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>>rICK RAWSE  28jun2011(tu)01:58  No.1433  OP  P1

I've known Ben Cardin for almost 25 years. We met when we both served in the House and have been close friends ever since. Over the years, I've come to count on Ben as one of my most dependable allies in the fight against hard right extremism.

When it came to fighting for health care, Ben was there. When it came to protecting women's rights, Ben was there. And when it came to standing up for hard-working Americans across our nation, Ben was there.

Help me make sure that Ben continues to be there at my side during the tough road ahead.

As the chair of the DSCC in 2006, I saw first-hand what a tough race Ben had to fight in order to win his seat. 2012 will be no different.

By making a contribution of $5 or more today, you can help Ben assemble the resources he needs to take on the GOP attack machine and win in 2012.

Click here to donate to Ben’s campaign right now, before the June 30 filing deadline. Even as little as $5 will make a big difference for Ben.

As colleagues in Congress and members of the Finance Committee, I've worked with Ben on so many important issues, including expanding consumer protections, strengthening Medicare, and reducing health care costs. Ben has been a voice for the voiceless, courageously standing up to radical Republican proposals that threaten the health of our seniors, the rights of women, and the education of our children.

Ben has proven himself to be equally adept at winning tough elections. But that doesn’t mean he won't have to work hard to do it. That's why he's starting to build his campaign now, so he's ready for whatever comes his way.

If there's one thing we learned from the election of 2010, you've got to be prepared and get a solid head start on your opponents. Ben is doing just that, but he needs your help. With a donation today, you can help Ben get a big jump on this crucial race.

Click here to contribute to Ben’s campaign today before the June 30 deadline. He needs all of our help to get ready for what’s sure to be a tough race.

We count on Ben to stand up for us in the Senate. Now he’s counting on us. Let’s not let him down.

Thanks for your support,

Chuck Schumer

Created: 28/6 -2011 01:58:23 Last modified: 5/2 -2025 17:43:11 Server time: 05/02 -2025 18:04:56