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Age: 20.57d   Health: 51.9%   Posters: 3   Posts: 5   Replies: 3   Files: 1+1

>>Anonymous  19feb2025(we)20:44  No.103332  OP  P1

While lazily browsing through my hentai flash folder, I stumbled upon this one here, and all I got after pressing Play was a black screen. After some shuffling about with FFDec, the problem appeared to be a black screen transition that wasn't properly removed after finishing (unless it was intentional). I fixed it + made some minor changes also. That DevPlay button was hidden, I unhid it, dunno what it does, but seems to launch a different instance of game save. The button (face with glasses) in the bottom right? No idea. There's an easter egg on the title screen btw.
The game is a clicker. It saves automatically on close. Can't earn money offline (not in this version at least). Runs pretty heavy on my old rig. As with most clickers, the progress slows down exponentially.

This was tested on adobe's standalone flash player. Not on Ruffle. Not on phone. If it doesn't work for you, too bad.

wallhack-inc_fix1.swf (52.47 MiB)
1280x720, Uncompressed. 5 frames, 60 fps (00:00).
Ver34, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]

>>Anonymous  20feb2025(th)06:39  No.103333  A  P2R1
That's weird, it's not in the archive. am I simply too soon for it? I don't think i've ever gotten to a post quite this quick.
>>Anonymous  20feb2025(th)22:38  No.103334  A  P3
working now, was just too early ig
>>Anonymous  22feb2025(sa)13:39  No.103337  B  P4R2
Hmmm, normally even considering the search cache it does not take hours for a result to show up.
Seems like a strange case of internet cache somewhere maybe.
>>Anonymous  1mar2025(sa)15:12  No.103362  OP  P5R3
After digging even more into the flash: it needs an external file called mainStory.dmstory, need to put it into a folder named Stories, which has to be on the same folder level where the main flash is. File size: 410 KiB (for v.1.5.1.) Sadly I can't attach it here, because board restrictions.
With it you can enjoy the full game, either original or my fix. It enables the bottom right button, you enter some kind of VN mode and can talk to your secretary. TBH you can do perfectly without all of that, but you know, it's there. HOWEVER with this file installed, you DO get money offline. Which should realy work without it too, but I guess game looking for a nonexisting file breaks some stuff afterwards. I'll try to fix that when I have the time.
Created: 19/2 -2025 20:44:21 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 10:22:55 Server time: 12/03 -2025 10:56:05