Age: 378.54d Health: 26.59% Posters: 11 Posts: 22 Replies: 21 Files: 1+2
>> | Loona helluva whore 27feb2024(tu)22:10 No.101005 OP P1Loona I commissioned this a year ago and personally edited it. There are also easy hidden scenes. |
>> | Anonymous 28feb2024(we)12:42 No.101014 A P2R1 |
>> | Loona helluva whore 28feb2024(we)20:34 No.101023 OP P3R2dude fuck off. this is a site for cartoon porn no one wants to see your cp. |
>> | Anonymous 28feb2024(we)21:59 No.101024 B P4R3 |
>> | Loona helluva whore 28feb2024(we)22:19 No.101025 OP P5R4unfortunately no more loona scene. i will commission an ankha game next |
>> | Anonymous 29feb2024(th)00:29 No.101026 B P6R5>>101025 I see, oh well. Ankha is good too however so looking forward to that. |
>> | Anonymous 1mar2024(fr)19:27 No.101045 C P7R6 |
>> | Anonymous 15mar2024(fr)18:51 No.101125 D P8R7>>101025 where can we find your works? got any socials? HenFound? FurAff? E621? R34? |
>> | Anonymous 17mar2024(su)18:10 No.101146 OP P9R8the artist is called amara lemur |
>> | Anonymous 19mar2024(tu)14:55 No.101151 E P10R9>>101125 Standards are getting lower by the day, weak coomerbain |
>> | Anonymous 20mar2024(we)17:09 No.101155 F P11R10>>101125 >anon asks for shit furry artist's webpage >Standards are getting lower by the day dial 555-come-on-now let the man have his shitty taste |
>> | Anonymous 22mar2024(fr)18:39 No.101156 OP P12R11any of you talented coder out there able to add plapping and cum noises to this flash game the artist couldn't. |
>> | Anonymous 25mar2024(mo)04:06 No.101179 D P13R12>>101151 I like them all sir, shall I share my standards with you? Zone,TwistedGrim,Minus8,aeolus06,maplestar,Redmoa ,dieselbrain,rainbowscreen,mossyfroot,umetsu yasuomi,masterploxy,aoino broome,StudioFOW,hard-degenerate,hongcha03,omegao zone,smush-sin and every upcoming artist in between, even "shitty" ones. P.S I can't remember the other artists on the top of my head. |
>> | Anonymous 27mar2024(we)18:18 No.101183 E P14R13>>101179 -8 got doxed and the pedophile was driven out of internet. Porn in south korea is illegal, -8 is a self admitted kiddy diddler. It's either suicide or years of prison time for him.I hope you will enjoy shitty recolors of ankha from now on. |
>> | Anonymous 29mar2024(fr)23:17 No.101190 B P15R14>>101183 >doxed Not quite, sharty was only threatening to do so which is what scared him enough to go into hiding. I don't believe there's been any new developments since so he'll probably resurface at some point. |
>> | Anonymous 30mar2024(sa)19:02 No.101194 F P16R15 |
>> | Anonymous 31mar2024(su)06:20 No.101209 G P17R16>>101190 There's a name on their wiki and a call to spread it around, but no addresses or passwords or relatives or anything. |
>> | Anonymous 31mar2024(su)10:28 No.101210 E P18R17>>101209 You should visit sometimes and lurk. All it took it took for autists and local gooks to do local lookup and 8- is off the internet |
>> | Anonymous 31mar2024(su)12:38 No.101213 H P19R18>>101183 Reminder that the sharty was run for a long time by a serial CP spammer who fucked a 14 year girl and gave her AIDS, they have no leg to stand on. |
>> | Anonymous 24apr2024(we)14:16 No.101328 B P20R19 |
>> | Anonymous 26apr2024(fr)01:06 No.101333 I P21R20sharty doesn't care about predators they care about people who draw or look at porn, if they cared about chasing predators they'd be chasing their own mods |
>> | Anonymous 30may2024(th)05:44 No.101486 J P22R21>>101333 >malding at bald man with glasses website because of the most retarded lie ever on a fucking flash website |