B P3R2This really looks like -8 doings, but i'm not sure. If it's the case, glad he's back, otherwise that's a good impression of -8. |
>> | Anonymous 1jan2025(we)11:29 No.103129 C P4R3Very good, anyone figured out if it's imitation or -8 yet? |
>> | Anonymous 12jan2025(su)02:39 No.103161 D P5R4It is unlikely to be minus, he has problems using voice over his animations. Seems like a edit or another artist influenced by minus style. |