>> | Anonymous 26aug2016(fr)09:27 No.38442 OP P13Dfuckhouse and Roninsong I think everybody here knows roninsong. soooo. I got an account for 3DFH and I tried to rip some of his new flashes, although all I'm getting are .js files and a few mp3 files. Does anyone know how to rip something from this site? They got some crazy protection on it... |
>> | Anonymous 26aug2016(fr)11:51 No.38450 A P2R1In Firefox you can usually just press Ctrl+S on the webpage and save it as "Web Page, complete". It makes a folder next to the .html file, inside the folder you'll find the .swf file. Another way is to right-click the webpage and select "View Page Info". On the "Media" tab there's a list of things loaded on the site, the flash is usally of type Embed or Object. Select it and the use the "Save As..."-button. Still doesn't work? Try installing a plugin that listens to requests happening in the browser (for example "Tamper Data", though there might be better ones). Clear your cache, start the plugin and go to the page with the flash. After everything is loaded you'll check what URLs were loaded inside the plugin, one of them is the flash. Sometimes youwon't be able to use a URL more than once, in that case you need to block the URL from loading using the plugin and use a download manager to download the URL instead of just showing it in the browser. Tell me if any of these three works. |
>> | Anonymous 26aug2016(fr)16:14 No.38456 B P3R2>>38450 Nah none of them work. First method saves a bunch of .js files. Second one only finds the banner images, nothing else. Third one only finds .mp3 files. |
>> | Anonymous 26aug2016(fr)18:08 No.38459 C P4R3Are there any new candy shop games? |
>> | Anonymous 26aug2016(fr)19:38 No.38462 A P5R4>>38456 Third one should find everything your browser downloads (shows on the webpage). Either the plugin you're trying is faulty or they are disguising swf files as mp3 files. Have you tried them to make sure they are actually audio files and not .swf renamed to .mp3? |
>> | Anonymous 26aug2016(fr)20:24 No.38466 D P6R5As far as I know all his newer releases were in html5, not standalone swfs anymore. So yeah, he dropped that flash file like a boss. You could still rip them, but uploading them here is futile. |
>> | Anonymous 26aug2016(fr)20:45 No.38467 A P7R6>>38466 Too bad that he dropped the superior format but I suppose it makes it harder to pirate it so that's probably why. Certainly explains why OP can't rip the swf... |
>> | Anonymous 27aug2016(sa)00:42 No.38480 B P8R7>>38459 Blueberry Muffin Red Velvet Cinnamon Bun Excelia (Yes, the crazy redhead doc!) Pumpkin Pie Banana Pudding Birthday Cake ...>>38462 Yep, these are actual audiofiles. Soundeffects for the buttons, music, fucking sound etc. >>38466 Well if you'd tell me how to rip em I'd make a torrent or something and make a post in /disc/ and on 4chan. |
>> | Anonymous 27aug2016(sa)00:45 No.38481 B P9>>38459 Forgot to mention in >>38480 Also loads of new Eddy Bear and Ai Subeki Plus. |
>> | Anonymous 27aug2016(sa)10:42 No.38495 E P10R8Poor kid should drop the paysite shite and just grab the cash for himself on Patreon. |
>> | Anonymous 27aug2016(sa)10:43 No.38496 E P11Yeah I know he's probably contractually obliged to make shite for those paysites, but come on... paysites aren't the future. He's better off the sooner he gets the fuck out. |
>> | Anonymous 27aug2016(sa)21:09 No.38505 F P12R9>>38496 What is the future? Patreon and commissions? |
>> | Anonymous 28aug2016(su)11:42 No.38528 E P13R10>>38505 Patreon has all the advantages of commissions except on a much larger scale, and it has all the advantages of a steady income like a paysite, except you're completely in control of the money flow, instead of some cocksucking paysite running suit. |
