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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

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Age: 4816.37d   Health: 100%   Posters: 4   Posts: 118   Replies: 8   Files: 110+311

>>Anonymous  4jan2012(we)01:31  No.2922  OP  P1
The Pixiv Thread

This is where I share rared images of artists I have found on the Japanese site - a popular community for Asian people that likes to draw.

The RAR archives I'll upload will have a name that follows this pattern:
<original-artist-name> (<pixiv-member-id-number>) <artist-name-in-english>.rar

The original artist name is often some Japanese symbols that we NORMAL people can't comprehend. That's why I've transated the artist name into English and put it at the end of the file name. If I know the English version of the artist name I'll use it but most often I don't so I'll just use Google translate to make the Japanese name more sensible. The member ID can be used to go to the artist on Pixiv, for example if the ID is 1234 the URL to the artist profile is:

The images in the archive all follow this file name pattern:
<translated-title> - <illustration-id>.<extension>

The image title is set by the artist themselves, but very often in Japanese. That's why I've used Google translate to fix all titles into glorious English so that the whole world can make sense of them. The image ID number is also in the file name because it may be useful to some people.

As for the images themselves, well... I decide what I keep. This is NOT full collections of every image that the artist has made. First of all I only keep images of the R-18 (adult) and R-18G (grosteque) variant. That is, those that the artist themselves have set to R-18/R-18G. Maybe one or two clean image is kept. If it's very good. Second of all I delete duplicate images. Don't freak out if for instance it looks like an image is missing from a series - it just means that the image was a dupe and exists somewhere else, it was probably just a near blank filler image. Pointless images are also removed if I think it has little value. Thirdly I delete gay images because I'm not a fag. I'll keep chicks with dicks most of the time unless they gross me out too much. Pixiv is swarming with dickgirls, sometimes it feels like Japan is trying hard to turn everyone into a homo.

The artists I choose to RAR of course depends on my personal interests. I like bondage and more special kinds of porn. Unusual fetishes... Plain sex is boring. If you have an Pixiv artist you like feel free to post a link and I'll check him out, if I like what I see I'll make a RAR with his stuff.

If you want to you can upload your own Pixiv collections here of course, this is by no means a one-man thread. We'll see how much I bother to post here but after writing this ridiculously long introduction I better make at least a few posts before I abandon the project.

Link description: The pixiv site...

>>Anonymous  4jan2012(we)02:18  No.2923  OP  P2
Let's begin. No special reason why I start with this one.

まる椅子 (171138) Round chair.rar (6.35 MiB)
Unpacked: 6.44 MiB. Files: 31. Directories: 0. Images: 31.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: lolis, focus on clitories, tentacles, forced stimulation

>>Anonymous  4jan2012(we)02:33  No.2924  OP  P3
np (7199).rar * (27.54 MiB)
Unpacked: 27.88 MiB. Files: 216. Directories: 0. Images: 216.
Contains: JPG, GIF <LIST>

Description: loli, sketch-drawstyle, bondage/non-bondage

>>Anonymous  4jan2012(we)02:36  No.2925  OP  P4
腸焼き (1041129) Grilled intestine.rar * (13.04 MiB)
Unpacked: 13.43 MiB. Files: 39. Directories: 0. Images: 39.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: bondage (ropes, leather suits with locks, straps, masks, corsette, gags), forced stimulation, a little self-bondage

>>Anonymous  4jan2012(we)02:51  No.2926  OP  P5
酉寅 (321498) Tiger Rooster.rar * (23.13 MiB)
Unpacked: 23.33 MiB. Files: 114. Directories: 0. Images: 114.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: anal focus, only a little bondage

>>Anonymous  4jan2012(we)03:14  No.2927  OP  P6
I like the simple art in this one. As long as you have good ideas you don't have to draw like a god.

fishyfish (2679660).rar * (18.73 MiB)
Unpacked: 19.1 MiB. Files: 236. Directories: 0. Images: 236.
Contains: PNG <LIST>

Description: bondage, slime, trapping/traps, straps, masks, gags, blindfolds, girls-that-cannot-move, tentacles, latex, mumification, vacuum, tubes. Magic?

>>Anonymous  4jan2012(we)03:24  No.2928-2929  OP  P7-8
lithla (4957).rar * (37.87 MiB)
Unpacked: 38.31 MiB. Files: 157. Directories: 0. Images: 157.
Contains: JPG, PNG <LIST>

Description: loli, catgirls!, bondage, clit stimulation (forced and non), eggvibrators

>>Anonymous  4jan2012(we)03:32  No.2930  OP  P9
Madoc (1654413).rar * (51.15 MiB)
Unpacked: 51.66 MiB. Files: 269. Directories: 0. Images: 269.
Contains: JPG, GIF <LIST>

Description: incest (family fun), love and happy sex, English (not everything but a lot)

>>Anonymous  4jan2012(we)03:47  No.2931  OP  P10
Sometimes when I think an image is way too big (over/around 1 mb) I will convert it to a smaller file size. Like I did in this archive. The original 48 images took 60 mb of space (!), after I had converted them the 48 images only takes 15 mb.

