Archived flashes:
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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Required text body length: 20 characters. Maximum: 15000 characters.
A file is optional.

Here we talk about swfchan or discuss the flash format/community. You may
however also post about any other topic you like to have a text-only discussion about.

Here to report a bad ad? Please post in the dedicated ad thread!
Don't start a new thread about the popups or anything else ad-related.

>>w7 890  4aug2018(sa)14:19  No.61458 
hey ants pls add sercureswf category

hi ants i have seen alot of secured flashes lately
some of them no longer work since the main C&C servers are down
it would be nice if we can cr@ck them

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>>w7 890 !elUzZM2K/o  17aug2018(fr)14:22  No.61835 
the trjs

oh and add malware category
if you set your user agent to ie 8 or 9 when you go to
you may live find flash exploits
also some files redirect to bogus sites so be carefull

>>W7 890  29aug2018(we)17:18  No.62123 
Flash drm

Here we talk about secureswf preloaders and obfuscated swfs
And how to unpack them

>>Anonymous  17aug2018(fr)14:24  No.61836 
/how/ is gone

is it me or /how/ is gone
why did admin remove it

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>>Anonymous  18aug2018(sa)03:56  No.61852 
/b/ is gone

is it me or is /b/ gone
why did admin remove it

>>Anonymous  18aug2018(sa)04:43  No.61859 
it's been hidden as long as >>61848 said, because of CP spams and it wasn't of any real use
>>Anonymous  18aug2018(sa)09:52  No.61860 
ok thx all


>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  25apr2017(tu)16:43  No.48742 
Health changes

Flash threads now start with 50 health. When someone posts his first reply the thread gains 5 health (capped at 100). Multiple replies by the same IP won't give additional health unless the thread is below 10 HP, then 1 health is given per reply. Double posts still does not count as replies btw, though they still bump the thread as before.

When someone posts his first sage in the thread it loses 5 health. However sage does not reduce health below 10. Thyme now counts as regular replies, only they don't give health and doesn't bump the thread. So use thyme in the mail field if you want to post in a thread without harming it and without drawing attention to it. Use sage if you want to kill the thread. If you both sage and post normally the ...

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>>memewer  30mar2018(fr)14:26  No.58327 


>>Anonymous  30mar2018(fr)20:02  No.58337 
>that moment when I realized OP's message is 1 year old and someone just spam bumped the thread from the dead
>>Anonymous  15aug2018(we)18:02  No.61754 
>when the rules page still says you have to use the [G] and [L] tags on their respective boards

>>Anonymous  8aug2018(we)05:54  No.61576 
Find Artist

Does anyone know who made this? is_rough.swf I remember that it's a gif from the person's VCL.

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>>Anonymous  31jul2018(tu)20:19  No.61399 

Recreating various outside crisis situations or not results in invisibility and speed,altering you and reality,personally affecting reality,your mind returning to the past(time travel).People who are acidic,nervous,shitty and others are being assalted,bleeding and puking acid.They're hungrily pulling and grabbing peoples sleeping genitals,thirstily turning peoples places into a hotel/outhouse and anally attacking colon cleansed people .Surrounded by the future,the past and nightlights,barking dogs,abductions,disappearances,suicides,murders,c uts,suffocations,draining energy.Being pulled towards the future or the past along with your iron coins and other materials your in contact with and surrounded by,people are disappearing,people are being ...

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>>w7 890  4aug2018(sa)14:14  No.61457 
wtf why

hey asshole what am i supposed here
should i report the sp@m

>>w7 890  28jul2018(sa)16:17  No.61309 
guys a bit of help here pls

how do i make flash access the filesystem
i tried /dir1 /music1.mp3
but its saying error only trusted local swf files can access the filesystem

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>>Anonymous  1aug2018(we)19:06  No.61419 
I think you have to get flash to ask for permission to use the filesystem for those sorts of operations. I know it has to ask at least once to use the microphone.