>> | Anonymous 28aug2016(su)17:36 No.38535 D P14R11>>38528 long story short: In modern times - drop as many intermediaries as possible. They're the relic of the past economy. |
>> | Anonymous 29aug2016(mo)00:20 No.38544 A P15R12>>38528 Patreon is a good thing and their fees aren't too bad. I'm surprised there isn't another big competitor around though, their features are far from perfect and once the automated system is built you get a lot of money for almost no work at all.It's important to remember that this crowdfunding model won't work for everyone, some people that are really talented can spend a long time on Patreon without getting what they deserve. Just because of bad luck. For these people the traditional means of getting paid would be the better option. Others simply doesn't have the time to spend on free work before they get paid. Patreon users need to gather a following and invest a lot of time in getting supporters, meaning a lot of time with almost no pay. For these people the traditional means of getting paid would be the better option. Some don't want the pressure that Patreon could bring, followers expect to get their money's worth. Even if it's just a couple of bucks. These people just prefer the old ways of earning money, where they don't have to put themselves in the spotlight and cater to a group. |
>> | Anonymous 1sep2016(th)00:05 No.38654 C P16R13did you manage to rip the site? I really want to play the games |
>> | nuttybutty 27feb2017(mo)09:12 No.44688 G P17R14if you want it let me use you account . don't worry i'm not that kind of monster even if you don't trust me here my email send it to me penutbutterjelly00ya hoo |
>> | Anonymous 28feb2017(tu)02:33 No.44716 D P18R15>>44688 you know there is an actual email field to your post, yes? also: it's a paysite involving sensible information, so the answer would be no anyway, even if OP didn't vanish |
>> | nuttybutty 28feb2017(tu)07:58 No.44726 G P19R16You did not get this from me...well more like someone els here a link don't know how long will it be on get wail it hot mega:///#fm/eUwGlJrY |
>> | Anonymous 28feb2017(tu)10:05 No.44730 H P20R17>>44726 can you fix that link my guy |
>> | butty 1mar2017(we)11:29 No.44746 G P21R18 |
>> | Anonymous 2mar2017(th)23:14 No.44773 I P22R19Has he by any chance done any more Ai Subeki since the ones on here? Really miss that series. |
>> | Anonymous 3mar2017(fr)07:50 No.44780 G P23R20yes he dose in the 3dfuckhouse site |
>> | johndoe314 9mar2017(th)01:10 No.44953 J P24R21Ugh, I used to have a username/password there, but it was disabled. Hard to find new ones that work these days. |
>> | Anonymous 9mar2017(th)15:30 No.44981 K P25R22>>44746 thats fine, to be fair eddy bear is pretty shit. I dont know why people like it. |
>> | Anonymous 18mar2017(sa)08:19 No.46353 G P26R23Sigh be nice if some one lend there account to see them |
>> | Anonymous 18mar2017(sa)13:33 No.46358 A P27R24Did 3Dfuckhouse stop using flash? When I think about it I haven't seen a new swf of theirs uploaded here in quite some time now. |
>> | Anonymous 18mar2017(sa)23:26 No.46364 G P28R25use to, now they are using HTML5 but this guy manga to get some that are html5 >>44746 |
>> | Anonymous 3apr2017(mo)23:57 No.46910 G P29 |
>> | Anonymous 4apr2017(tu)00:32 No.46914 A P30R26 |
>> | Anonymous 6apr2017(th)10:39 No.47997 L P31R27Well, nothing to download anymore. I miss me some Roninsong. T_T |
>> | Anonymous 25apr2017(tu)05:19 No.48717 G P32R28 |
>> | Anonymous 27apr2017(th)01:08 No.48813 M P33R29The story steamroll in Ai Subeki is pretty laughable. |
>> | Anonymous 7may2017(su)11:33 No.49207 N P34R30anyone with a free account for 3dfuckhouse please just to use it a little just to see what new on Roninsong have put in [email protected] |
