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>>r0jer  30dec2024(mo)01:05  No.103108  OP  P1
Shadow x Maria

I edited the original file a bit. I added some interesting things to it and didn't forget about some chips. I didn't want to match the cartoon, so I didn't change the color palette of the original file. There are many more things I'd like to publish. If everything goes smoothly you'll see more interesting stuff, including my personal flash games. Have Fun ;p

sxm.swf (283.2 KiB)
600x780, Compressed (Deflate). 9 frames, 24 fps (00:00).
Ver8, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: No. Video: No.
[find in archive]

>>Anonymous  30dec2024(mo)18:35  No.103115  A  P2R1
What was the character on the original file? i'm inclined to guess someone from idolmaster or love live
>>r0jer  31dec2024(tu)11:35  No.103118  B  P3R2
Hello. There was a regular male anime character with no head. Nothing special. Thank you for your attention. =)
>>Anonymous  1jan2025(we)02:35  No.103124  C  P4R3
i don't think the OG was an existing character it was just a generic cheerleader
>>r0jer  2jan2025(th)22:42  No.103139  D  P5R4
Maybe. Anyway, I used what was there and added some details. For example, I drew Maria's roller skates and changed the male body to Shadow. I think it turned out pretty good.
>>TurCrayPig  4jan2025(sa)00:08  No.103143  E  P6R5
You're pretty good, I would say. Looking forward to see something that I'll like more than that
>>Anonymous  7jan2025(tu)04:55  No.103150  F  P7R6

It's Lina Davis from Heroman.

>>r0jer  13jan2025(mo)13:23  No.103172  G  P8R7
I am already working on something interesting. Stay tuned (^.~)
Created: 30/12 -2024 01:05:59 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 10:22:48 Server time: 12/03 -2025 11:00:34