Reply to highlighter Something I hate about swfchan threads is reading a post and having to remember and find the replied post numbers to understand who and what are the post replying to. I know you can click the link itself, but I don't like it because then I lose the post I'm currently reading, and if the replied post is near the bottom, I just does not work. It would be nice if upon hovering your cursor over the post number link, the post in question got highlighted. That's why I have coded what is needed for it to work. If you want to see what it looks like, I prepared an offline test you can download, unpack and open with your browser of choice to see how it looks. It's the Patreon thread with my code inserted and cleaned of code that wasn't needed for this test so it works offline. This is the code and how I implemented it on the download: On all post number links inside the posts, I added this to the element (post is highlighted only while hovering the post link - TEST1 in the zip file): onmouseover="highlight(this)" onmouseout="highlight(false)" or this: (post is highlighted until another post link is hovered upon - TEST2 in the zip file) onmouseover="highlight(this)" And added this piece of JavaScript to the start of the page: <script type="text/javascript"> //Reply to highlighter by Horsie var highlightedpost = false; function highlight(post) { if (highlightedpost !== false) { = ""; } if (post !== false) { highlightedpost = document.getElementById("p" + post.href.slice(post.href.indexOf("#")+1)); = "yellow"; } } </script> I'm sure this will need some tweaking and testing to be put on the actual swfchan site, but I hope the admin takes a look at it. P.S.: I would have added some cool CSS transforms to it, but I'm lazy. |