And I converted them to lossless PNG files too, I didn't reduce the quality at all. The artist probably exported the images (also PNG) with too much in-depth info, like color details about every layer and so on.

They can draw but they aren't so good with computers, bless their hearts.

わらびもちもちお (240454) Straw Bimochimochio.rar * (15.82 MiB)
Unpacked: 15.82 MiB. Files: 48. Directories: 0. Images: 48.
Contains: PNG <LIST>

Description: rough sex, a little bondage and a little blood

>>Anonymous  4jan2012(we)03:59  No.2932  OP  P11
3DCG Fans (673299).rar * (55.59 MiB)
Unpacked: 58.08 MiB. Files: 225. Directories: 0. Images: 225.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: 3D, dickgirls (only!), bondage, slave-master, forced stimulation, the same two dickgirls in all pics

>>Anonymous  4jan2012(we)04:04  No.2933  OP  P12
イ直 (531490) Direct interface.rar * (44.67 MiB)
Unpacked: 45.83 MiB. Files: 88. Directories: 0. Images: 88.
Contains: JPG, PNG <LIST>

Description: scat, body hair, fucking/bj, big tits (and smaller tits)

>>Anonymous  4jan2012(we)04:06  No.2934  OP  P13
カルシファー (782467) Lucifer force.rar (5.64 MiB)
Unpacked: 5.72 MiB. Files: 34. Directories: 0. Images: 34.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: bondage (chains/prison), humping against objects, wooden horse

>>Anonymous  4jan2012(we)04:17  No.2935  OP  P14
お風呂掃除にピカリン (398106) The cleaning bath Pikarin.rar * (11.81 MiB)
Unpacked: 12.03 MiB. Files: 67. Directories: 0. Images: 67.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: fucking, some loli, some non-loli. most remarkable pics are a cuntboy and a cumshot on a Nintendo DS game

>>Anonymous  4jan2012(we)04:26  No.2936  OP  P15
プロ猿ファー・ゴル (10264) Professional monkey Fagoru.rar * (12.59 MiB)
Unpacked: 12.82 MiB. Files: 101. Directories: 0. Images: 101.
Contains: PNG, JPG <LIST>

Description: mostly loli, posing, mspaint/oekaki-style, band aid

>>Anonymous  4jan2012(we)04:45  No.2937  OP  P16
Jacky (2611590).rar * (23.33 MiB)
Unpacked: 24.83 MiB. Files: 96. Directories: 0. Images: 96.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: Tentacles! Rape! Forced stimulation!

>>Anonymous  4jan2012(we)04:52  No.2938  OP  P17
嵯峨野 美都 (49216) Mei Du Sagano.rar (9.32 MiB)
Unpacked: 9.44 MiB. Files: 57. Directories: 0. Images: 57.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: tickling, teasing, forced stimulation. belly-button fetish?

>>Anonymous  4jan2012(we)08:27  No.2941  A  P18R1
Thank you so much. :3
>>Anonymous  4jan2012(we)19:11  No.2953  OP  P19R2
You're welcome! Here are some more.

えずろく (1698) For example Zuro sure.rar * (13.11 MiB)
Unpacked: 13.37 MiB. Files: 44. Directories: 0. Images: 44.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: a few muscle girls, a few bondage, a few piercings

>>Anonymous  4jan2012(we)19:13  No.2954  OP  P20
tyoujiya (201462).rar (3.08 MiB)
Unpacked: 3.09 MiB. Files: 34. Directories: 0. Images: 34.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: Main theme is abused girls.

>>Anonymous  4jan2012(we)19:26  No.2955  OP  P21
えと (685000) Well.rar * (41.39 MiB)
Unpacked: 42.31 MiB. Files: 545. Directories: 0. Images: 545.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: CG-style (same scenes with a little change), Guro. Miku Hatsune.

