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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

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Here we talk about swfchan or discuss the flash format/community. You may
however also post about any other topic you like to have a text-only discussion about.

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>>Anonymous  31dec2018(mo)16:27  No.65716 
Peoples bodies are being aged and damaged

People are being poisoned,burned,infected,plugged,numbed,brain tumors,aneurysms,impotence,blinded,aged,damaged,c rippled and balded by the shampoo,pills,working,stress,soaps,rubs,people,mo uthwash,nasal cleaners,eyedrops,beverages and food.

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>>Anonymous  29dec2018(sa)18:07  No.65682 
The soaps are killing people.Where's the sweat?

The soaps,pools,etc,etc are the causes of people aren't sweating or barely sweating.The nerve and skin damage.Feeling hot,burning,throbbing,puffy,dizzy and sick?The dry flaky skin.People aren't tanning.Monster scar faces.People are dying and suicides.The deaths of millions.

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>>Anonymous  27dec2018(th)21:49  No.65663 

Recreating various outside crisis situations or not results in invisibility and speed,altering you and reality,personally affecting reality,your mind returning to the past(time travel).People who are acidic,nervous,shitty and others are being assalted,bleeding and puking acid.They're hungrily pulling and grabbing peoples sleeping genitals,thirstily turning peoples places into a hotel/outhouse and anally attacking colon cleansed people .Surrounded by the future,the past and nightlights,barking dogs,abductions,disappearances,suicides,murders,c uts,suffocations,draining energy.Being pulled towards the future or the past along with your iron coins and other materials your in contact with and surrounded by,people are disappearing,people are being ...

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>>Anonymous  27dec2018(th)21:39  No.65662 
The soaps,creams,rubs,etc are turning peoples faces into scar covered monsters

People aren't sweating or barely sweating.Feeling hot and sick?The soaps,creams,rubs etc are the causes.The nerve and skin damage.People aren't tanning.People are dying.The face feels hot,puffy,swollen,rigid skin,cuts,an injection into the skin,a creature stuck to the face,bugs crawling on the skin,skin scars,a throbbing burning feeling in the face and burning and burning and suicides.

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>>Anonymous  27dec2018(th)18:57  No.65661 

Recreating various outside crisis situations or not results in invisibility and speed,altering you and reality,personally affecting reality,your mind returning to the past(time travel).People who are acidic,nervous,shitty and others are being assalted,bleeding and puking acid.They're hungrily pulling and grabbing peoples sleeping genitals,thirstily turning peoples places into a hotel/outhouse and anally attacking colon cleansed people .Surrounded by the future,the past and nightlights,barking dogs,abductions,disappearances,suicides,murders,c uts,suffocations,draining energy.Being pulled towards the future or the past along with your iron coins and other materials your in contact with and surrounded by,people are disappearing,people are being ...

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>>Anonymous  26nov2018(mo)07:43  No.65142 
preserving homestuck flashes

I guess I'm rather late on this news but since I had already read through the comic I wasn't visiting the website anymore.
Anyway I have some somewhat troubling news: in short the domain has been changed to and all of the flashes have been converted to using either javascript or a video file. (apparently you can't directly link to a specific news post)
>Posted on 3 April 2018 by Andrew

>Thanks to the VIZ Media team for porting all MSPA content over to, which now enables mobile viewing for all pages. This has been done by converting Flash files into either an HTML-based format, or converting to a video file. Many of the video files are only temporary, and will be replaced in ...

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>>Anonymous  28nov2018(we)22:44  No.65201 
sad to hear, but yeah, can be quite a hassle to script for
goes to see always archive things while they are still alive
would have been nice if they gave us some kind of grace period with these announcements

all worthy homecuck flashes I know have already been posted on /f/ a plenty, so I guess I don't have anything to contribute

>>Anonymous  29nov2018(th)07:04  No.65205 
gah looks like if forgot to link the "this other one"

It's more for completeness and also to make sure they're named in some way that helps searching in this archive. Right now when you search "homestuck", only a few of the results are the flashes actually in the comic: there's only 47 results while doing a ctrl+f for "[s" or "[!!!]" on the log gives around 170 matches. I thought that was worthwhile if only for the song and since it was made quite late in the comic it was not ever posted on /f/ until I posted it for the first time a few days ago.