>> | Anonymous222 13may2017(sa)21:01 No.49445 O P35R31New Update?? Candy shop new ones?? |
>> | EliteSWFchanner69 14may2017(su)18:44 No.49472 P P36R32re:New Update?? >>49445 Hello Anonymous222 (cool name xD) you should go ask over at our friends place http://boards.4chan.org/r/ that is the "Adult Requests" section of the forum. Just press the "Start a New Thread" button found in the middle of the page near the top to get started. They've helped me find pictures of tits and stuff many times before (don't judge me LOL!) and I'm sure they'd love to help you too bro. |
>> | Anonymous222 15may2017(mo)11:41 No.49492 O P37R33It didnt work, the post got archived pretty quickly. I guess Ill never know. I love the series, Im a game-artist myself and Im pretty impressed by the character design from him. |
>> | Anonymous 15may2017(mo)14:06 No.49494 N P38R34Roninsong brok fan me as well someone upload it already but gone so I manage to get it so here Part one: https://ufile.io/vix9s Part Two: https://ufile.io/v1n7x this person use a good site so i will use it to get it now it only 30 day to keep it up 5/15/17(start) |
>> | Anonymous 28may2017(su)23:16 No.49938 N P39 |
>> | Anonymous 5jun2017(mo)18:25 No.50188 Q P40R35bump this shit thanks for the other candy shops m8 |
>> | Anonymous 8jun2017(th)06:50 No.50254 A P41R36>>44746 >>49494 Wait, what is this? Finally checked these out and they are legit. Never seen flash in this format though. .fla file + .html + .js + a folder with images + a folder with soundsHow does this work? What is this called? Can I turn it into normal swf files somehow? I tried opening a .fla in Flash Pro CS6 and export to swf. It seems to have sounds and visuals like normal but no ActionScript. The build target seems to be for AIR or something (I know what AIR is). Granted that the .fla was created with Flash CC but it still worked kinda OK with CS6. Is there some way to turn these into regular self-contained .swf files? |
>> | Anonymous 8jun2017(th)07:40 No.50261 R P42R37 |
>> | Anonymous 9jun2017(fr)03:56 No.50291 N P43R38if in a new format of HTML5 the only way to see them if you get all the file in the same folder and Play on the HTML depend on the internet you are using and would like to know if there more update also of some one willing to give there 3dfuckhouse account to be use to get more |
>> | Anonymous 9jun2017(fr)04:04 No.50292 N P44 |
>> | Noone 15jun2017(th)23:17 No.50424 S P45R39>>49494 Anyone still got these files |
>> | Anonymous 17jun2017(sa)02:43 No.50451 N P46R40 |
>> | Tim tomorrow 17jun2017(sa)10:10 No.50461 S P47R41Anyone got Ai subeki plus 1, 2 and 3 |
>> | Anonymous 14jul2017(fr)02:59 No.51257 N P48R42any update on candy shop? |
>> | Anonymous 14jul2017(fr)06:35 No.51260 T P49R43seems like he's done with 3dfuckhouse he's on patreon now but 3dfh owns candy shop and ai subeki. I don't think there will ever be a new candy shop game. |
>> | Anonymous 14jul2017(fr)12:45 No.51266 A P50R44>>50451 We appreciate that you're sharing stuff with us but it's painfully obvious that you're getting paid for those links since nobody in their right mind would call a file uploading site with expiring links "good". No need to pretend that you like the site, just putting down the links are good enough.However if you for some reason don't actually get paid you should use an actual good file hosting site with non-expiring links, like https://mega.co.nz (if the files you want to upload are too big just create smaller multi-file archives). Just make sure the files are public, named anonymously and not password protected. As far as I know the files should stay up forever until they get a copyright strike, which needs to be done manually due to the split-archive and the unrecognizable file names. Also don't use the stupid mega: protocol URL like >>44726 did, nobody likes links that require a god damn download manager just to download. Share just the normal https URL for downloading or both, not just the manager URL. |