>>Anonymous  4jan2012(we)19:30  No.2956  OP  P22
ヴァナナ俺 (1106106) I Vanana.rar (6.32 MiB)
Unpacked: 6.54 MiB. Files: 17. Directories: 0. Images: 17.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: forced stimulation, special dildos, bondage

>>Anonymous  4jan2012(we)19:52  No.2957  OP  P23
胡河@土下座のスフィア (39283) Hu @ kneeling down on t...rar * (31.93 MiB)
Unpacked: 32.91 MiB. Files: 162. Directories: 0. Images: 162.
Contains: JPG, GIF <LIST>

Description: some guro, some stimulation, some bondage... manga (hentai) stories (japanese)

>>Anonymous  4jan2012(we)19:57  No.2958-2959  OP  P24-25
鬼瓦しゃる (876213) The pug-ugly Yaru.rar * (17.25 MiB)
Unpacked: 17.98 MiB. Files: 59. Directories: 0. Images: 59.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: fucking sucking anal. bondage, forced stimulation. one or two dickgirls. loli and non-loli

>>Anonymous  4jan2012(we)19:57  No.2960  OP  P26
隼人 (102481) Hayato.rar (1.24 MiB)
Unpacked: 1.38 MiB. Files: 11. Directories: 0. Images: 11.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: girls... some bondage. a tentacle pic

>>Anonymous  4jan2012(we)20:29  No.2961-2962  OP  P27-28
阿★凡 (39265) Ah Bon ★ (Secret Museum).rar * (98.78 MiB)
Unpacked: 100.2 MiB. Files: 254. Directories: 0. Images: 254.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: loli, bondage, gags, corsette, collar, leather/latex, torture. Clever and creative stuff!

>>Anonymous  6jan2012(fr)01:30  No.2973  OP  P29
keny (2572032).rar (1.81 MiB)
Unpacked: 1.83 MiB. Files: 14. Directories: 0. Images: 14.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: large insertion, guro (non-gore)

>>Anonymous  6jan2012(fr)01:33  No.2974  OP  P30
オメヨカン (450430) Omeyokan.rar * (11.29 MiB)
Unpacked: 11.35 MiB. Files: 28. Directories: 0. Images: 28.
Contains: PNG <LIST>

Description: bondage (ropes on body), catgirls

>>Anonymous  6jan2012(fr)01:35  No.2975  OP  P31
野良ヒグマ (22445) Stray bear.rar (4.02 MiB)
Unpacked: 4.55 MiB. Files: 35. Directories: 0. Images: 35.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: focus is on the breasts

>>Anonymous  6jan2012(fr)01:51  No.2976  OP  P32
葵そーじ (1108253) Its Ji Aoi.rar * (18.71 MiB)
Unpacked: 18.92 MiB. Files: 175. Directories: 0. Images: 175.
Contains: JPG, PNG <LIST>

Description: forced masturbation, tentacles/aliens/creatures, clit-teasing

>>Anonymous  7jan2012(sa)12:21  No.2981  OP  P33
Thanks to *magic* I have now successfully been able to lower the file size of most images by 50-60% without reducing their quality by a noticable degree. This means more hentai on less disk space, and less time to download it!

Qazieru (241930).rar * (23.77 MiB)
Unpacked: 25.19 MiB. Files: 90. Directories: 0. Images: 90.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: piercings, guro-gore (also clean), loli/huge-breasted non-loli, dildos

>>Anonymous  7jan2012(sa)12:24  No.2982  OP  P34
鉛筆 (14007) Pencil.rar (3.89 MiB)
Unpacked: 3.99 MiB. Files: 42. Directories: 0. Images: 42.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: lesbians, older + younger girls (incest-sisters?), bondage/slave and master

>>Anonymous  7jan2012(sa)12:30  No.2983  OP  P35
東太子 (3226070) Dong Tai child.rar * (14.49 MiB)
Unpacked: 14.66 MiB. Files: 74. Directories: 0. Images: 74.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: tit-sucking (sucking on breasts), older men (grandpas) with younger girls

>>Anonymous  7jan2012(sa)13:54  No.2984  OP  P36
ダイヤモンド一番星 (2088771) Number one star diamond.rar (2.28 MiB)
Unpacked: 2.29 MiB. Files: 11. Directories: 0. Images: 11.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: plump girls (fat girls/fatties), a little dick girl, a little ballgag

>>Anonymous  7jan2012(sa)14:02  No.2985  OP  P37
hun (516768).rar * (16.5 MiB)
Unpacked: 16.61 MiB. Files: 91. Directories: 0. Images: 91.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: guro, tentacle monsters, braineat/eyefuck, hitting

>>Anonymous  7jan2012(sa)14:14  No.2986  OP  P38
This guy has made the only couple of animated PNG files that exist on the planet (almost). And they are really good! The animated PNG format never catched on and has little support today, most people doesn't even know it exist.

