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>>DinDin<3!tr.t4dJfuU  14aug2024(we)04:15  No.102253  OP  P1

It's been a heck of journey, friends. But the time is almost over. All good things must end. But this isn't the true end of course. It's just the penultimate stop.
7 Years of porno coming to a close. But first, here's one last compilation.

[63] WTLeftovers.swf (10.93 MiB)
1100x750, Compressed (Deflate). 1 frame, 34 fps (00:00).
Ver15, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]

>>Anonymous  14aug2024(we)04:35  No.102254  A  P2R1
Very unfortunate. But a better end than some fucking artists I know (and you let people know your planning on retiring too). Hope your last project ends up great.
Also since I don't think anyone's linked it before here's the mega containing this artists past projects kdSvA
>>Anonymous  14aug2024(we)06:48  No.102255  B  P3R2
Only secret is in a little box below Dinner's avatar.

I don't know how to put my feelings into words. I know there's still one more thing to be released, but seeing all the loops that will never be finished... Thank you, DinDin - there never was anyone like you, and there never will be again.
Porn is over! Flash is dead, long live flash.

>>Anonymous  14aug2024(we)09:07  No.102256  C  P4R3
Rip, loved your pokegirl content.
>>Anonymous  14aug2024(we)10:39  No.102257  D  P5R4
Save your tears, brother, for Flash gaming is punk gaming, and punk's not dead
>>Anonymous  14aug2024(we)11:14  No.102258  E  P6R5
Sure hope he's kidding about the virus thing
>>Anonymous  14aug2024(we)22:44  No.102261  D  P7R6
Well then, Din, farewell. Just don't forget swfchan and visit it sometimes to have a chit-chat with us. At least sometimes.
>>Anonymous  14aug2024(we)23:38  No.102262  F  P8R7
Truly a dark day for animated flash porn loop content enjoyers.
But a Din has to do what a Din must.
>>Anonymous  15aug2024(th)00:11  No.102263  G  P9R8
>Last Compilation

For real, though, it's been one hell of a ride, Din. I know we're gonna miss ya. Good luck in your future, man..

>>Anonymous  15aug2024(th)00:35  No.102264  H  P10R9
Farewell DinDin, thanks for everything.
>>Anonymous  15aug2024(th)00:57  No.102265  I  P11R10
The only request I have for your last hurrah is an H loop of your grumpy avatar character who appeared every so often during flash intros.

Do the one thing Zone promised he would do but chickened out of.

>>nipplebear  15aug2024(th)01:36  No.102266  J  P12R11
does anyone know how to make the virus scene work? it works on my phone but on the computer it just gives an error
>>Anonymous  15aug2024(th)05:11  No.102267  K  P13R12
So with Dinner retiring, minus8 doxxed, Zone I presume is also retired, and Eropharaoh still in jail, is Creambee the only decent Flash animator we got left?

Dinner, if you're reading this, I want you to know that you're like one of the last legit flash artists left alive. With your skill in emulating art styles, I personally had hoped that you would do more waifus from old-school series like Slayers, Metal Slug, or the Dirty Pair, but I suppose it too late for such things now. I now hope that your future endeavours in life will be fruitful, whatever they may be, and thank you for enriching our lives with your talent.

>>Anonymous  15aug2024(th)06:55  No.102268  L  P14R13
Where is the recent Rosa anal one on here?
>>nipplebear  15aug2024(th)19:02  No.102273  J  P15R14
Minus8 still makes content if you weren't aware. he is just laying fairly low because of the attempted doxxing
>>Anonymous  15aug2024(th)19:54  No.102274  F  P16R15
>Only secret is in a little box below Dinner's avatar.

Man, looking back at your stuff, it was just too good. Even if you deliver just as much quality whereever you end up, it will still be a great loss to humanity. Rock on, you magnificent bastard.

Damn, COOM/f/ags, we not eating good anytime soon.

Just open it in flash.