>> | Anonymous 2aug2017(we)11:37 No.52074 U P51R45Any updates? I really enjoy his art, his stuff really need to be shared more often since I feel most people don't know him or his work Any compilations of all his flashes? I really want a nice little folder |
>> | Anonymous 19aug2017(sa)03:20 No.52578 V P52R46anyone got eddy bear 26, 27 and 28 ? also i heard ai subeki + episode 4 got released |
>> | Anonymous 18sep2017(mo)15:48 No.53437 O P53R47Candy Shop 2 Candy Shop Catalog 2 is out!! Anyone have it?/ |
>> | Anonymous 25oct2017(we)04:00 No.54537 W P54R48Candy Shop Catalog 2 & 3 is out dose anyone got them |
>> | Anonymous 25oct2017(we)16:03 No.54544 X P55R49 |
>> | Anonymous 26oct2017(th)08:00 No.54558 Y P56R50I know this is mainly roninsong, but is there some of Swissmades stuff. "some" of his stuff can be decent. he and roninsong are the only peoples content i care about mainly |
>> | Anonymous 26oct2017(th)23:39 No.54565 Z P57R51 |
>> | Anonymous 29oct2017(su)05:43 No.54613 D P58R52>>54544 shit upload is shit mang, just sayin' |
>> | Anonymous 30oct2017(mo)13:38 No.54651 AA P59R53why doesnt someone just make a throw away google drive? |
>> | Anonymous 7nov2017(tu)05:43 No.54843 AB P60R54Unrelated, but does anyone know the chronological order of the Candy Shop series? I know it starts with Chocolatina, but that's all I know |
>> | Anonymous 8nov2017(we)05:09 No.54873 D P61R55>>54843 Has anyone made a roninsong collection? If yes, then maybe the candy shop are in order there, if not, DO IT. |
>> | Anonymous 18nov2017(sa)05:23 No.55155 Y P62R56As much "mediocre" he is, Swissmade's stuff would be nice too along with Roninsong. they are the only people on the site that are worth anything |
>> | Anonymous 29nov2017(we)14:09 No.55419 AC P63R57Somebody have Roninsong "Candy Shop" latest games? - Pancakes - Candy Corn 2 & 3 - Red Velvet - Blueberry Muffin I see only screenshots from these games. :( |
>> | w7 890 24sep2018(mo)17:04 No.63660 AD P64R58 |
>> | Anonymous 26sep2018(we)00:14 No.63680 D P65R59>>63660 Wow, dude I was thiiiis close to reporting you for spam. It's like bots start accumulating a sense of humor. |
>> | bot named w7 890 26sep2018(we)12:58 No.63688 AE P66R60who wants to eat the the thread >>63680 this was a pretty old thread i just bumped it lol also ur reply is funny as hell plz dont't report im so sorry |
>> | Anonymous 28sep2018(fr)02:36 No.63729 AF P67R61>>63680 While w7 890 has a rather odd posting style most of the time, they are most defiantly not a bot. Try looking around /disc/ and other places and you'll see more of his posts. I think he was posting that link because someone might have a pass to 3Dfuckouse on that site; i'm not really interested enough to check myself. |
>> | w7 890 !elUzZM2K/o 28sep2018(fr)19:38 No.63759 AG P68R62guyz a bit of hlp plz can someone plz reupload the linkz i think they are all down i will keep seeding |
>> | Anonymous 1oct2018(mo)21:33 No.63831 D P69R63>>63729 Yeah, I didn't look at the name and just thought "welp, that script for furry porn went rogue". Just skimmed it like a generic spam post. But I checked the link on a whim and it actually was relevant to the thread, so then I realized the post was just a joke by him. |
>> | Anonymous 8oct2018(mo)06:11 No.63976 AH P70R64 |
>> | Anonymous 8oct2018(mo)07:26 No.63978 D P71R65>>63976 I really don't want to be that guy and look a gifted horse in the mouth, but it took you THAT long to find a thread on fucking ulmf? That's like the goto place for flash porn rips. |
>> | w7 890 10oct2018(we)11:11 No.64016 AI P72R66 |
>> | the YP faggot 21mar2019(th)15:49 No.67550 AJ P73R67 |