MARS-G (1162902).rar * (42.5 MiB)
Unpacked: 47.66 MiB. Files: 125. Directories: 0. Images: 125.
Contains: JPG, PNG <LIST>

Description: electrocution torture, chairs/straps (bondage machines), animated PNG, a lot of japanese text (details)

>>Anonymous  7jan2012(sa)14:20  No.2987  OP  P39
丸 (2999346) Circle.rar (9.21 MiB)
Unpacked: 9.32 MiB. Files: 46. Directories: 0. Images: 46.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: rape (abusing girls), gory guro

>>Anonymous  7jan2012(sa)14:29  No.2988  OP  P40
leda886 (2678781).rar (6.69 MiB)
Unpacked: 6.91 MiB. Files: 21. Directories: 0. Images: 21.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: alien/moster/tentacles

>>Anonymous  7jan2012(sa)14:32  No.2989  OP  P41
joe randel (315375).rar (4.34 MiB)
Unpacked: 4.48 MiB. Files: 39. Directories: 0. Images: 39.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: furry and half-furry. but not weird furry.

>>Anonymous  9jan2012(mo)01:56  No.3006  OP  P42
あはし@ラフ (3361801) There chopsticks @ Rough.rar (6.54 MiB)
Unpacked: 6.66 MiB. Files: 61. Directories: 0. Images: 61.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: stretching of vagina, large insertions, loli, black-and-white images

>>Anonymous  9jan2012(mo)02:05  No.3007  OP  P43
nnS 音速モーモン (38751) sonic Momon nnS.rar * (37.45 MiB)
Unpacked: 37.8 MiB. Files: 246. Directories: 0. Images: 246.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: belly-button and stomach focus, guro (gore)

>>Anonymous  9jan2012(mo)02:07  No.3008-3009  OP  P44-45
tsepesi (52966).rar (9.09 MiB)
Unpacked: 9.12 MiB. Files: 73. Directories: 0. Images: 73.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: guro (bloody gore)

>>Anonymous  9jan2012(mo)02:16  No.3010  OP  P46
HARU (564941).rar * (25.44 MiB)
Unpacked: 25.85 MiB. Files: 91. Directories: 0. Images: 91.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: lucky star (anime), tentacles, some bondage

>>Anonymous  9jan2012(mo)02:21  No.3011  OP  P47
ぬるりゅん (6448) Kyun Nururi.rar * (11.27 MiB)
Unpacked: 11.58 MiB. Files: 53. Directories: 0. Images: 53.
Contains: JPG, PNG <LIST>

Description: tentacles, slime, bondage, a little bit of drugs

>>Anonymous  9jan2012(mo)02:24  No.3012  OP  P48
Kまに (909639) Between K.rar (4.75 MiB)
Unpacked: 4.78 MiB. Files: 20. Directories: 0. Images: 20.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: rough forced clit stimulation

>>Anonymous  9jan2012(mo)02:28  No.3013  OP  P49
TNSK (74093).rar (5.04 MiB)
Unpacked: 5.16 MiB. Files: 20. Directories: 0. Images: 20.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: a bit of domination/slave theme (perhaps?), pretty clean apart from some bondage

>>Anonymous  9jan2012(mo)02:31  No.3014  OP  P50
拡張 (3973) Expansion.rar (4.41 MiB)
Unpacked: 4.91 MiB. Files: 36. Directories: 0. Images: 36.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: big insertions, loli, bondage

>>Anonymous  9jan2012(mo)02:33  No.3015  OP  P51
柿沢雄里 (1281) Kakizawa male ri.rar (2.8 MiB)
Unpacked: 2.8 MiB. Files: 19. Directories: 0. Images: 19.
Contains: JPG, PNG <LIST>

Description: "girls that has lost", tentacles, rape

>>Anonymous  9jan2012(mo)02:37  No.3016  OP  P52
はー (3304524) Is over.rar (8.45 MiB)
Unpacked: 8.51 MiB. Files: 78. Directories: 0. Images: 78.
Contains: JPG, PNG <LIST>

Description: extreme guro (very gory), cutting/slicing/skinning

>>Anonymous  9jan2012(mo)02:40  No.3017  OP  P53
SaTaN@大⑨州5 C-30 (1732922) ⑨ SaTaN @ 5 C in lar...rar (6.79 MiB)
Unpacked: 6.8 MiB. Files: 26. Directories: 0. Images: 26.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: bondage with vibrators (forced clit stimulation), wooden horse

>>Anonymous  9jan2012(mo)02:44  No.3018  OP  P54
藍夜@土曜日ナ-50b (220396) Saturday Night Ai Na @-50b.rar (6.79 MiB)
Unpacked: 6.85 MiB. Files: 34. Directories: 0. Images: 34.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: making girls cum seems to be the central theme

>>Anonymous  9jan2012(mo)02:47  No.3019  OP  P55
dingil (2947919).rar (6.65 MiB)
Unpacked: 6.67 MiB. Files: 20. Directories: 0. Images: 20.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: pussy abuse, guro

