Age: 385.85d Health: 16.33% Posters: 9 Posts: 14 Replies: 13 Files: 1+3
>> | Anonymous 20feb2024(tu)14:41 No.100947 OP P1 |
>> | Anonymous 21feb2024(we)16:36 No.100955 A P2R1spam (USER RECEIVED MAXIMUM BAN FOR THIS POST) |
>> | Anonymous 21feb2024(we)17:10 No.100962 OP P3R2 |
>> | Anonymous 22feb2024(th)21:55 No.100969 B P4R3>>100962 for real. can't we report these somehow? |
>> | Anonymous 22feb2024(th)22:17 No.100970 OP P5R4 |
>> | Anonymous 23feb2024(fr)00:35 No.100972 C P6R5I want nuclear war. russians subhuman scum must know what Is radiation posioning. russians are lower than cockroaches lower than shit. |
>> | Anonymous 23feb2024(fr)09:59 No.100973 D P7R6>>100972 not cool. Anarchy and atheism are parents of order, not biden neither zelegoy, so zavali yebalo i idi v stoylo |
>> | Anonymous 23feb2024(fr)12:54 No.100974 E P8R7>>100969 >Main page of fap >Settings >Enter post number in report and reason >??? >Profit!I'm doing my part, are you doing your part? These Russiia based motherfuckers never learn. |
>> | Anonymous 23feb2024(fr)16:46 No.100977 F P9R8>random CP bot spam on a nowhere obsolete technology textboard >anons are going totally nuclear getting their panties in a twist oh hi reddit |
>> | Anonymous 24feb2024(sa)03:51 No.100978 B P10R9 |
>> | Anonymous 24feb2024(sa)07:57 No.100982 C P11R10>>100977 >being against CP spam is... le reddit! complete russian genocide now |
>> | Anonymous 24feb2024(sa)21:37 No.100985 G P12R11I for one welcome the influx of Russophobic remarks recently. |
>> | Anonymous 24feb2024(sa)22:25 No.100987 H P13R12>>100982 Yeah sure, but my point still stands. Go report that shit and don't spam the thread full of OMG GUYS I REPORTED THE SPAM THING AMIDOINITRIIITE? LE CP CRIIINGE |
>> | Anonymous 26feb2024(mo)19:36 No.100998 E P14R13 |