>>Anonymous  15aug2024(th)23:44  No.102275  M  P17R16
the virus option just kills the music for me, is it just a funny mute button? I'm just playing it in the regular standalone swf player, so
>>Anonymous  16aug2024(fr)15:01  No.102278  J  P18R17
it is supposed to go to a scene of a gray girl being fucked and open a link to a rick roll but for some reason I can only find that through a decompiler or a flash app on moble
>>Anonymous  16aug2024(fr)22:17  No.102280  N  P19R18
is that smash a pokegirl series left stuck in development hell?
>>Anonymous  17aug2024(sa)03:22  No.102281  O  P20R19
Goodbye Dindin, best of luck with whatever it is you're going to do.
>>Anonymous  18aug2024(su)03:39  No.102288  P  P21R20
Thanks for these years friend! You've always been able to mix in an appropriate amount of humor into your things. Nice cut on that WordGirl audio. I appreciate that you're making an ending instead of simply disappearing into the void, hope you stop by again even if it's just to comment on something. There's no shame in reposting content either.
>>Anonymous  18aug2024(su)04:17  No.102289  Q  P22R21
Damn, I almost never comment, but thanks for your work man
>>Anonymous  18aug2024(su)11:18  No.102291  R  P23R22
can't wait for "html5chan"
>>Anonymous  18aug2024(su)18:02  No.102296  M  P24R23
kinda wonder if the last thing is gonna be porn of the new pilot, for the hell of it
that or of the WTDinner OC mascot (or both!)
>>Anonymous  18aug2024(su)21:41  No.102297  S  P25R24
>it's actually almost over
Well, guess things just end and you can't do anything about it. And yeah, FUCK ADOBE.
>>mathias cronqvist  19aug2024(mo)02:53  No.102298  T  P26R25

God Speed Din hope to see the last sfw and hope to see what you are cooking man

>>Anonymous  19aug2024(mo)12:59  No.102303  U  P27R26
>Pizza Tower
its flipping glorious
>a new fetish 2:electric boogaloo never ever
at least we got a new fetish 1 the rise of yeti dick, without a doubt the highest quality starwars parody since spaceballs
if you keep drawing/animating smug anime girls I'll keep looking at them sexo or no sexo

 Screenshot from 2024-08-19 22-57-06.png

>>Anonymous  19aug2024(mo)18:04  No.102306  M  P28R27
ngl i'm still kinda hoping you come back occasionally to NSFW. Obviously you're extremely burnt out and need a long break and wanna focus on your new stuff and that's definitely deserved. But maaaaan you're so fucking good at this, i'll always quietly hope something can happen maybe once in a blue moon.

Still even if not your stuff going forward should be great.

>>Anonymous  20aug2024(tu)21:59  No.102313  V  P29R28
I see Brazil chan, is there any chance?
>>Anonymous  21aug2024(we)23:47  No.102320  W  P30R29
Hoping the last NSFW is porn of your OC.


>>Joshex  22aug2024(th)04:19  No.102321  X  P31R30
Wow DinDin is retiring. I can't complain, last time I drew H was years ago. I've done edits since then, but not much in the H production department.

don't ask me to draw, I'm a terrible procrastinator. I owe Zone a 3D action adventure(has it really been 20 years?). I have a long list of projects I barely touched; simdates, sex kitten remakes, forkheads stuff and more. most have close to no content.

DinDin, thanks for the free content over the years. any chance of sharing your motivations in text form?

>>Anonymous  22aug2024(th)12:38  No.102322  Y  P32R31
I'll be sad to see you go, Dinner. But I'll be glad that you were here. Also Sanya is bae, definitely in the top 3 of red-haired monsterfucking /f/lash adventurers.
>>Anonymous  25aug2024(su)08:01  No.102336  Z  P33R32
End to a truly golden era of amazing flashes. hopefully whatever you do next is is just as amazing. You will be severely missed.
>>Anonymous  30aug2024(fr)00:36  No.102375  AA  P34R33
How to manually fix the Give me a virus option:
>Open the flash file with JPEXS
>Go to Scripts>WTLeftovers_fla>Symbol9_2
>Click on "Edit ActionScript"
>Click OK on the warning, don't worry, nothing ever happens
>Search for the following line of code "navigateToURL(new URLRequest(" _ViLMw"),"_blank");"
>Delete the entire thing, leave no gap
>Click on save, OK, then click the save on the top left corner too just in case
>Run the file and it should work like normal
The Rickroll is simply too powerful for flash to handle sadly
>>Anonymous  30aug2024(fr)17:51  No.102393  D  P35R34
u stoopid ni-

Dinner just mistyped the link! Just remove the space in "Y7gc5 _ViLMw"!

And no, I got it because of your instructive reply.

>>Anonymous  30aug2024(fr)20:12  No.102394  D  P36
ok, it appears that something is wrong with the flash player on our machines, not browsers. Sorry for insulting you #102375
>>Anonymous  6sep2024(fr)11:35  No.102484  AB  P37R35
plz someone can find me mukd360
>>Anonymous  14sep2024(sa)11:59  No.102530  AC  P38R36
I still can't get it to work
Created: 14/8 -2024 04:15:45 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 10:22:40 Server time: 12/03 -2025 10:57:27