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Age: 411.47d   Health: 0.98%   Posters: 6   Posts: 8   Replies: 7   Files: 1+1

>>lois griffin  25jan2024(th)23:41  No.100803  OP  P1
Lois griffin degenerate

made a version with chris griffin

Lois Griffin degenerate version.swf (5.7 MiB)
950x950, Compressed (Deflate). 27 frames, 24 fps (00:01).
Ver36, AS3. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]

>>Anonymous  26jan2024(fr)00:54  No.100804  A  P2R1
hell yeah, thanks for this

god i wish eropharoah would get out of prison sometime

>>lois griffin  26jan2024(fr)03:36  No.100805  OP  P3R2
I was gonna commission him for a francine smith addon shame he disappeared.
>>Anonymous  26jan2024(fr)20:50  No.100809  B  P4R3
wait, eropharaoh is in jail? for what?
>>Anonymous  27jan2024(sa)05:24  No.100810  A  P5R4
i don't think it was ever confirmed other than it being non-violent, people theorized some stuff but i don't think anyone knows who he is well enough to know for certain.

Hope he's not dead somehow, he was updating his newgrounds for a little while even from prison but that's stopped I think.

>>Anonymous  27jan2024(sa)17:51  No.100812  C  P6R5
most likely CP
though by "CP" they probably mean art r34 drawings of underage characters
the incest commissions also didn't help his case likely
this is the reason most artists don't dabble in that region even if it is extremely profitable
>>Anonymous  28jan2024(su)01:45  No.100813  D  P7R6
Any speculation is just that, speculation. We don't know for sure.
>>Anonymous  3feb2024(sa)02:46  No.100834  E  P8R7
pretty sure the leading theory is a narcotics charge
Created: 25/1 -2024 23:41:34 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 11:02:41 Server time: 12/03 -2025 11:17:40