>>w7-890  15dec2018(sa)14:24  No.65478 
i wish they allow anons to download the original SWF from the site
that would be really cool

>>Anonymous  10dec2018(mo)11:12  No.65393 
Normal Thread Order

Just a quick heads up to Ants, because the index-normal page is 404
>The file you are requesting doesn't exist.

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>>Anonymous  10dec2018(mo)11:14  No.65394 
Okay, nevermind.
After posting this thread it appears to be working again.
Must've been a cache problem.
>>Anonymous  10dec2018(mo)11:57  No.65395 
thats weird

>>w7 890  1dec2018(sa)09:21  No.65251 
help plz

the flash projector has become buggy after
installing proprietory NVIDIA drivers

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>>bot named w7 890  5dec2018(we)11:37  No.65319 
ok then?

>w7 890 used timeshift
now my KDE is unstable
oh well

proprietory software sucks

if [response] ...

>>Anonymous  8dec2018(sa)05:47  No.65360 
install plan9
>>some cute newfag  8dec2018(sa)18:28  No.65369 
help plz

whatz plan 9

>>some cute loli  27nov2018(tu)12:53  No.65160 
newfags thread

a place for newfags like w7 890
if u are new to this site plz introduce yourself here
this is also the FAQ thread

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>>Anonymous  28nov2018(we)06:24  No.65181 
Welcome to the internet, I'll be your guide.
>>Anonymous  28nov2018(we)08:16  No.65184 
Is this an "introduction thread" like some other forums with forced usernames have? idk if i'll stay anonymous on swfchan at this rate.
>>Anonymous  4dec2018(tu)08:03  No.65308 

>>Anonymous  19nov2018(mo)05:34  No.65007 
Is swfchan horribly slow for anyone else or just me? It takes around 5 minutes to load a 2mb flash.
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>>Anonymous  19nov2018(mo)21:12  No.65021 
make us three then, I thought it was my ISP, but I can imagine it's something about bandwidth limitations. Strangely though, bigger files (over 30MB) loads way quicker than smaller ones...
>>Anonymous  20nov2018(tu)03:05  No.65027 
Been really unstable the last few days here too.
I hope Ants has everything under control.
Oftentimes there's a tidbid not working probably here or there. Admin usually fixes it timely.
>>w7 890  23nov2018(fr)10:13  No.65091 
as far as i know
bigger files + more bandwith
smaller means less
this is to make downloading faster

>>w7 890  5nov2018(mo)09:57  No.64594 
preloaders thread

here we talk about preloaders

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>>Anonymous  11nov2018(su)14:06  No.64794 
But what's there to talk about?
>>Anonymous  11nov2018(su)21:12  No.64805 
Swfchan's SwfH264 preloader has gotten kinda notorious, but not neccessarily in a good way.
Maybe there could be a way to make a custom preloader with the tool?
Ironic, that swfchan's greatest contribution to /f/ was to make it easier to convert shitty youtube videos, but the overall quality of all videos went up without a doubt.
It's a bittesweet irony.
>>w7 890  18nov2018(su)08:41  No.64987 
do u know any flash that uses secureSWF

i will hjack the thread
hopefully anons don't mind
[sorry about that]

>>Anonymous  17nov2018(sa)22:27  No.64969 
What after 2020?

Flash will be kill and let's face it flash files are rife with malware, trackers and unecessary bullshit. Will Swfchan close up shop?

