Age: 5137.35d Health: 100% Posters: 4 Posts: 32 Replies: 12 Files: 20+57
>> | Anonymous 17feb2011(th)02:31 No.106 OP P1Takeshi Ohta Trying this thing out. This is a thread with stuff by Takeshi Ohta. He is a fetish kind-of guy with big love for lolis being tied up and getting teased by different weird dildos. .rar2.jpg) | Description: japanese untranslated, loli flatchest, bondage, pretty large insertions, peehole insertions (urethra sex), half-rape (?), full rape too?, anal, dildo focus, group sex, forced stimulation... etc |
>> | Anonymous 17feb2011(th)02:37 No.107 OP P2looking great, ill definitely share more later |
>> | Anonymous 21feb2011(mo)10:48 No.138 OP P3Alright, here's some more from Takeshi Ohta (or as he might be more known as, "Ohtado". - Sweet Produce! (C73).rar2.jpg) | Description: japanese untranslated, loli flatchest, bondage, long anal dildo and other weird dildos, bite-gag, egg-vibrator, peehole insertion (urethra sex), girl-on-girl, licking, big clit, cover-put-on-penis (?) |
>> | Anonymous 21feb2011(mo)10:53 No.139 OP P4 - Sweet Produce2! (The Idolmaster) ENGLISH [desudesu].rar2.jpg) | Description: english translated, loli flatchest, chastity belt with moving anal dildo, girl-on-girl, menthol mouthwash painted inside ass, PAIN (you THINK??), licking, blowjob, anal, peehole insertion, threesome |
>> | Anonymous 21feb2011(mo)11:11 No.140 OP P5original name of this is (同人誌) [おおた堂] 双変 ~みんないっしょにアイしてね~i prefer to have folders in english though so i have renamed it using a translation service. if anyone has a more correct translation please do tell.  - change it to double - all together - Ai [Hall Ota].rar2.jpg) | Description: japanese, loli semi-flat/flatchest, anal, vaginal, weird dildos, suction, large clit, peehole sex, large insertions, electric torture, bondage, needles, deepthroat, whitehead gag (medic gag). pain. |
>> | Anonymous 21feb2011(mo)12:30 No.143 OP P6 - Love Love Linker Core2 (A's) (C70).rar2.jpg) | Description: japanese, loli flatchest, non-loli, anal-focus (dildos), three girls doing stuff to a fourth, pee-hole insertion, large insertions, syringes (tranquilizers?), kissing, anal-expansion. girls only. |
>> | Anonymous 21feb2011(mo)12:38 No.144 OP P7 - Spiral Princess (English) [SaHa].rar2.jpg) | Description: english translated, loli flatchest, monster, bondage, weird dildo, anal-only, colon-sex, huge dick, pain-that-feels-good |
>> | Anonymous 21feb2011(mo)12:49 No.145 OP P8 - Sweet Produce3!.rar2.jpg) | Description: japanese, loli flatchest, bondage, two girls one guy, deepthroat, balls-in-ass, vacuum pump on tit, licking, weird "cover" put on dick, electric needles, inside-out ass, pain |
>> | Anonymous 21feb2011(mo)13:01 No.146 OP P9 - Chicchyaitoko-suki.rar2.jpg) | Description: japanese, loli small tits/flatchest, bondage, anal beads, pee-hole sex, tied in weird positions, rape kidnap, anal focus (has vagsex), ballgag, clit-electric, stimula-liquid, multistory, clit exposure |
>> | Anonymous 21feb2011(mo)13:06 No.147 OP P10that was the best ones i've got from him, my favorites. if someone wants more i guess i could upload a couple more, just give the word. |
>> | Anonymous 28feb2011(mo)22:42 No.345 A P11R1Oh god please upload moar! I just had Sweet Produce 2 before and love his style! |
>> | Anonymous 28feb2011(mo)22:42 No.346 A P12This is amazing, please post some moar! |
>> | Anonymous 1mar2011(tu)09:26 No.351 OP P13R2Okay, sure. Glad someone found the uploads useful. Hopefully I don't upload any duplicate stories accidentally, my folders are in a bit of a mess. - Frontier Spirits! (ProJpg) (C74).rar2.jpg) | Description: japanese, loli flatchest, hands tied, finger in peehole, pushing-out-clit-from-inside, sucking long clit, non-loli (tits), weird dildo in ass, brushing clit/inside of ass, anal sex ("cover" on penis) |
>> | Anonymous 1mar2011(tu)09:31 No.352 OP P14 - Love Love Linker Core.rar2.jpg) | Description: japanese, loli flatchest/small tits (two girls, no guys), licking asshole, weird dildos (long/big), anal, a little peeing, fingers in ass, kissing, chest-tied with ropes, anal beads, dildo-in-peehole |
