sonhei que estava numa fila e alguém me chamou e então a suposta mãe dela chegou até mim e me levou até um quarto com duas portas, trancaram uma e a outra eu imediatamente saí antes de trancarem então logo notei que se tratava de um sequestro e um homem tentava me pegar, então dei um soco nele e sai correndo, e desci uma escada indo pra garagem de um shopping então consegui fugir
I dreamed that I was in a line and someone called me and then her supposed mother came to me and took me to a room with two doors, they locked one and the other I immediately left before they locked then I soon realized that it was a kidnapping and a man was trying to catch me, so I punched him and ran away, and went down a staircase going to the garage of a shopping mall then I managed to escape