Once upon a time there was this magnificent computer. It was called the Commodore 64. Used by millions of users, it was one of the (if not) the most popular 8-bit home computers. The Commodore 64 was famous for it's sound capabilities, made possible by the SID-chip. These were outstanding compared to everything else on the 8-bit computer market. Compared to current technology however, the chip was limited. Many little musical masterpieces were written for the SID-chip, but because of the limited technology they might not sound as good as the author had wanted. Years later, some long time Commodore 64-fans started remixing the musical masterpieces once written for the SID-chip with new, much more powerful equipment. This torrent contains the top 10-rated remixes of Commodore 64-songs of the years 2000 - 2009. It is based on user rated charts on http://www.remix64.com/ as of 2 January 2010. Note: it seems that the top 10 of year 2000 in the Remix64-charts, is actually the top 10 of the years 1998-2000. Enjoy these masterpieces! (Dedicated to all great Commodore 64 composers and the remixing community!) ((Text copied from bestofc64.txt inside the torrent.)) Link description: A link to Remix64; a C64 and Amiga Music Remix Community. 
| Description: 100 C64 remixes from 1998-2009. |