>> | idkfgdfghgdfgh 8mar2025(sa)13:54 No.103408 slim shady show anyone have the rest of the slim shady show's .swfs? i have part 2 of episode 1, and a game, nothing else :( |
| | | | Replies: 2. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 10mar2025(mo)08:03 No.103414 Excuse me, but what's slim shady show? |
| >> | Anonymous 10mar2025(mo)17:20 No.103417 >>103414 Would the real slim shady please show up? |
>> | Liaison 17mar2016(th)04:12 No.30458 Archiving swfchan Oi, admin. I'm a Bibliotheca Anonoma member - an archivist collective that specializes in imageboard history & culture. We've been contacting imageboard scrapper owners since the death of archive.moe in an effort to secure & back up the contents of their archives, and maybe establish a mutual support net. So far we have all the surviving contents of archive.moe safely stored in the Internet Archive and are in contact and/or receiving back ups and helping the following archives: rbt.asia nyafuu desustorange 4plebs ... |
| | | | Preview below. Replies: 8. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 29mar2016(tu)13:18 No.30919 >>30874 Yeah, I prefer to only be reachable via this board. I've got an e-mail set up too but I never check it.>Been trying to post this for days! Those still uploading errors didn't let me Didn't realize it was that serious, going to have a look at the source code of the receiver. |
| >> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 29mar2016(tu)16:50 No.30927 There we go I didn't have access to the source code for the old receiver right now so I wrote a new one from scratch. It's probably for the best, this one should work a lot better than the old one. Put a very basic spam filter in there as well. Maybe the board will see more posts per day now that the post receiver isn't as broken? |
| >> | Anonymous 27dec2024(fr)18:14 No.103094 |
>> | Anonymous 26apr2018(th)22:18 No.59165 Other Flash friendly imageboard So how would you people feel about collecting a list of imageboards that support flash files? Seeing as how 4chan is going back to the days when it shuts itself down every week it might be a good idea; however the communities posted might not like it if we go over and shit them up. Maybe limit what sort of imageboards we posts or we can promise to stay in a single thread if it's not styled like 4chan's /f/? Anyway I have a small but growing list that I'll post if we can agree to be nice. |
| | | | Preview below. Replies: 34. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 2jan2021(sa)19:34 No.82331 | >> | Anonymous 7jan2021(th)16:27 No.82541 | >> | Anonymous 20dec2024(fr)00:14 No.103049 >>68290 22chan died and came back to life recently. |
>> | Joshex 12dec2024(th)20:28 No.103041 Installing old addons in firefox 51.0 so, my harddisk was on it's way out, was making a clicking noise but functioned well. so I decided to try to ghost it to a new harddisk, that failed because a readwrite head musta been busted. sigh. so I got a new copy of windows 7 installed and then needed to reinstall all my software. Firefox 51.0 is the last firefox that you can stop from updating that allows flashplayer. flashplayer was fairly easy to install. albeit I have unbricked 32 instead of 31 set to version 33 like before (to disable the "outdated plugin" message) but all my other precious addons were no longer available! luckily I had a backup computer with all the .xpi files and a working firefox 51.0 installation so I could copy some files over, and if you get an xpi you too can install it in an old firefox by the following: ... |
| | | | Replies: 1. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 14dec2024(sa)19:02 No.103042 >>103041 I'd advise you to migrate from an old outdated firefox to palemoon. As of now you can (still) install every old NPAPI plugin from firefox (unless they're extreemely dependent on modyfing specific browser parts - but I found a palemoon replacement for every one yet). Flash works like a charm and swfchan provided file replacements so that you can install and use the last version releases no problem.It is in most regards just like the old pre-modern version of firefox, only that it gets modern security fixes and not as much broken web compatibility. Like, if it doesn't work anymore on old firefox it will never work again, but on palemoon updates regularely recover lost chromeshit pajeet code websites to work properly again. Tha ... |
>> | Anonymous 29nov2024(fr)17:59 No.102959 New captcha Is there any chance to implement DOOM-based captcha that requires matching gun sprite with demon sprite? I just feel sick of this annoying captcha when you have to guess is that letter O or letter Q, or maybe even a zero... |