I guess the above was wrong though. Take a look at the actionscript in bedkit_publicbeta.swf
somehow I remembered it because of the dollar sign in its name.

>>Anonymous  31jul2018(tu)20:46  No.61402 

Air bubbles and dissolved air in fluids in IV bags,tubes and syringes is being injected into people.Strokes and deaths.

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>>Anonymous  1aug2018(we)19:03  No.61418 
hey swfants, while these recent 4 threads may look like posts which you wouldn't normally delete, I've seen the exact same ones posted in other chans. It's a spamewave I guess but a bad one.

>>Anonymous  31jul2018(tu)20:39  No.61401 
Conspiracy to damage and age people's bodies

People are being poisoned,burned,infected,plugged,numbed,brain tumors,aneurysms,impotence,blinded,damaged,aged,c rippled and balded by the shampoo,pills,working,stress,soap,rubs,people,mou thwash,nasal cleaners,eyedrops,beverages and food.

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>>Anonymous  31jul2018(tu)20:34  No.61400 
The soaps are killing people

People aren't sweating or barely sweating.Feeling hot and sick?The soaps are the cause.The nerve and skin damage.People aren't tanning.People are dying.

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>>w7 890  7jul2018(sa)21:10  No.60839 
hey ants pls answer

so recently i found a flash exploit on a bogus ad site
imagine if somebody uploads one here
is the swfchan sandbox is enough
or will i still get infected

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>>Anonymous  10jul2018(tu)17:09  No.60926 
Hey w7 890, don't even bother with what >>60905 said about if you're feeling lucky see 813.aspx I mean if an anti virus will stop the bsods enough to transfer files and copy info from the browser then do it but don't continue to use the system as if nothing's wrong.
I'd advise in taking down every program you want, browser settings, extensions, userscripts, history, bookmarks, personal files, flash files etcetera and just starting over.
>>w7 890  28jul2018(sa)16:05  No.61307 
well thx guys i formatted my hhd installed linux lol
>>w7 890  28jul2018(sa)16:08  No.61308 
well thx everything is fine now

well thx guys i formatted my hhd installed linux

>>gyt7f  23jul2018(mo)14:49  No.61186 

PTHC ...

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>>Anonymous  6jul2018(fr)06:49  No.60810 
a thread for contacting collection authors

please use this thread for getting in touch with the author of a collection

Hey UPC (I presume that's who made 15/ ), the Dragon Quest section is missing some flashes like and maybe if you have some time do a search for or mage or warrior and just scan the thumbnails for similar art styles?

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>>Anonymous  4jul2018(we)19:12  No.60768 
by PdPatty.swf

Is there a way to filter this artist (PdPatty)? You came back after 4 days and see 150 new flashes and think, nice, but when you look inside them it's like 75 of these are just embedded vids from any porn site.
Don't get me wrong, i like that you get have many flashes, also some you maybe don't like unfiltered by the admin's preferences, but these "flashes" are just vids.
Not even embedded vids sometimes simply posted on 4chan to discuss or share, but because someone got bored and thought of copying porn vids in flash.
If i want to see them i would go on porn sites and not swfchan.

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>>Anonymous  4jul2018(we)19:16  No.60769 
ok i rechecked, that are "just" 200 flashes of him, which is just 10% of the current flash flow, but it feels like a lot more.

>>w7 890  1jul2018(su)14:24  No.60697 
yo yo wtf happened here

is everything ok

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>>Anonymous  1jul2018(su)17:22  No.60703 
swfchan has the habit of going down for short periods of time occasionally
hosts are being incompetent as usual
Admin lurks on this board everyday, but even he has some hours of sleep/work or a day off every now and then

>>w7 890  24jun2018(su)12:10  No.60524 
yo anonz let's archive patreon

btw check this out

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>>w7 890  27jun2018(we)14:35  No.60581 
i forgot to add this

this site let's you view patreon content for free
also it can help us finish the swf collections
yes it's aginst the rules but we must p1r4at3 for hummanity's sake
or we will run into a huge archiving problem in the future

