Age: 338.12d Health: 27.68% Posters: 15 Posts: 21 Replies: 20 Files: 2+3
>> | DinDin<3!tr.t4dJfuU 8apr2024(mo)08:13 No.101266 OP P1 |
>> | Anonymous 8apr2024(mo)08:51 No.101267 A P2R1>screen flashes blue when run in adobe flash projector >works flawlessly in ruffle what the devil?anyway since I'm the first one here... if you wait a few seconds "Eiki" appears on the right and can be clicked to join "Komachi" tbh I had to look up these Touhou grills since 99% of my touhou knowledge comes from lewd doujins by KETA and the other 1% from that Nuclear Fusion fan song on youtube Rin is the best touhou btw followed closely by Birdbrained nuke Utsuho |
>> | Anonymous 8apr2024(mo)09:51 No.101268 B P3R2>>101266 Just when I thought my day can only get worse... This seriously cheered me up, thanks Dinner! |
>> | Anonymous 8apr2024(mo)10:28 No.101269 C P4R3 |
>> | Anonymous 8apr2024(mo)17:34 No.101271 D P5R4 |
>> | Anonymous 8apr2024(mo)19:56 No.101273 C P6R5>>101271 Dreaming of the day that DinDin makes his Super Smash a Touhoe.Anyway, Dinner, I see that Chihiro in your twitter header. Please tell me that means what I think that means. |
>> | mcronqvist 8apr2024(mo)21:00 No.101274 E P7R6 |
>> | Anonymous 8apr2024(mo)22:38 No.101275 F P8R7Hey, nice to see you alive man. |
>> | Anonymous 9apr2024(tu)15:12 No.101282 G P9R8Great work Dinner, I still hope Ritsu flash will be materialize soon. >>101266 |
>> | Anonymous 9apr2024(tu)22:17 No.101283 D P10R9>>101282 Wasn't that canceled in favor of the K-ON one in general? |
>> | Anonymous 10apr2024(we)17:41 No.101288 G P11R10>>101283 Yes it is, so I hope Dinner bought it back from scrap. |
>> | Anonymous 11apr2024(th)05:13 No.101290 H P12R11you're the best din love your art style |
>> | Anonymous 11apr2024(th)13:08 No.101291 I P13R12click on the dick for cum animation |
>> | Anonymous 29may2024(we)23:08 No.101480 J P14R13 |
>> | Anonymous 30may2024(th)00:33 No.101481 F P15R14>>101480 Well, there goes the only reason i kept coming here, it's been fun guys, good bye. |
>> | Anonymous 30may2024(th)03:56 No.101483 K P16R15>>101480 i know he says he's done for real for good no take backs but i'm basically always gonna hope he goes back on that some day even if it has to be on another name. Respect to him for knowing he's not enjoying it and NOT going scorched earth like some artists but also I kind of very rarely care unless it's horny or a video game or something. insert dumbass zoomer gooner joke here. He's a great artist and he'll probably make it work but I admit i'll miss him greatly in this kind of space.Also yeah who is even left for NSFW swfs? Especially anything too good for patreon who shit themselves in terror if someone looks like they frowned once during sex. |
>> | Anonymous 31may2024(fr)00:58 No.101501 L P17R16>>101480 RIP It was fun all these years, but this was the last attachment I had to flash So long to it and all of you, I wish you only the best |
>> | Anonymous 31may2024(fr)02:20 No.101505 M P18R17>>101480 Start and end of era of porn flashes and Zone never finished his Dominator animation. I'm going to miss DinDin, they did good work. I hope they live a successful life now. |
>> | Anonymous 31may2024(fr)07:13 No.101511 N P19R18>>101483 Minus8 would technically fit in here, but he hasn't shared any SWFs in public yet. He still makes animations to this day, he's just currently hiding for a moment after the soyjack bs.Does Creambee count? Their stuff is sometimes shared in here as well. It still sucks that wtdinner is quitting porn, but he must've been doing it for a long time so it's understandably why they're quitting now. |
>> | Anonymous 31may2024(fr)16:31 No.101517 K P20R19>>101511 minus decided to stop releasing SWFs for some reason (maybe the "death" of flash?) back around when he released that one ghost girl race animation and now he's super hiding for the most part since a bunch of right-wing chuds started trying to doxx him on soyjak party (no really, when their website had to change URLs for a bit the redirects were to the alternate URL or to that /r/the_donald clone they made at or whatever it's called. Also they call themselves chuds so, if the shoe fits)creambee is decent and well produced but i admit i don't always care that much about supermodels made to look vaguely like video game characters i miss eropharaoh but i fear they're either dead or quit or in jail forever on a drug charge or something |
>> | No way it's been 7 years already 31may2024(fr)21:55 No.101523 D P21R20>>101480 NOO! TELL ME IT'S NOT REAAAAL ;________; |