| | | | Preview below. Replies: 6. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 30nov2024(sa)19:51 No.102963 >>102962 Was only joking, I've at least made Q and O work like they are the same character. To improve visibility the captcha will now become enlarged if you hover your mouse over it. |
| >> | Anonymous 2dec2024(mo)09:31 No.102978 >>102963 Well, that's something. Many thanks! |
| >> | Anonymous 2dec2024(mo)16:19 No.102981 |
>> | Anonymous 5jun2020(fr)12:48 No.77446 | | | | Replies: 3. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 7jun2020(su)13:51 No.77491 >>77488 Awesome, ty! Guess you might use this thread for future suggestions, if there are any. |
| >> | Anonymous 7jun2020(su)15:51 No.77492 | >> | Aaa 22nov2024(fr)05:08 No.102936 |
>> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 6feb2015(fr)08:48 No.17666 | | | | Preview below. Replies: 75. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 31oct2024(th)13:43 No.102856 Collapse Bundles, Toggle Compact, By Date Appended Been thinking about it for years but decided this was the day to add the ability to collapse bundles so you can get a better overview of the ones that exist in large collections. There's an option for a more compact table as well. It's now also possible to arrange the flashes as they were added to the collection, which is useful to figure out what's new since last you looked even if you check long after the collection was appended to. |
| >> | Anonymous 2nov2024(sa)13:30 No.102863 >>102856 Thanks for the ongoing support and your efforts <3 |
| >> | Anonymous 17nov2024(su)19:39 No.102929 >>102856 Viewing flash on the site is broken atm. Whenever I search I get 403 forbidden and if I have a link to the flash I get 500 internal server error. Are we dead? ;_;Fixed! |
>> | Anonymous 15sep2024(su)00:37 No.102537 | | | | Replies: 1. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Joshex 18oct2024(fr)01:52 No.102804 unless you have them, or unless you can find someone that does, you could try to email the site owner and ask, or find out who the former site owner was and ask them. otherwise no, they'll be lost to time. |
>> | TurCrayPig 30sep2024(mo)05:33 No.102683 Add a link to report page on top I think we need a button that leads to report page on the top panel (not sure what to call it). That would make easier to report those nasty spammers and their nasty shiet |
| | | | Replies: 5. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 13oct2024(su)15:12 No.102777 >>102683 How about you are not a lazy nigger? |
| >> | Anonymous 16oct2024(we)15:37 No.102794 >>102760 you must be real butthurt yourself to come up with all that shit |
| >> | Joshex 18oct2024(fr)01:42 No.102803 >>102794 me? no, I was trollfacing hard when I wrote that, I was thirsty for the precious salts that could be mined from such a game. |
>> | Anonymous 29mar2024(fr)00:28 No.101187 | | | | Replies: 2. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 31mar2024(su)13:11 No.101214 source: voices of my head |
| >> | Joshex 12oct2024(sa)16:43 No.102761 too bad a large enough % of people in government agent positions aren't smart enough to understand that they and their families will be the second target of such a pandemic, if not targetted with the rest of us while the gov hides in their bunkers. also too bad the gov agents don't realize once we are gone, they're next (because the gov will have no need for agents nor security when the masses are gone), they may have a need for slaves though, and whips, lots of massive whips. you wanna get whipped fedboy? I bet you do, I bet you're cucked like that. you take pleasure in being walked all over and abused so long as you tell yourself "we're murder'in these millions of citizenz fer democracy! and national security and to fight climate ch ... |
>> | Anonymous 15sep2024(su)00:37 No.102536 | | | | Replies: 0. Files: 0. [Reply] |
>> | Anonymous 9sep2024(mo)23:30 No.102503 | | | | Replies: 2. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 13sep2024(fr)19:03 No.102527 hol' up, what is smoloko? |
| >> | Anonymous 14sep2024(sa)16:00 No.102532 >>102527 Looks like a maybe ironic tinfoil hat conspiracy like pol website. |
>> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 5jun2015(fr)05:58 No.20447 | | | | Preview below. Replies: 35. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 17jun2020(we)00:20 No.77720 I'm getting "Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine. Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit." ever since I updated Java. Anyone else has this problem? |
| >> | Anonymous 17jun2020(we)00:45 No.77721 >>77720 Never mind, I uninstalled and reinstalled Java several minds and now it works again. |