>>Anonymous  9jan2012(mo)03:01  No.3020  OP  P56
あばばばば (1499182) There joker joker.rar * (29.79 MiB)
Unpacked: 30.21 MiB. Files: 68. Directories: 0. Images: 68.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: bondage, dickgirls (not exclusively), guro (gore/a little scat), group sex, piercings

>>Anonymous  9jan2012(mo)03:01  No.3021  OP  P57
That's 50 Pixiv artists I've shared so far in total. I might keep going if there still seems to be any interest.
>>Anonymous  29jan2012(su)14:45  No.3127  B  P58R3
Mimikaki Miyahara

From this particular artist I got several fine pics, and a thumbnail overview.
His name should be Mimikaki Miyahara, my collection of his art is about 92 (including yours;).
Here's the thumbnail overview (I marked those I have) making my mouth watering for more...

>>Anonymous  29jan2012(su)18:17  No.3128  OP  P59R4
Could you upload your collection, please? Start a new thread here in /res/ with Mimikaki Miyahara as the topic, RAR your images and upload the RAR archive. I'm now also very interested in more.

I'll look around and see what I can find by Mimikaki Miyahara and then I'll upload it to your thread.

>>Anonymous  29jan2012(su)21:04  No.3129  B  P60R5
well I tried 3 times; first time I was rejected because there were 3 read-only files in my .rar file; second time the speed went from about 120 kbyte/s to 350 Byte/s then stopped and told me that there were only 8 MB transmitted instead of 9.8 MB.
Third time it didn't even start to upload:(

Any idea?

>>Anonymous  30jan2012(mo)01:13  No.3131  OP  P61R6
You have to follow the pointers in the FAQ to make sure the archive is OK. The trouble with the transfer is just to keep trying...

But I see that you have already successfully uploaded in another thread. Cheers!

>>Anonymous  6feb2012(mo)00:16  No.3162  OP  P62
Some people on another chan that I linked here wanted me to continue uploading, so I'll do that.

mama (10358).rar * (41.41 MiB)
Unpacked: 45.08 MiB. Files: 193. Directories: 0. Images: 193.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: cum hungry women, fucking machines/chastity belts (forced stimulation), a little bondage, big mama boobies

>>Anonymous  6feb2012(mo)00:19  No.3163  OP  P63
chomes (313187).rar * (14.71 MiB)
Unpacked: 14.87 MiB. Files: 58. Directories: 0. Images: 58.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: loli manga (young, toddler?), dildos, some tentacles

>>Anonymous  6feb2012(mo)00:21  No.3164  OP  P64
DigDug (491101).rar * (13.14 MiB)
Unpacked: 13.16 MiB. Files: 25. Directories: 0. Images: 25.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: fighting women, tentacles, some bondage

>>Anonymous  6feb2012(mo)00:23  No.3165  OP  P65
るー (116535) Lumpur.rar * (13.26 MiB)
Unpacked: 13.45 MiB. Files: 45. Directories: 0. Images: 45.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: plump girls, guro

>>Anonymous  6feb2012(mo)00:24  No.3166  OP  P66
ダム (514111) Dam.rar * (11.8 MiB)
Unpacked: 11.99 MiB. Files: 66. Directories: 0. Images: 66.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: focus on weird facial expression?

>>Anonymous  6feb2012(mo)00:30  No.3167  OP  P67
さこ (209841) Sako.rar * (89.7 MiB)
Unpacked: 91.12 MiB. Files: 312. Directories: 0. Images: 312.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: plump/fat women with big tits, cg stories (japanese), body hair, body writing

>>Anonymous  6feb2012(mo)00:33  No.3168  OP  P68
ありえす渡辺 (227512) The probable Watanabe.rar (4.49 MiB)
Unpacked: 4.51 MiB. Files: 22. Directories: 0. Images: 22.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: sweet faces? i dunno

>>Anonymous  6feb2012(mo)00:36  No.3169  OP  P69
ほねほね (44533) I almost bone.rar * (13.33 MiB)
Unpacked: 13.75 MiB. Files: 126. Directories: 0. Images: 126.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: cg style (small changes), large insertions, electo, catgirl, loli, boobies, rope bondage

>>Anonymous  6feb2012(mo)00:37  No.3170  OP  P70
きづきあきづき (6892) Awareness aware there.rar (7.45 MiB)
Unpacked: 7.57 MiB. Files: 68. Directories: 0. Images: 68.
Contains: JPG, PNG <LIST>

Description: a little bit of tentacles, furry, loli, guro, bondage

>>Anonymous  6feb2012(mo)00:40  No.3171  OP  P71
izumi (577515) izumi.rar * (13.42 MiB)
Unpacked: 13.42 MiB. Files: 91. Directories: 0. Images: 91.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: virgin rape, cg stories (lots of japanese text)