>>Anonymous  28jun2018(th)04:43  No.60591 
The site isn't very good, can't find any swf files. Everything just seems to be gay furry porn that loads very slowly.
>>w7 890  1jul2018(su)14:32  No.60698 
yes you can download swf files there


>>win7 890  26apr2018(th)13:35  No.59154 
need help archiving this site

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>>w7 890  24jun2018(su)16:54  No.60528 
how do i edit and delete posts


>>Anonymous  24jun2018(su)19:48  No.60530 

You can't

>>w7 890  25jun2018(mo)13:48  No.60535 
k thx


>>Anonymous  23jun2018(sa)02:54  No.60508 
Source please!

Anyone know the name of the animation or the artist for the animation at 9:30 in this compilation? 5afe39f86b493 Even the name of the character would help narrow it down a lot, thank you!

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>>Marie Tetreault  12jun2018(tu)21:40  No.60330 
Media Buyer


This is Marie from example; I am the media buyer for example.COM, example.COM, example.NET + many other sites.

I am looking to BUY AD SPOTS on your site: as a way to promote my products.

Please let me know what ad spots you have available and feel free to email me back! [email protected] ...

Note: Domains in the post has been edited to "example" just in case this was simply a special way to advertise.
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>>Anonymous  13jun2018(we)02:22  No.60335 
>Marie Tetreault
is this you OP? _1_state-police-rifle-drunkenness
>>Anonymous  13jun2018(we)15:54  No.60340 _1_state-police-rifle-drunkenness
>>Anonymous  13jun2018(we)18:05  No.60343 
sorry for the double post

>>Anonymous  24apr2018(tu)01:05  No.59086 
An Idea

Here's an idea for this site could you please update the size to automatically change when either height or width is at a different numbers.

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>>????  25apr2018(we)14:36  No.59131 
It makes little sense to use this site on a smartphone anyway, little padawan. So go get yourself a computing machine for grown ups.
If that was even your concern, you might clear out a little what that sentence of yours is supposed to portrait.
>>Anonymous  25apr2018(we)17:53  No.59139 
Aha he was asking for a custom version of swfchan when on a cellphone (when the screen height is larger than the screen width). I had no idea what he meant, well done to decipher his text dude.
>>Anonymous  26apr2018(th)01:49  No.59145 
A great example of it would be this swf 013fded3aa0c377d003c31d2b362.swf How would someone know the height to resize when the width is changed to 800. Why do artists even make over sized pics when they can't been seen on sites on a PC or laptop? It's crazy to have a pic over the size of 2000. Resizing pics to a smaller size does save a lot of memory.

>>Anonymous  10apr2018(tu)22:31  No.58744 
Trying to find a game that was in the apk section

This game was in the .apk section not to long ago, but has since been removed from it. It's a pornographic game where you can pick to be a human, equine, canine, or feline, and pick between male, female, and hermaphroditic. It was a porn game that was primarily text based. You could explore areas that could either lead you to new towns, cause encounters, or give you items. There was a combat system, and you could buy stuff like weapons, clothes, and supplies in stores. I've been searching for what I believe to be an hour, please help!

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>>Anonymous  12apr2018(th)02:03  No.58801 
Corruption of Champions maybe?
Or all those similar clones.
>>Anonymous  25apr2018(we)17:17  No.59137 
Might also be Trials in Tainted Space. Or Fall of Eden.

>>win7 890  24apr2018(tu)16:45  No.59106 
pls backup this flash site

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>>Anonymous  20apr2018(fr)19:15  No.59000 
an alternative flash player?

Kinda been fiddling around with an alternative flash player that actually works idea. Who want to test some?
(picrelated) b40.png

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>>Anonymous  22apr2018(su)19:56  No.59043 

Is the trackbar supposed to do anything other than show the current position?

