>> | Anonymous 11jan2025(sa)23:03 No.103160 OP P1 |
>> | Anonymous 12jan2025(su)05:57 No.103162 A P2R1Lmao I'm surprised it took this long for someone to get asshurt enough to edit the original |
>> | Anonymous 12jan2025(su)07:01 No.103163 B P3R2i know it's petty but i at least appreciate that it's just "I made it white" instead of "i fixed it" |
>> | Anonymous 12jan2025(su)13:50 No.103165 C P4R3 |
>> | Anonymous 12jan2025(su)16:40 No.103166 B P5R4>>103165 i mean nothing about it is improved in any way, it's just a color change. Still functions the same, nothing about the art has been improved. |
>> | Anonymous 13jan2025(mo)06:47 No.103170 D P6R5>>103162 Sounds like the pot calling the kettle asshurt. |
>> | Anonymous 13jan2025(mo)07:20 No.103171 E P7R6>>103162 Not gonna lie, I would do this myself too, but not due to asshurt, but because I prefer porn with white males |
>> | Anonymous 15jan2025(we)12:52 No.103175 C P8R7>>103166 >color changed to white >no improvement to art Huh? Those are the same things. |
>> | Anonymous 17jan2025(fr)03:24 No.103178 B P9R8>>103175 how so? Honestly it looks works imo, less contrast |
>> | Anonymous 17jan2025(fr)08:21 No.103181 F P10R9>>103178 just say you like black cocks, no need to hide it |
>> | Anonymous 17jan2025(fr)15:43 No.103182 B P11R10>>103181 if anything it seems like some people have a fetish for white people, which hey, no shame there, it's fine to have your kinks. |
>> | Anonymous 18jan2025(sa)10:15 No.103185 F P12R11>>103182 Why the butthurtness about someone ~fixing~ the file then? |
>> | Anonymous 19jan2025(su)20:51 No.103194 G P13R12>>103185 You were the one butthurt enough to feel the need to “fix” it buddy |