>>Anonymous  6feb2012(mo)00:55  No.3172  OP  P72
パンダ♂ (1586570) Panda Male.rar * (18.41 MiB)
Unpacked: 18.45 MiB. Files: 59. Directories: 0. Images: 59.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: nipple fucking, big breasts, anal

>>Anonymous  7feb2012(tu)01:17  No.3179  OP  P73
ti☆ (473275).rar * (25.55 MiB)
Unpacked: 25.82 MiB. Files: 105. Directories: 0. Images: 105.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: stories (japanese), a lot of text, some very skinny girls (anorexic)

>>Anonymous  7feb2012(tu)01:19  No.3180  OP  P74
じょるでぃ (614375) Same Yorudi.rar * (17.71 MiB)
Unpacked: 17.85 MiB. Files: 45. Directories: 0. Images: 45.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: bondage, slugs/worms, public punishment of prisoner

>>Anonymous  7feb2012(tu)01:23  No.3181  OP  P75
habatakuhituji (2835177).rar * (63.55 MiB)
Unpacked: 64.08 MiB. Files: 468. Directories: 0. Images: 468.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: pussy/tit abuse, clit stimulation, lots of japanese text, scat, cg style, pokemon/digimon

>>Anonymous  7feb2012(tu)01:29  No.3182  OP  P76
izumi (577515).rar * (11.77 MiB)
Unpacked: 11.76 MiB. Files: 85. Directories: 0. Images: 85.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: rape stories (japanese text all over the place)

>>Anonymous  7feb2012(tu)01:34  No.3183  OP  P77
おっサン (411751) Oh Sun.rar (4.88 MiB)
Unpacked: 4.89 MiB. Files: 32. Directories: 0. Images: 32.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: slave girls

>>Anonymous  7feb2012(tu)01:34  No.3184  OP  P78
ぽこにゃん (2408551) I can Nya port.rar (9.28 MiB)
Unpacked: 9.29 MiB. Files: 32. Directories: 0. Images: 32.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: guro (blood and abuse), needles, electro

>>Anonymous  7feb2012(tu)01:34  No.3185  OP  P79
ぶち少年 (49966) Juvenile spotted.rar (7.03 MiB)
Unpacked: 7.19 MiB. Files: 101. Directories: 0. Images: 101.
Contains: JPG, PNG <LIST>

Description: erect clitoris

>>Anonymous  7feb2012(tu)01:42  No.3186  OP  P80
渕田杏 (83950) Mabuchi apricot fields.rar (9.1 MiB)
Unpacked: 9.15 MiB. Files: 41. Directories: 0. Images: 41.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: guro (spikes, needles, blood)

>>Anonymous  7feb2012(tu)01:42  No.3187  OP  P81
haishicainiao (291739).rar (2.43 MiB)
Unpacked: 2.59 MiB. Files: 9. Directories: 0. Images: 9.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: blindfold and ballgag

>>Anonymous  7feb2012(tu)01:42  No.3188  OP  P82
たお (51499) Tail.rar * (32.13 MiB)
Unpacked: 33.03 MiB. Files: 251. Directories: 0. Images: 251.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: big breasted women, naruto

>>Anonymous  7feb2012(tu)02:02  No.3189  OP  P83
Ops, uploaded izumi twice... the second time was after I removed some images that I thought weren't worthy enough to keep. Images I had missed the first time I checked.
>>Anonymous  8feb2012(we)00:26  No.3197  OP  P84
紙魚丸 (9728) Round bookworm.rar (6.22 MiB)
Unpacked: 6.35 MiB. Files: 59. Directories: 0. Images: 59.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: bondage, slimey things, "normal" stuff

>>Anonymous  8feb2012(we)00:26  No.3198  OP  P85
ふりすく (1252361) Pretend Suku.rar (4.71 MiB)
Unpacked: 4.72 MiB. Files: 32. Directories: 0. Images: 32.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: urethra tube, bondage

>>Anonymous  8feb2012(we)00:26  No.3199  OP  P86
きいろいたまご (1218369) Egg Yellow.rar (3.49 MiB)
Unpacked: 3.55 MiB. Files: 25. Directories: 0. Images: 25.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: some bondage, some rape, some nipple-pinching, some breasts

>>Anonymous  8feb2012(we)00:29  No.3200  OP  P87
六兎 (63726) Six rabbits.rar (7.96 MiB)
Unpacked: 7.99 MiB. Files: 49. Directories: 0. Images: 49.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: spanking/whipping, girls with stomach muscles

>>Anonymous  8feb2012(we)00:29  No.3201  OP  P88
だらだらンパダ (70901) Npada doodling.rar (4.71 MiB)
Unpacked: 4.73 MiB. Files: 79. Directories: 0. Images: 79.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: worms, almost only just one story