| >> | Anonymous 25aug2024(su)16:53 No.102342 >>77720 I'm getting the same error now. Gives you a different error when you execute as admin: Error: Unable to access jarfile programJar.SwfArmyKnife works, the only difference I can spot is that that one bat specifies a path to the program jar in a subfolder while H264 just states "programJar" and the size of the memory allocation. PS: manages to get it working by using -Xmx999m like swiffknife instead of 5000m. Idk why it just stopped working, it did in the past, but I guess some java update broke something. Maybe also of note is that I have seriously little RAM on this machine. Also note to Ants: The discussion link at the project page still points to .org instead of boards.swfchan.net ;) |
>> | Anonymous 5apr2024(fr)19:41 No.101260 Why no https? First of all, I want to thank you for a great site. Is there any spetial reasons that https is not supported? |
| | | | Preview below. Replies: 7. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 10aug2024(sa)15:17 No.102231 >>102227 So you're saying we should develop our own web browser from scratch? |
| >> | Joshex 10aug2024(sa)21:01 No.102232 >>102231 whilst that would be great,however you'd have to do alot of vetting to keep google agents off the dev team. because once they get on, they tend to be assertive and try to buy shares and use boardroom pressure to instate a google agent as the project lead. so the best option is to use what's available, such as old browsers that wont auto-update (or autoupdate can be turned off and actually mean something, and you still have the freedom to install flashplayer) some sites wont load on such browsers, but I say good riddance, I probably didn't need to go on those sites anyways. ... |
| >> | Anonymous 11aug2024(su)01:02 No.102235 >>102227 yaaay, the future looks wonderful (not)>>102231 the palemoon devs are doing basically that alreadey they value their independance from chrome shit and will most likely continue to support http that is until the devs just die out and the project falls flat, but until then it's my browser of choice |
>> | Anonymous 12aug2023(sa)10:01 No.99309 Last preview generation failed! Got this error message in the SWF maker, and it told me to make a post in here. |
| | | | Replies: 2. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 12aug2023(sa)19:40 No.99313 >>99309 Thanks for telling me, the problem was incompatible sampling rate in your input mp3 so it couldn't be placed into the swf file in its original state. It needs to be re-encoded. I've updated the loopmaker to give warnings about it. If you go back to the "AUDIO" section and re-encode the mp3 then you should be able to finish your loop. |
| >> | Anonymous 21jul2024(su)19:07 No.102007 After having made a few successful loops earlier on today, I'm getting the same error message as OP with this third try. I've done a bit of testing to try and narrow down the cause and I'm almost certain it has something to do with the .rar I've made. During the Animate part, the thumbnails for 0 and every eleventh image (22, 33, etc) are out of order even though they should be in order in the .rar. I started again with a new project to clear any problems and also tested with an earlier uploaded .gif instead of the .rar and used the same audio file. This worked and generated a functioning preview. I’m guessing I’ve stuffed up the .rar somehow, though it unrar’s without any issue. I was also curious about a bug I encountered with one ... |
>> | Anonymous 21feb2018(we)09:31 No.57222 /!\ FEATURE SUGGESTION /!\ suggest features for swfchan even if they're unreasonable 1. add a button or something that checks if a flash you are viewing the archive is part of a visible collection 2. assuming that the flashes are scanned/decompiled when firstspotted, download any flashes that load through a Loader object or are fully hyperlinked 3. data dump: allow other people to download chunks of the database so they can scan it for metadata if they so desire. |
| | | | Preview below. Replies: 82. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Joshex 6jul2024(sa)16:59 No.101906 Ideas; 1: a basic online flash project creator. like having SWFTools with a gui to make simple SWFs to save locally or upload. and possibly future revisions to add in more features to the creator til we even rival CS4 or further. 2: maybe a flash decomplier script page, where people can link(from the web) or target a flash(from file) and run a decompiler script to output source files, or save it as a swfchanProject file to be loaded into the editor proposed in #1. ... |
| >> | Anonymous 8jul2024(mo)11:39 No.101931 >>101906 Sounds cool, but I'm afraid that at some point it would also take us to write a guidebook on ActionScript language (even two guidebooks, for AS1/2 and AS3) |