>> | Anonymous 1mar2011(tu)09:36 No.353 OP P15 - naisho dayo! mahou no club katsudou (C71).rar2.jpg) | Description: japanese, loli, several girls (experimenting? no guys), weird dildos, peehole penetration, anal, vaginal, pain, titbrab, anal beads, kissing, long dildo |
>> | Anonymous 1mar2011(tu)09:42 No.354 OP P16with "text" in the description i mean that this mostly has some big images and then a bunch of text that one would have to read to know what is going on between the images (if one cares about the story) - P-LOVE@! (THE IDOLM@STER) (34).rar2.jpg) | Description: japanese, loli with tits, vaginal (cellphone in vag), anal, penis-in-vag, blowjob (money shot), clit pinching, vibrators on tits, long nipples being pinched, dildos, a little peehole action. text. |
>> | Anonymous 1mar2011(tu)09:57 No.355 OP P17 - Succubus Distortion!.rar2.jpg) | Description: japanese, loli-demon, non-loli (big tits), a-lot-of-story, dildo, vag/anal/peehole sex, TENTACLES (organic monster/alien/leeches), tit-sex, rape, deepthroat, clit-penis, womb-filling, bondage, needles |
>> | Anonymous 1mar2011(tu)10:07 No.357 OP P18 - Sweet Produce SP.rar2.jpg) | Description: japanese, loli-flat, two girls one guy, anal-plug for ass-cleaning, long-anal-dildo, suspension-bondage, enema, "stomach-expansion", magnetic dildo-pair put in both girls peehole pushing them together |
>> | Anonymous 1mar2011(tu)13:19 No.371 A P19R3Wohoo, youre awesome OP. Its pretty hard to find Ohta's work for some reason. |
>> | Anonymous 1mar2011(tu)23:13 No.375 OP P20R4i'll upload a few more then =) - Chikage Sakuya.rar2.jpg) | Description: japanese, loli-ish, chastity belt + anal vibrator, tied-ropes, big-black-bars (overly-noticable censorship), pussy/ass licking, anal sex, dildo in vagina/ass, sudden penis-clit + denied to cum, lesbo |
>> | Anonymous 1mar2011(tu)23:17 No.376 OP P21 - himitsu toshokan.rar2.jpg) | Description: japanese, loli with small/big tits, dickgirl, glasses, anal, oral, strapon, peehole-action, hands tied, three girls (lesbian), no guys. older-girls kinda raping younger |
>> | Anonymous 1mar2011(tu)23:21 No.377 OP P22 - Nanairo Ink.rar2.jpg) | Description: japanese, loli with very small tits, tentacles (bondage), triple anal + vaginal. text-only pages at the end (separate story though). self-fingering, vaginal sex, hands-tied, egg vibrators in vag. |
>> | Anonymous 1mar2011(tu)23:25 No.378 OP P23 - Pretty x Pretty (C66).rar2.jpg) | Description: japanese, loli with tits, tentacles (bondage), dual anal, finger vag, kissing, two girls (one with bigger tits), no guys, wanking clit so it becomes clit penis, fucking/sucking clit-penis |
>> | Anonymous 1mar2011(tu)23:35 No.379 OP P24 - White Passion.rar2.jpg) | Description: jap, maid punish, big tits, rope-suspense-bondage, "spikes" (rods?) into nipples (not piercings), pain, electric-torture, huge dildo (ass), breast-milking, nipple-whip, vag-sex, tit-fucking, monoglove |
>> | Anonymous 2mar2011(we)21:51 No.384 A P25R5didnt know ohta did this much, very nice OP |
>> | Anonymous 3mar2011(th)23:27 No.411 OP P26R6>>384 there are a couple of CG releases as well. plus a whole bunch of pretty boring hentai manga where there are like 4 pages of only text then 1 page with a full-page image and then 4 more text pages and repeat. the ones posted in this thread are the ones worth fapping to |
>> | Anonymous 4mar2011(fr)03:16 No.424 A P27R7>>411 ah i wished there was even more. this is by far my favorite artist, along with JKP and gorgeous takarada. ya know any others with this kind of extreme style op? |
>> | Anonymous 6mar2011(su)07:55 No.526 OP P28R8Hmm... No, can't think of anyone that is really equivalent with Ohtado sadly. Oyster maybe? He does nice stuff, although not in the same way. Might up some Oyster later, sharing in this way was pretty fun (though time consuming). |
>> | Anonymous 10apr2011(su)20:34 No.1011 B P29R9I fap at the speed of light with Takeshi Ohta. Awesome pee hole fuck fetish. |
>> | Anonymous 25nov2011(fr)20:18 No.2780 C P30R10 |
>> | Anonymous 1dec2011(th)21:29 No.2797 OP P31R11 |
>> | Anonymous 6dec2011(tu)16:12 No.2809 C P32R12It has not been found yet. I want too. |