>>Anonymous  23apr2018(mo)00:40  No.59053 
actually, i've reuploaded ;)

known issues for .net that are going to be addressed eventually:
* "aaaah it won't rewind"
* "ugh that drop text goes up on maximized window"
* "that loop check acts wierd"
* "where are the quality settings?" (when movie that supports advanced flash context menu plays you can change those from there)

>>Anonymous  23apr2018(mo)20:03  No.59079 
I still don't understand. Is this a standalone exe flash player? Or a browser plugin? Because with the projector I see little necessity to an alternative player. Even if Adobe takes it down, you'd still be able to use it.
But nevertheless, an open-source alternative to something this important is always welcome.

>>win7 890  23apr2018(mo)05:27  No.59060 
SWFants needs to see this real Flash exploits

is this site exploit proof or not
i got a bunch of exploits with me
for safety reasons pls decompile them in a VM nd_tools.rar
seriously do not open them

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>>win7 890  22apr2018(su)15:23  No.59037 
knotgames key

anybody know the key
image :
if link is down pls reply

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>>w7-890 !elUzZM2K/o  20feb2019(we)16:21  No.66772 
old bump

gonna search YP

will reply after finding the damm code

>>Anonymous  19apr2018(th)04:32  No.58965 
Old Spice Commercial

Remember this thing? When I first saw it I didn't bother saving it or anything but I did enjoy messing around with the interactive player. I looked back on the waybackmachine and it appears that the interactive elements, as well as the entire player itself, were done in flash. I was hoping that someone had put this on swfchan but apparently not. I don't know how soon the interactivity of the player died but the video does not load from in the present day. It doesn't seem like anyone has a proper public archive of the interactive part of that video, unfortunately can't download scripts or other flashes that the player loads ...

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>>Anonymous  19apr2018(th)12:04  No.58972 
Tried logging into vimeo and there's no account setting to provide the original flash files. Checked out the API at too and it doesn't look like there's anything there to get flash instead of video either.

HOWEVER I did look at the source code of the archived html file over at and it looks like the flash file is still online! So the game is still playable here: sic/v1.14/OldSpiceSequencer.swf

The flash file seems to be self-contained, it doesn't load any other files. So I'll upload it to /swf/. There were also archived versions of the flash on, it just doesn't load through the archived JavaScript on the html page: ...

>>Anonymous  19apr2018(th)18:23  No.58980 
Wow thanks! Vimeo never had true flash support, I was referring to their player which like most streaming websites loaded videos using flash. Old Spice made a deal with Vimeo to allow them to add a flash in after the video was complete. It's quite funny reading the press about it where people say Vimeo did something amazing that will change video streaming when it's done in a technology that's been around for more than 20 years at that point.
How did you find that file? I tried doing view source and searching for .swf which only got their video player. Did you guess and go from there?
>>Anonymous  19apr2018(th)20:16  No.58986 
So it was a one-thing for Old Spice. Funny that people thought it was something new. I've always said that YouTube and other video places should have embraced flash, it has so much more to offer compared to just a movie format. Google could have easily scanned any uploaded files for ActionScript that weren't put on a safe list so that all swf files uploaded were guaranteed to be completely harmless. Flash was required to use YouTube back in the day so it was already part of the site anyway. But they just didn't want to.

The URL was found in the page source on the link you posted. Search for ".swf" and you'll find this in a line of JavaScript:
http:\/\/\/web\/20120828215116\/ht tp:\/\/\/p\ ...

>>Anonymous  25jan2016(mo)10:22  No.27162 
Jayne Herring: false rape accuser, abusing the child support system

Jayne Herring: abusing child support system, cheating on her rich husband, lying about being raped and abused by her family, etc. Pregnant with a girl, due Feb 20th. Father unknown, rich husband thinks it's his.

Full story: us/repost-with-archive-link-feminist-from-hell.htm l

Jayne Herring dox:

Jayne Herring, Jayne Chobot Herring, Jayne Marie Herring ...