>>Anonymous  8feb2012(we)00:29  No.3202  OP  P89
さむわん (2239065) Osamu Wan.rar (4.14 MiB)
Unpacked: 4.23 MiB. Files: 32. Directories: 0. Images: 32.
Contains: JPG, PNG <LIST>

Description: cunt punt (vagina hitting)

>>Anonymous  8feb2012(we)00:34  No.3203  OP  P90
おぐ(笑) (136937) Us immediately laughs.rar * (14.94 MiB)
Unpacked: 15.15 MiB. Files: 68. Directories: 0. Images: 68.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: little lolis, fake doctor woman, pee hole focus (urethra)

>>Anonymous  8feb2012(we)00:34  No.3204  OP  P91
karakure (591749).rar (3.44 MiB)
Unpacked: 3.46 MiB. Files: 25. Directories: 0. Images: 25.
Contains: JPG, PNG <LIST>

Description: guro (amputation)

>>Anonymous  8feb2012(we)00:34  No.3205  OP  P92
uoʇlゑɟ puoɯʎoɹゑ (2462174).rar * (18.69 MiB)
Unpacked: 18.93 MiB. Files: 35. Directories: 0. Images: 35.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: focus on camera recording (loli)

>>Anonymous  8feb2012(we)00:40  No.3206  OP  P93
gammatelier (459043).rar (6.83 MiB)
Unpacked: 7.12 MiB. Files: 40. Directories: 0. Images: 40.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: half-lite guro (daruma, girls missing limbs), some half-woman-half-animal pics

>>Anonymous  9feb2012(th)03:17  No.3209  OP  P94
b.b (32893).rar (9.79 MiB)
Unpacked: 9.97 MiB. Files: 159. Directories: 0. Images: 159.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: tight rope bondage, ballgags and other gags, egg vibrators

>>Anonymous  9feb2012(th)03:17  No.3210  OP  P95
gui (3799298).rar (1.74 MiB)
Unpacked: 1.76 MiB. Files: 7. Directories: 0. Images: 7.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: a loli getting her pussy stabbed by a sword (guro), few images

>>Anonymous  9feb2012(th)03:17  No.3211  OP  P96
kaiga (117753).rar (8.29 MiB)
Unpacked: 8.33 MiB. Files: 59. Directories: 0. Images: 59.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: pretty normal teen sex... not counting the guro pictures (death, eyes/pussy stitched shut, hanging, drowning, shot in the head, spiked)

>>Anonymous  9feb2012(th)03:23  No.3212  OP  P97
火星人 (2474666) Martian.rar (4.68 MiB)
Unpacked: 4.75 MiB. Files: 44. Directories: 0. Images: 44.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: guro (gore/vore), tentacles/monsters, huge dicks ramming small holes

>>Anonymous  9feb2012(th)03:23  No.3213  OP  P98
本澤友一郎@七竈アンノ (524533) This furnace seven Anno...rar (8.55 MiB)
Unpacked: 8.67 MiB. Files: 63. Directories: 0. Images: 63.
Contains: PNG, JPG <LIST>

Description: well-drawn and delicious lolicon

>>Anonymous  9feb2012(th)03:23  No.3214  OP  P99
悪の東丈 (3130) Length east of the evil.rar (582.2 KiB)
Unpacked: 582.8 KiB. Files: 5. Directories: 0. Images: 5.
Contains: JPG, PNG <LIST>

Description: only five images... sonic, nipple fuck, bondage

>>Anonymous  9feb2012(th)03:26  No.3215  OP  P100
しのべ (3308) Shinobe.rar * (11.1 MiB)
Unpacked: 11.32 MiB. Files: 64. Directories: 0. Images: 64.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: furry, light furry, non-furry. some annoying censorship on a few pics

>>Anonymous  9feb2012(th)03:26  No.3216  OP  P101
たかさか (207060) I was Taka.rar (7.39 MiB)
Unpacked: 7.44 MiB. Files: 49. Directories: 0. Images: 49.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: candle wax, blowjobs, bondage/rape

>>Anonymous  9feb2012(th)03:26  No.3217  OP  P102
たらやま (10385) And cod or.rar (2.81 MiB)
Unpacked: 2.89 MiB. Files: 18. Directories: 0. Images: 18.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: mostly posing, nothing special to mention

>>Anonymous  9feb2012(th)03:30  No.3218  OP  P103
noise (15550).rar * (38.78 MiB)
Unpacked: 39.81 MiB. Files: 210. Directories: 0. Images: 210.
Contains: JPG, PNG <LIST>

Description: mostly normal stuff with focus on big breasts. but also loli, tit-hitting and amputee (light guro)