| >> | Joshex 16jul2024(tu)17:39 No.101973 >>101931 simple library references are already available online, we could make a copy of such docs. naturally howto docs are also available, but consolidating them into one easily searchable topic by topic place would be good. |
>> | Anonymous 4jul2024(th)14:19 No.101894 Unable to load any flash pages Every time I try to load a page on this site in Chrome, it throws an error in a ruffle window. Even just trying to load a wiki page for a file, it does the same, tries to open a flash file, gives me nothing. "Ruffle cannot parse the requested file." Using Firefox seems fine, Chrome is busted. Even if I completely disable ruffle on my end and restart the browser, cookies gone, I get the same thing. ... |
| | | | Replies: 2. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 5jul2024(fr)19:08 No.101896 >>101894 There're alternatives for ruffle in the meantime. You might want to download/open with flash projector. |
| >> | Joshex 6jul2024(sa)16:48 No.101905 I blame google. you should too. I use FF 51.0 for flash content and Flashplayer 31 (set in firefox's internal settings to be flashplayer 33 so it wont complain that it's outdated.) chrome is only for sites that wont load in FF 51, and only if I really need to load them for some reason. so yeah, all those no name websites that updated to googletml, I see a white page, or a shimmering div that does nothing and a slew of scripts from shady sources in noscript and say "I don't actually need to use this site" [x] |
>> | Anonymous 28apr2024(su)00:49 No.101342 | | | | Replies: 0. Files: 0. [Reply] |
>> | Anonymous 2dec2023(sa)20:38 No.100390 | | | | Preview below. Replies: 6. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 6jan2024(sa)16:53 No.100698 >>100690 You don't report files, you report posts. Just like the post number I'm replying to right now "100690". Just copy that number from the OP who initially posted that file and paste it into the report field. And also it wants a reason to ban, ideally which rule it violates. Da rulez must also be linked somewhere in the front page I believe.If you want to report swf files in the swfchan.com archive (for some deranged reason) you might wanna email that directly to Ants. |
| >> | Anonymous 26apr2024(fr)08:32 No.101335 | >> | Anonymous 26apr2024(fr)14:40 No.101338 >>101335 Probably just went under the radar during the spam. If you didn't necrobump it would've most likely just died out in the archive. |
>> | PhoneJack 11apr2024(th)15:24 No.101292 Apks not compatible with newer phones Hello, long time user with a new phone here. But firstly, great site that allows downloads of Flash and APKs like Flipline Studios or Sift Heads, zone even. But considering the new phone, all apks Ive got are now uncompatible with the current Android. Although I did have an Samsung A12 2020 that got a few games run smoothly. Just thought an A35 will be more optimized, but rather seems everything from Services APKs are old(?) that it wont even install anymore. Is there a quick fix for this? Or do I have to do a deep dive on the app to change it's API detail? |
| | | | Replies: 3. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 16apr2024(tu)07:04 No.101316 | >> | PhoneJack 17apr2024(we)17:17 No.101318 Android Versions >>101315 Considering I got the A12 by early 2020, its Version 10, worked with every apk, even updated to 11 even. With the A35, thats Version 14, and from what Admin said, API targetting made the apks obsolete as their API Level were only 11-12ish, whilst Version 14 now requires APIs up to Level 33 to 34 |
| >> | PhoneJack 17apr2024(we)18:52 No.101319 Blockade >>101316 Going through your suggestions, none worked. I guess its this is a wall for mobile users. |
>> | Anon 5dec2023(tu)14:25 No.100437 | | | | Replies: 2. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 11feb2024(su)21:04 No.100888 not related or anything but is laceys dinner actually a real flash game or just some fake deviantart meme? why do i keep seeing this series on jewtube everywhere? also this dosent really look like a real swf but a bunch of poorly compressed 3d rendered videos |
| >> | Anonymous 2apr2024(tu)15:49 No.101244 >>100888 Short answer, no. Long answer, try typing "Lacey" into the swfchan search and clicking on the one with the green haired girl. |
| >> | Anonymous 4apr2024(th)19:54 No.101255 |
>> | Anonymous 22oct2022(sa)10:00 No.92143 | | | | Replies: 4. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 31mar2024(su)13:18 No.101215 flash definitively died, i remember even youtube have used flash player too, the golden era of flash player, so many browsing games made with flash, unfortunately this era ended, but i always will remember |
| >> | Anonymous 31mar2024(su)16:02 No.101226 >>101215 And did we get in exchange? Chinese knockoff gacha app games? Flash was never made obsolete, just pushed off the face of the earth for extracting more money from children and idiots... |