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>>Anonymous  17nov2018(sa)23:22  No.64971 
a little late to the party on this topic, aren't you?
also that "flash is dead" is bullshit, it's not like flash will stop working after 2020, it's just not going to receive any updates.
>>Anonymous  20nov2018(tu)02:49  No.65026 
jeez, look for the 1000 threads on that topic will ya?
>flash will still exist
>you can still use the projector
>you can still install the addon on other "non mainstream" browsers
>you can still create swfs ...

>>Anonymous  17jul2018(tu)20:35  No.61061 
Has anyone ever attempted to decompile ( ) and make sense of the flash player or the authoring software?
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>>Anonymous  28jul2018(sa)06:08  No.61298 

Sorry, I am in no way related to them. but I also finding the decompiler.
use this to decompile an swf file.
I used it and Works really well! most of the time.

>>w7 890  17nov2018(sa)11:44  No.64947 
a little TIP

did u know JPEXS can also decompile exes with swf in them

>>Anonymous  30jan2018(tu)04:33  No.56744 
Getting Flash To Work On Linux

I got this cracked version of Flash CC2015 because I wanted to test out whether it would even work. I installed wine and was able to install it without any problems, however when I try to run the actual Flash.exe it runs the loading bar and crashes with a stackoverflow error. Any ideas on what I can do to mitigate this? If it's as simple as increase how much stack memory the wine process has access to, I'd love to know how to do that.
Thanks for any help.

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>>Anonymous@debian-sid  29sep2018(sa)11:56  No.63781 
Looks like it's broken:

He's asking how to run Flash CC, now called Adobe Animate.
Flash Player projector is simple to run since it has a native Linux release. And the Flash Player plugin can be installed by copying to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/.

>>w7 890  29sep2018(sa)17:33  No.63783 
ok sorry about that
>>w7 890  10nov2018(sa)07:28  No.64766 

try using KVM

>>SWFAnts  6oct2018(sa)14:04  No.63931 
Zone- Him Revenge

The Powerpuff Girls has ever nightmare.

1 Blossom Failed the test was an F. The class was try get Blossom take the clothes off first rape second penis third pain and sex. Blossom try to Screaming.

2. Buttercup can't sleep he want to drink. the spider here try get Buttercup fall off. Spider use web took clothes off. all penis here to get Buttercup start Screaming spider lick boobs and bum. Buttercup hear shouting.

3. Bubbles wake up something wrong with blossom and buttercup. Saw a toy near Bubbles. But teddy mad all toys to get Bubbles. Took clothes off. Penis toys grabs Bubbles. it call fun and games. Bubbles Screaming.

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>>w7 890  6nov2018(tu)12:41  No.64613 

tell me your ways master
>>Man, you could have at least gotten your (LETTERS) in red unicode letters.
whats wrong boy.swf

>>attention whore  7nov2018(we)10:39  No.64635 
plz dont be mad


>>QP IS A PHAGGOT  16nov2018(fr)10:40  No.64916 
S 1S 4 SAGE!!


>>AnonZDK  1nov2018(th)13:38  No.64497 

fuck you SWFantz

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>>AnonZDK  1nov2018(th)13:41  No.64498 
sorry wrong post it goes here
>>AnonZDK  1nov2018(th)13:41  No.64499 
and plz delete my thread
>>Anonymous  4nov2018(su)19:44  No.64584 
>insulting Ants
>Hey Ants pls delete my thread kthxbai

>>autistic_fapper  18oct2018(th)10:07  No.64134 
Broken apk converter

just wanna put it here

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>>bot named w7 890  28oct2018(su)17:18  No.64370 
try putting a little tracker on the apk
just make sure they don't notice it :)
>>Anonymous  29oct2018(mo)14:08  No.64437 
Go home AMM, you're drunk!
>>w7 890  29oct2018(mo)17:22  No.64441 
just a suggestion nothing bad

ok sir

>>Nanonymous  28oct2018(su)20:11  No.64377 
Bliss Sexaully

HIM grab Bliss took clothing off rape and bondage.
Don't try is at clip and zone.
The Powerpuff Girls.