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>>Anonymous  17apr2018(tu)03:37  No.58934 
Hey spam faggot, I hope you and everyone in your family gets slow painful terminal cancer.
>>jayne herring  17apr2018(tu)12:09  No.58942 
jayne herring

Interesting waste of energy

>>jayne herring  19apr2018(th)08:18  No.58969 
jayne herring additional files

Multiple notes were left on Jayne Herring's ex-husband's blog by her ICSC co-workers, usually under initials, expressing sympathy and noting that she was continuing to sleep around while dating and becoming engaged to Gar. 49fec5899f-imagepng.png e06a3a21a1-imagepng.png 751c18b5cc-imagejpeg.jpg

>>???? ????  25mar2018(su)01:44  No.58187 
I'm I able to upload swf game with multiple parts

I've found out a swf I'm trying to upload needs other files to run.
Is there a way to upload the swf with the files?

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>>Anonymous  25mar2018(su)21:42  No.58214 
>>58199 >>58202

No, he means games like mnf ggg (geek girl gwen) what uses a loader swf file and swf files without extension as shapes or screens in a folder. Isn't possible to merge in one single file because uses an actionscript code to call files in the same root folder to run the game.

>>???? ????  26mar2018(mo)05:46  No.58220 
So, there isn't a way to merge them
>>Anonymous  26mar2018(mo)11:57  No.58228 
welp, consider me diddled
I never touched a raw M&F, looks like such things actually exist...

>>Anonymous  24mar2018(sa)08:12  No.58160 
Malware reporting?

Sorry for putting this here, but the report function on the site seems to indicate that it should be used only for stuff illegal under swedish law, such as real under the age stuff. Show.swf

Antivirus went off and blocked this one because of its redirects to an apparent malware domain when you click buttons like END or See More. Where would be the correct place to report this, or are we just accepting it as is?

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>>Anonymous  24mar2018(sa)08:42  No.58162 
Hmm. Maybe a new category that says Malware?
I'd say accept it for now, because you should clearly be able to tell if it's safe to open a flash or not, by the number of times it got posted and looking inside the threads, which both indicated a poor flash in this case.
Also, there wouldn't be any more harmful things than redirects to infected browser pages, but even the most basic realtime antivirus would be able to detect and block that.
Just leave a comment in a thread if it gets posted, otherwise, it's not like the flash has no merit in itself, just because of a malware redirect at the very end or a specific single time.

>>Anonymous  15mar2018(th)22:31  No.57892 
Trying to remember hentai flash

I'm trying to look for a short hentai flash animation I remember it was two probably elf girls giving either a blowjob or titjob or just kissed cock and then ejaculated. I think they might not have been colored in.

Would strongly appreciate if anyone can remember this thanks.

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>>Anonymous  15mar2018(th)22:48  No.57893 
Sweet. Found it. Was hot. mission)+by+pinoytoons.swf
Thanks everyone.
>>Anonymous  16mar2018(fr)00:21  No.57899 
Not gonna scold you OP, but you might put that 10 mins searching in before you open the thread next time.
Glad you found it, because I certainly would not have.
>>Anonymous  16mar2018(fr)08:41  No.57904 
that flash was hot as fuck, wish it was longer. thanks for sharing!

>>Rah  8mar2018(th)02:04  No.57683 
Can't remember that game ....plz help

Hi people ,

I need help , i dont find a game i played once , in this hentai game , you need to rape some famous character like Ariel , Pocaontas ect , and other girls , before x days , or it be game over , you need to unlock girls on their private room , one after one , after one girl is on your total control , you can use her to rape other girls , to help faster , can you help me find this game please ?

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>>Anonymous  8mar2018(th)19:37  No.57708 
yeah, the kingdom hearts connection would have been the crucial hint
>>Rah  10mar2018(sa)01:38  No.57753 
thanks you very much :) !
>>Anonymous  16mar2018(fr)00:13  No.57894 
Christ, how do you even win that game? Even after getting 100% on em all it goes nowhere.
Created: 8/2 -2011 20:30:00 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 14:57:14 Server time: 12/03 -2025 15:39:49