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>>Clods34003  18aug2016(th)03:05  No.37847  OP  P1
Contact admin email checkup

Hiya, sorry if this is the wrong place to ask regarding this, but I've sent an email to what I believe is the contact email. I've read this is rarely checked but the matter is urgent, if you could check your email that'd be great. Thank you!

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  18aug2016(th)03:18  No.37848  SWF  P2R1
>mfw yahoo doesn't let me log in without verifying my identity anymore
Man, e-mail providers these days. Turns out I don't have a contact e-mail. What's up?
>>Clods34003  18aug2016(th)03:55  No.37852  OP  P3R2
would it be possible if you created a quick gmail or throwaway thing I can reach you on? I contacted you on email a long time ago regarding the same issue, if you can supply me with something to contact you on I'll go into detail more
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  18aug2016(th)04:32  No.37856  SWF  P4R3
Is this from that meme generation site again...? Here's a throwaway: REMOVED (I've not used that service before, don't know if I can even reply with it.) Also remember that we don't know who else is reading the mails, as far as we know the site owner and his uncle are checking and saving every mail there forever.

Edit: Actually I'll make a different mail, hang on...
REMOVED (it'll work for 7 days)

>>Clods34003  18aug2016(th)04:44  No.37858  OP  P5R4
unfortunately throwawayemail does not allow you to reply, is there no way to set up another yahoo or gmail for me to contact?
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  18aug2016(th)04:46  No.37859  SWF  P6R5
I've added a new mail now. I avoid Yahoo/Gmail/Hotmail since they have become really picky about knowing who you are these days just to sign up (phone number verification etc).
>>Clods34003  18aug2016(th)04:46  No.37860  OP  P7R6
I'll try to send an email to that adress, thank you sorry for the trouble so far.
>>Clods34003  18aug2016(th)04:54  No.37861  OP  P8
Email sent, please let me know if you recieved it, thank you.
Created: 18/8 -2016 03:05:41 Last modified: 5/2 -2025 17:43:55 Server time: 05/02 -2025 17:55:49