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>>Gg  2mar2024(sa)22:31  No.101051  OP  P1
Behind the Dune


BehindTheDune_v2024-02.swf (39.08 MiB)
1280x720, Compressed (Deflate). 90 frames, 24 fps (00:04).
Ver15, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]

>>Anonymous  2mar2024(sa)22:42  No.101052  A  P2R1
thanks! before someone asks -_-
-Two additional save slots.
-Updated old graphics: Doctor examining Paul, Fremen with dreadlocks scene.
-Added a shot to enhanced some scenes: the Reverend Mother's anal scene, Jessica caught in  the battle and Harah's boobjob.
-Two new shower scenes triggered by the smuggler.
Known issue: If the game ever experiences lagging, simply restart it as the progress is automatically saved."
>>Anonymous  4mar2024(mo)09:51  No.101065  B  P3R2
Glad to see this is still improving.
>>Anonymous  6mar2024(we)18:33  No.101074  C  P4R3
Gallery mode ?
>>Anonymous  6mar2024(we)20:02  No.101075  D  P5R4
why not make this into an independent .exe file? swf are out. i miss a site like this but with smaller exe. not version 0.0815 and its already 15 gb...what do those coders expect from their game? to be 1000gb with version 1.0?
>>Anonymous  7mar2024(th)12:11  No.101079  B  P6R5
I just tried exporting to an EXE using ffdec but when I tested it it was fucking broken.
>>Anonymous  8mar2024(fr)06:18  No.101084  A  P7R6
what is the point of the exe wrapper? it's still a flash game.
>>Anonymous  12mar2024(tu)21:08  No.101120  E  P8R7
I think what he meant to say is that coding this game as a swf is just needlessly bloating it with no real mainstream advantage.
While a regular ass C++ or whatever coded game would be a fraction of the size needed.
>>Anonymous  13mar2024(we)23:54  No.101123  A  P9R8
right on. that makes sense. well this was started as a flash, and he has moved on to making his own game engine for current projects. 'Horror In Hongdae' looks great.
>>Anonymous  28mar2024(th)19:20  No.101186  F  P10R9
>>101120 thats what i meant, thx. i would take on a project like this, but i just code old blitzmax and asm. i did a few smaller games but nothing so fancy. im no good with graphics.
Created: 2/3 -2024 22:31:46 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 11:02:41 Server time: 12/03 -2025 11:08:53