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>>Anonymous  17jul2017(mo)19:38  No.51375  OP  P1
Verification Issue

I keep getting this error

"Post not displayed:
No record of your IP was found, this can be fixed by entering another captcha." and then I get to a captcha, enter it and it still doesn't recognize my ip.

I'm not even sure that this thread will get displayed.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  17jul2017(mo)23:52  No.51382  SWF  P2R1
Could it be that you're on a proxy or mobile device or something where your IP changes frequently?
>>Anonymous  18jul2017(tu)08:34  No.51405  OP  P3R2
Well not "mobile" as in a phone, it's a laptop, but I was at a cafe that had internet and I think I went on swfchan during that session. However I tried to post it from my house address, which doesn't change to my knowledge.
Is there a way to access that post or will it forever be stuck in purgatory?
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  18jul2017(tu)12:49  No.51410  SWF  P4R3
I'm sorry but it's gone, I looked but couldn't find a non-spam post pending and old posts are purged after a day. I used to have it as 4 days but so much spam built up that it made it too hard to find legit posts when I had to resolve issues. Have increased the purge timer to 48 hours now.

I know the system is flawed and do plan to rewrite the whole imageboard backbone some day, some year.
Created: 17/7 -2017 19:38:33 Last modified: 5/2 -2025 17:44:10 Server time: 05/02 -2025 17:51:36