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>>Anonymous  12aug2023(sa)10:01  No.99309  OP  P1
Last preview generation failed!

Got this error message in the SWF maker, and it told me to make a post in here.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  12aug2023(sa)19:40  No.99313  SWF  P2R1
Thanks for telling me, the problem was incompatible sampling rate in your input mp3 so it couldn't be placed into the swf file in its original state. It needs to be re-encoded. I've updated the loopmaker to give warnings about it.
If you go back to the "AUDIO" section and re-encode the mp3 then you should be able to finish your loop.
>>Anonymous  21jul2024(su)19:07  No.102007  B  P3R2
After having made a few successful loops earlier on today, I'm getting the same error message as OP with this third try.

I've done a bit of testing to try and narrow down the cause and I'm almost certain it has something to do with the .rar I've made. During the Animate part, the thumbnails for 0 and every eleventh image (22, 33, etc) are out of order even though they should be in order in the .rar.
I started again with a new project to clear any problems and also tested with an earlier uploaded .gif instead of the .rar and used the same audio file. This worked and generated a functioning preview.
I’m guessing I’ve stuffed up the .rar somehow, though it unrar’s without any issue.

I was also curious about a bug I encountered with one of the loops I made earlier. Specifically: Typical%20Episode%20of%20Steven%20Universe%20Summa rised%20in%20a%20Loop.swf
The .gif is a shade of red which is what I saw in the loop preview, but the final loop came out as purple instead. I kinda liked the result so I left it as is, but I thought it worth mentioning just incase!
Created: 12/8 -2023 10:01:45 Last modified: 5/2 -2025 14:24:23 Server time: 05/02 -2025 14:54:06