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>>Anonymous  28sep2017(th)21:45  No.53802  OP  P1
y u no work

is it just me or has swfchan suddenly stopped working in incognito mode, but is fine in normal mode, and no its not the usual problem with the
"Flash not working properly in Chrome? Here's how to fix it:
1) Go to chrome://settings/content and select "Allow sites to run Flash".
2) Go to chrome://flags/#prefer-html-over-flash and select "Disabled" from the list.
(Copy the link addresses and manually paste them into the address bar.)
Local flashes not playing offline in Firefox? Here's how to fix it:
1) Type "about:config" into your address bar and search for "plug*ht".
2) Double-click "plugins.http_https_only" to set its value to false."
i for one am stumped

>>Anonymous  29sep2017(fr)03:18  No.53805  A  P2R1
I wouldn't be surprised if it's just Google being stubborn. "Let's just make it impossible to run flash in incognito mode because there's a 0.01% chance it would leak user info." Flash can probably keep reading their "special cookies" (local shared objects) like normal regardless of the browser being in incognito mode or not that's probably Google's reasoning; if they can't contain it properly they just block it. Flash has been sentenced to death after all and they have decided that nobody cares. Sadly enough there are probably few people around nowadays that actually do care enough to complain about this to them.
>>Anonymous  29sep2017(fr)10:42  No.53818  B  P3R2
My current problem is it keeps trying to open flash's by saving them to my computer. I wouldn't mind too much but if I open it after saving it, it just redirects me to save it again in an endless cycle. Only happens on .org though, not .com
>>Anonymous  14nov2017(tu)09:00  No.55074  C  P4R3
I don't mean to bring this back up but I am still having problems with incognito mode. Is there any more known about this? I use Chrome and I tried the listed fixes, I tried through google searches, I even tried to wait about a month and try all the steps again and it's still the same. Is there anymore information? Is there anything left for me to try?
>>Anonymous  15nov2017(we)02:09  No.55108  A  P5R4
Does it work when not in incognito mode? I still wouldn't be surprised if Google just made it impossible to run flash in incognito mode no matter what.
>>Anonymous  19nov2017(su)18:02  No.55190  D  P6R5
You have to manually authorize it first by going up to the top-left, hitting (i), and allowing all flashes.
Google's cutting edge team is full of inept retards and one of them chopped the flag's functionality off without implementing satisfactory support within the program itself.
Created: 28/9 -2017 21:45:03 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 11:03:04 Server time: 12/03 -2025 11:18:51