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>>not w7 890  29oct2018(mo)06:29  No.64427 
plz stop and kys

oh no not again
for the love of god why
admin ban this faggot plz

>>Anonymous  29oct2018(mo)07:04  No.64428 
I still don't know what this is supposed to be.
>>Anonymous  30oct2018(tu)18:31  No.64470 
It is a mystery. Ants has never commented on it ever (to my knowledge).
At least ban these additional spam threads, if OP wants his madness he can continue in his old thread.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  7sep2015(mo)14:55  No.23212 

Discussion thread.

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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  9apr2018(mo)18:03  No.58673 
Thanks but they are something I need to figure out myself.
>>Anonymous  28oct2018(su)06:35  No.64351 
>>spamfag No 2  28oct2018(su)17:33  No.64373 
delecious red spam so tasty
also go to

>>KJ  23oct2018(tu)15:33  No.64230 
Final Fantasy x Hidden Cove , and Drake and Minotaur

Hey admin can you fixed this file it's because it's broken when I played this game it recently forward or played itself like faster I don't know why I tried everything I can but it won't help plz fixed it

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>>KJ  26oct2018(fr)05:41  No.64302 
Like video

It's like a video that recently broken or something

>>Anonymous  27oct2018(sa)21:40  No.64335 
welp, don't tell me you watch flashes primarily on your smartphone?
because from what I know flash works like a bitch on phones, you might wanna check with a PC or convert to an APK file
>>w7 890  28oct2018(su)06:16  No.64350 
hope it helps

try this OP

>>Anonymous  20oct2018(sa)16:52  No.64185 
This MP3 it not working.
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>>sage  20oct2018(sa)18:18  No.64188 


>>Anonymous  16oct2018(tu)19:23  No.64117 

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>>w7 890  17oct2018(we)04:56  No.64118 

yo spammer dafuq is this
u keep spamming that same link
3 times now


>>Nanonymous  11oct2018(th)14:15  No.64034 
The Powerpuff Girls- Blossom bondage Dance

Blossom trap at school is not going to get out. An F. But is not going to work a test. But not working.

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>>w7 890  11oct2018(th)16:35  No.64037 
why spam why

oh not again

>>w7 890  11oct2018(th)16:36  No.64038 
why spam why

oh no not again

>>Anonymous  12oct2018(fr)06:58  No.64052 
Man, at least keep it in your existing spam thread, OP. >>>63931

>>w7 890  28jul2018(sa)18:44  No.61312 
yo check this out you might find some swf here

Another site like 4chan (i think)
flash player for android .issess.flashplayer

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>>Anonymous  7aug2018(tu)08:30  No.61533 
"Contains Ads· Offers in-app purchases"
I mean the adobe "about" link in the menu is slightly annoying but ads and purchases for a flash player? No thanks.
>>Anonymous  8aug2018(we)06:08  No.61578 
The people who made the Flash Player never fixed a major problem I asked them to fix, it has to do with the settings to change the screen size for tall swfs which plays the swf into fullscreen, & this only happens with newer android tablets.
>>w7 890  2oct2018(tu)01:42  No.63841 
hack the app

i use lucky patcher

>>???? ????  8sep2018(sa)19:41  No.62351 
My swf file can't be uploaded

I tried uploading a swf to /fap/, but it couldn't.

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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  28sep2018(fr)02:58  No.63731 
Just added support of LZMA flashes to the site so the decompress trick should no longer be needed.
>>w7 890  28sep2018(fr)04:20  No.63734 
good work admin :]
what was that file
>>Anonymous  29sep2018(sa)20:53  No.63785 
It's like Ants still goes the extra mile for his people :]

>>Nanonymous  26sep2018(we)09:32  No.63687 
Looking for this one/request

Hey, I'm looking for this SWF: , I've been looking for days without success.
Thanks for the help :)

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>>Anonymous  28sep2018(fr)02:41  No.63730 
have you tried making an account?
>>Anonymous  29sep2018(sa)00:13  No.63765 
I actually have my account but it costs money. I know someone there must have it. I posted one I purchased to see if maybe I could encourage someone to upload it.