| >> | TurCrayPig 31mar2024(su)17:23 No.101230 >>92146 >hope that most of those games are archives somewhere, maybe even here There is also flashplayer.ru if you speak russian like I do. Some of the games out there aren't present in the archive, so we still have time and space to save as much flash stuff as we can! |
>> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 23jan2012(mo)22:14 No.3107 Donation-talk It has finally happened, from this day swfchan accepts donations. The reason to why is because a new server is needed and if there's a chance that someone out there would like to help out in obtaining the hardware I would be very grateful. http://swfchan.com/donate.shtml Discuss everything related to donating in this thread. |
| | | | Preview below. Replies: 19. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 11mar2024(mo)17:51 No.101115 >>101113 I appreciate it but there's no such option right now. I've also not been very >into crypto myself lately. The dream of using crypto as cash for payments is pretty dead, it turned into a manipulated speculative stock. Works for transfers outside the banking system though so it's not completely without merit. And I guess a couple of people still do use crypto for VPNs and such, but that's a far cry from Steam accepting Bitcoin like they once did.>>101085 Glad you like it! |
| >> | Anonymous 12mar2024(tu)04:55 No.101117 >>101115 Are you sure? Liberapay? Maybe even something like a SubscribeStar or something? |
| >> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 18mar2024(mo)17:05 No.101150 |
>> | Anonymous 20feb2024(tu)11:49 No.100945 Just wanted to say THANK YOU for having such a well structured, easy to search, informative, functioning, and huge flash archive publicly available. And of course, a still running one! Keep it up! This is an unbelieviably long memory street. For some SWFs, this is now the very last page to have them. Just please pinky promise that if anything ever happens to this site, there will be a SWF torrent along with the backend source. |
| | | | Preview below. Replies: 10. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 1mar2024(fr)19:24 No.101039 | >> | The vorpal blade went snicker-snack 2mar2024(sa)12:20 No.101049 >>101036 One thing that seems neglected on swfchan is its Internet crawl data. There is an abundance of flashes that it has found several times and with different names on boorus, Newgrounds etc. but not on any imageboards, hence they are WIKI:0 and the only info I have to go off of is the filenames and found date. I'm sometimes kind of frustrated that it can't show me where and when it found a flash. A booru link, if still active, could tell me the author of a flash if it isn't already included in the extremely long name, or take me to other discussions of it. In any case, that information shouldn't disappear just because only the "most popular filename" of a file was kept. Oh, the category/poll data for flashes is also notable.Be ... |
| >> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 3mar2024(su)18:01 No.101057 >>101049 It's true that a lot of information is in the alternative filenames, tags discovered on the scraped web pages hosting the flash file itself was usually appended to the end of its filename to help with searching here on swfchan (those types of sites usually didn't preserve the original swf names anyway). So some kind of dump of all file names must be a part of the metadata inside the potential future torrent. |
>> | Anonymous 25feb2024(su)22:28 No.100992 Sites To Add Url Links Does anyone know of a site that I can post Url links from sites? |
| | | | Replies: 3. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 26feb2024(mo)22:45 No.100999 >>100992 Wat? What links do you want to post and why? You could use a pastebin I guess. |
| >> | Anonymous 27feb2024(tu)05:06 No.101000 >>100999 Gif animations links from sites e621, rule 34 xxx, & Dropbox that I had on my iPad Pro's Photon Browser. Thanks for the site which will help a lot & each gif I had from 2018 - past ones are saved as bookmarks on my PS3 Slim. |
| >> | Anonymous 28feb2024(we)12:41 No.101012 |
>> | Anonymous 11apr2023(tu)17:56 No.96365 someone knows the name of this flash game? i remember played around 2008, was something related to coca cola, i remember to received from an e-mail , and the game looks like an fmv and starts with a security guard from a party speaking with people and some time later he notes and approach to you and try to catch you, and you need to dodge from him |