>>Anonymous  10feb2012(fr)00:43  No.3220  OP  P104
hamoto (88389).rar * (16.56 MiB)
Unpacked: 17.78 MiB. Files: 36. Directories: 0. Images: 36.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: hit-girl from the movie kick ass, pissing/cumming

>>Anonymous  10feb2012(fr)00:43  No.3221  OP  P105
アラワタ牧場午前7時2分 (1955453) 2 minutes at 7 AM ran...rar (4.45 MiB)
Unpacked: 4.46 MiB. Files: 18. Directories: 0. Images: 18.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: slimey monsters, tentacles

>>Anonymous  10feb2012(fr)00:43  No.3222  OP  P106
土蔵 (777689) Godown (Papermania).rar (4.81 MiB)
Unpacked: 4.99 MiB. Files: 23. Directories: 0. Images: 23.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: slave/master, bondage, forced stimulation

>>Anonymous  10feb2012(fr)00:46  No.3223  OP  P107
INDEE (2636).rar (4.59 MiB)
Unpacked: 4.63 MiB. Files: 64. Directories: 0. Images: 64.
Contains: JPG, PNG <LIST>

Description: loli bondage rape, piercings, vibrators

>>Anonymous  10feb2012(fr)00:46  No.3224  OP  P108
じぇいさん (67472) Eisan same.rar * (15.89 MiB)
Unpacked: 16.05 MiB. Files: 66. Directories: 0. Images: 66.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: tentacles, stories in japanese

>>Anonymous  10feb2012(fr)00:46  No.3225  OP  P109
皮縞 (3085283) Leather stripes.rar (2.1 MiB)
Unpacked: 2.26 MiB. Files: 40. Directories: 0. Images: 40.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: the same loli girl tied up in different positions

>>Anonymous  10feb2012(fr)00:49  No.3226  OP  P110
MOMO・腿 九郎 (900914) MOMO Thigh pain.rar * (15.78 MiB)
Unpacked: 15.88 MiB. Files: 78. Directories: 0. Images: 78.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: caged women, slaves, monsters, tentacles, sold women, tied up with ropes

>>Anonymous  10feb2012(fr)00:49  No.3227  OP  P111
ごん@HR_HM中 (791453) HR_HM not in your @.rar (6.2 MiB)
Unpacked: 6.21 MiB. Files: 26. Directories: 0. Images: 26.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: 3D lolis tied up in bondage devices/fucking machines, some S&M

>>Anonymous  10feb2012(fr)00:49  No.3228  OP  P112
内々けやき (557089) Keyaki confidential.rar * (20.83 MiB)
Unpacked: 21.56 MiB. Files: 87. Directories: 0. Images: 87.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: mostly just posing...

>>Anonymous  10feb2012(fr)00:56  No.3229  OP  P113
zion (731049).rar * (22.86 MiB)
Unpacked: 23.02 MiB. Files: 111. Directories: 0. Images: 111.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: huge titties, long nipples, plump/fat girls, weird facial expression, lesbian, girl-with-dickgirl

>>Anonymous  10feb2012(fr)00:56  No.3230  OP  P114
イケン (23119) Opinion.rar * (11.81 MiB)
Unpacked: 11.97 MiB. Files: 74. Directories: 0. Images: 74.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: guro (chopping, vore), loli, tentacles/odd animals

>>Anonymous  10feb2012(fr)00:56  No.3231  OP  P115
モニカノ (242010) Monikano.rar * (63.48 MiB)
Unpacked: 63.79 MiB. Files: 138. Directories: 0. Images: 138.
Contains: JPG, PNG, GIF <LIST>

Description: bondage, running a line with knots/balls against a girls cunt (whatever that fetish can be called), forced stimulation, tentacle monsters, blueprints for devices, group sex, slime

>>Anonymous  31aug2013(sa)00:51  No.8044  OP  P116
Back after a long time of nothing. Someone requested this so I'm just uploading it here and will link him to it... Amazing how calm /res/ has been. I downloaded these images back in April this year btw so some newer images are probably missing from it.

As109 (1910668).rar * (67.71 MiB)
Unpacked: 69.41 MiB. Files: 391. Directories: 0. Images: 391.
Contains: JPG <LIST>

Description: guro, loli, art

>>Anonymous  31aug2013(sa)21:42  No.8049  C  P117R7
Do you know of pixivutil?

You should check it out:

Source code :

Link description: pixivutil - pixiv downloader

>>Anonymous  3sep2013(tu)02:38  No.8056  OP  P118R8
Yeah, that's what I've been using. Good tips for other people though!
Created: 4/1 -2012 01:31:56 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 10:22:23 Server time: 12/03 -2025 11:01:30