>>AnonZDK  22sep2018(sa)14:40  No.62627 
yo ants is evertything fine

i was just worried if something was wrong here

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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  22sep2018(sa)23:16  No.63633 
A program had crashed, have rebooted the server. Thanks for letting me know!
>>AnonZDK  24sep2018(mo)16:35  No.63657 
What was that program dude
Also is your server almost full
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  25sep2018(tu)01:31  No.63665 
Just something related to archiving. Disk space is not a problem, why do you ask?

>>Anonymous  20sep2018(th)09:06  No.62584 
Programs that play Flash

It seems Chrome no longer supports flash. I tried to use Firefox but it doesn't work on that either? What else can I run it on? I should have prepared sooner but here I am...

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>>ComputerMan  23sep2018(su)03:13  No.63639 
Yeah Firefox too disabled local swfs BUT you can easily enable it again in "about:config"
just search for "plugins.http_https_only" and set it to false
also while you're at it set "plugin.load_flash_only" to false as well to re-enable old plugins, but Idk if it still works in the newest versions


>>Anonymous  23sep2018(su)05:18  No.63642 
>using micro$hit
>>Anonymous  24sep2018(mo)04:57  No.63653 
sorry, I just assumed that was what the majority of people reading this will be handling with

>>Anonymous  14sep2018(fr)08:03  No.62490 
Looking for an sfw

So anyway the TL;DR is I've been trying to find this shitty porn flash game for a long time and I don't know where else to ask.
It's one of those "walk around town, talk with NPCs and get items" type of games, exactly like Frank's Adventure but that's not it.
It had that shitty 2004-2006 "am I animay yet" style, kind of like this flash ( swf)
It was also back when edgy stuff could be fun without being tryhard, there was some chick that was asking for drugs or some shit. Then there was some emo girl with purple/blue hair that you could give some shit to so she'd "undress" for you, which was one of those dress up games.
The only screens I remember are an arcade and some shitty brick wall alleway.
That's all I remember from the game, pls help.

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>>Anonymous  14sep2018(fr)08:07  No.62491 
Also, I'm pretty fucking sure it's been removed from NG, the place where I initially found and jerked to it.
I pretty much fucking scraped half of all of newgrounds' adult flash games and I couldn't find it, though it's entirely possible I'm a retard that missed it.
>>Anonymous  17sep2018(mo)05:45  No.62533 
have you tried the wayback machine?
>>Anonymous  20sep2018(th)20:17  No.62602 
I haven't, though it wouldn't help much unless the sfw file itself is saved since I don't know the name/thumbnail of the game.

>>Saitama 2003  6sep2018(th)15:36  No.62297 
Easy way to convert SWF to video file?

I've tried all the online converters you find when you google "convert swf" but none of them work on the particular SWF I want to turn into a video.

It's not a game or an interactive flash it's just this: Mei+Mei.swf

So I know it's just audio and video. I tried SWF Extractor but it doesn't wokr for shit. Help me out anon.

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>>Anonymous  7sep2018(fr)00:20  No.62309 
Converting swf to inferior video is a sin but in this case it's just a video embedded inside a swf so I guess it should be okay.

You should be able to extract the video using JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler. If that fails you could try Swivel by Newgrounds, which basically records a video while you view the swf file.

>>Anonymous  7sep2018(fr)00:24  No.62310 
Also if you just care about the end goal in this particular case you could just download and cut out the scene from YT:

>逃学战警 (1995) 吳奇隆 金城武

>>Anonymous  7sep2018(fr)03:50  No.62314 
for flashes that are just a video file, you can actually change the extension to .flv
of course some software might check the headers so this isn't the best solution.
Created: 8/2 -2011 20:30:00 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 14:57:13 Server time: 12/03 -2025 15:48:09