| | | | Replies: 3. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 11feb2024(su)21:19 No.100890 Stupid question but since this board is full of requests anyone know this obscure flash where theres a giraffe with an outfit of what looks like a news reporter on a suit about to give a blowjob? forgot what its called as i only stumbled upon the thumbnail in the [FURRY] section but never really bothered viewing the file details and now i lost it since i dont recall the page number i found it on |
| >> | Anonymous 12feb2024(mo)09:10 No.100894 | >> | Anonymous 14feb2024(we)04:23 No.100907 |
>> | jacky rai fan 10jan2024(we)19:48 No.100710 How do I upload a working swf file here? I've tried to do this multiple times, but outcome is always just completely non-functional with a blank image. I'm still new to concept. What am I doing wrong? Please let me know. |
| | | | Preview below. Replies: 5. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 11jan2024(th)04:28 No.100715 I believe catbox.moe is what I used in the past and it worked, but again, this should only be necessary if the upload is over 70 MiB. Pornographic content goes on /fap/.If your SWF fails to work after uploaded, it's possible it may be a launcher that's supposed to load other local SWF files, or it has some form of copy protection. |
| >> | Anonymous 11jan2024(th)19:58 No.100718 >>100710 Yay, more jackurai garbage for the archive. Jokes besides, what you describe can be a multitude of problems from a multitude of angles, read: you didn't supply enough information.Are you trying to upload single swf files to this board here? Go to a directory like >>100712 and upload it there. If it doesn't work it should give you an error as to why. Did the file upload and just doesn't work then? Could be you use ruffle and it does't support that flash. But it did land fine in the archive. ... |
| >> | jacky rai fan 13jan2024(sa)18:55 No.100740 Okay, found some things out Good news: Ruffle can play this Bad news: Any word bubbles are blank during gameplay. No text in them. Is there even a way to solve this? |
>> | Anonymous 10jan2024(we)04:27 No.100707 Looking for old flash game It was a turn-based strategy game where you managed a town or city of shape people (circle/square/triangle) and had to defend from invasions of different shape people. Anyone know what I'm talking about? |
| | | | Replies: 3. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 12jan2024(fr)14:56 No.100722 Can you remember any mentioning/name of the developer, like Hero Interactive (Bubble Tanks series) or Finik Productions (series of point-and-click quests about Grisha the detective)? If not, were there any mentions of websites/publishers, like Newgrounds, Kongregate, Armor Games or even Madfatcat dot com? Any hints on the artstyle or where could you see it? I remember that I saw some games on my mom's old laptop, in browser add-on called TipTop (it also had black-and-orange paper airplane as a logo), maybe you remember that thing too? |
| >> | Anonymous 12jan2024(fr)23:28 No.100724 I wish I remembered more. I can't remember the developer or the site I played it at, it may have been Newgrounds as that was my main flash games site. As far as I can remember the art style, someone suggested Great War of Prefectures, on another website I asked and the units looked quite similar to that one's. I think the player units were circle dudes and the enemy units were square dudes. |
| >> | Anonymous 13jan2024(sa)13:42 No.100725 >>100724 Great War of Prefectures was published by Coolbuddy website, so maybe you should try searching there, since I didn't find any similar strategy there. In the archive I've also found some Color Commander game (http://swfchan.com/5/22050), maybe the author of it also made the thing you're looking for? |
>> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 25mar2012(su)10:00 No.3368 Let's talk Services All discussion related to the services found at http://eye.swfchan.com/services/ are to be put in this thread. Comments, questions, suggestions, ideas, wishes, problems? |
| | | | Preview below. Replies: 121. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 12dec2023(tu)15:01 No.100500 the Incorrect Captcha i can‘t recognize the new random captcha and it won’t refresh, causing me to be completely unable to browse flash.No matter how I look at it it looks like there are only three characters like "4VQ".how can i refresh the captcha? |
| >> | Anonymous 14dec2023(th)23:34 No.100510 >>100500 Just try it a few times and it will give you another one eventually. The only time I ever experienced a captcha I couldn't solve (randomly) and it just wouldn't change it was by using the report feature. Which shouldn't be a regular issue around here really. |
| >> | Anonymous 10jan2024(we)12:03 No.100708 How about a /_/ for looking for stuff? I'm not the only one who tried to ask help in searching for a particular game on the /disc/. Maybe we need a some /srch/? |