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>>Anonymous  3jun2016(fr)17:45  No.33901  OP  P1

This happens pretty much every time I access the site; I load a few files just fine but after the first 2-5 files all I get is 404 "the link you followed had expired" pages.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  4jun2016(sa)11:40  No.33969  SWF  P2R1
Can you post a couple of links to the .swf files that are 404? (After you get the "expired" message, right-click on [SAVE] below the orange border around the flash and select "Copy Link Location".)
>>Anonymous  7jun2016(tu)00:55  No.34102  OP  P3R2 swf?%3E101502165120-49312452616-497449519 1040-49284198922-4982908

Now getting nothing but 404s.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  7jun2016(tu)11:36  No.34130  SWF  P4R3
Works for me, I'll see what I can do though. Check back in this thread later.
>>Horsie  7jun2016(tu)11:39  No.34131  B  P5R4
If I click those links they show the 404 flash to me, too.
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  7jun2016(tu)14:51  No.34143  SWF  P6R5
It's because they are direct links generated for his IP, they would only work for him and only for a little while after he generated them. I'm assuming he gets 404 errors right when he generates them.

Although... hey OP, you don't happen to generate a bunch of links at the same time and then go through them one at a time?

You did say "after the first 2-5 files all I get is 404", meaning some do work for you. If you for example uncheck the "embed" option for several flashes, generate a bunch of links and then go through them one by one it wouldn't be surprising if some of the links had expired before you actually click them. Let me know if this is the case.

>>Anonymous  7jun2016(tu)21:36  No.34158  OP  P7R6
That WAS what I did at first, open a few from the search results then try to load them 1 at a time. Since everything started 404ing I'm not even using more than 1 tab though.
>>Anonymous  7jun2016(tu)21:50  No.34159  OP  P8
Update: I successfully loaded two files today only to be greeted by an expire link the third time. f?%3E22369149088-8157696219-742220

The first thing I tried loading, it's still working as of this post. .swf?%3E22421884672-8165938536-7442156246

The third link I tried (didn't try to save the second file) it 404'd first thing.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  8jun2016(we)11:19  No.34199  SWF  P9R7
Okay, thanks. I'll try to have a look at it today.
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  8jun2016(we)15:26  No.34205  SWF  P10
That ought to do it

I hope.
Created: 3/6 -2016 17:45:34 Last modified: 5/2 -2025 17:44:03 Server time: 05/02 -2025 17:50:41