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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Required text body length: 20 characters. Maximum: 15000 characters.
A file is optional.

Here we talk about swfchan or discuss the flash format/community. You may
however also post about any other topic you like to have a text-only discussion about.

Here to report a bad ad? Please post in the dedicated ad thread!
Don't start a new thread about the popups or anything else ad-related.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  24aug2015(mo)10:47  No.22625 
Patreon Beta

Discussion thread for the testing period.

Please avoid new discussion here, take it in instead.
Please avoid new discussion here, take it in instead.
Please avoid new discussion here, take it in instead.

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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  2sep2015(we)21:10  No.23090 
>early no-ads-at-all-acess
I would do this if I could, problem is swfchan was built to be as static as possible to save server resources. Most pages are shtml files, which basically only allows another html file to be included, so no logic that involves checking for user accounts can be implemented without me rewriting the whole site from scratch. But supporters can use adblock without feeling bad about it. ;^)
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  3sep2015(th)19:11  No.23134 
Supporter Accounts

The system that creates supporter accounts is now ready, please check patreon.shtml for instructions on how to activate your account so I can make sure everything works the way it should and that the instructions are straightforward enough.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  7sep2015(mo)01:07  No.23207 
It's time

Everything is as ready as it'll ever be, it's time to end the "beta testing" period and see for real if people are willing to donate to the site via Patreon. Thanks to you three that have showed your support so far, even if nobody else is interested I will at least know that 3 out of 25k really like the site. :)

I'll make the global announcement within 24 hours.

>>Horsie  2sep2015(we)11:47  No.23077 
Reply to highlighter

Something I hate about swfchan threads is reading a post and having to remember and find the replied post numbers to understand who and what are the post replying to. I know you can click the link itself, but I don't like it because then I lose the post I'm currently reading, and if the replied post is near the bottom, I just does not work.

It would be nice if upon hovering your cursor over the post number link, the post in question got highlighted.

That's why I have coded what is needed for it to work.
If you want to see what it looks like, I prepared an offline test you can download, unpack and open with your browser of choice to see how it looks. It's the Patreon thread with my code inserted and cleaned of code that wasn't needed for this test so it works offline. ...

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>>Horsie  3sep2015(th)11:28  No.23112 
Thank you.

By the way, I have looked at your code, and... holy shit, this thing is huge! When I did my little function, I didn't even open global.js.
One last thing: I spotted an error on this file (don't be mad at me). Search for "0;" (including quotes) and you'll spot it.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  3sep2015(th)15:20  No.23124 
Corrected, initially had the variable as a number and must have spaced out when I turned it into a string since I forgot to place ; correctly. Thanks for spotting it for me.

Yeah global.js has gotten quite big over the years. Some of the functions aren't even utilized any longer. It is used by all three top domains but funny thing is that it still doesn't have all of the site's scripts, there are other js files imported on some pages or local script blocks. Same with the stylesheet.

>>Anonymous  3sep2015(th)20:12  No.23138 
You can click the reply number and then click back on your browser, it would take you back to the number you clicked on earlier (e.g. the first post you looked at). Works fine for me.

>>8088  20aug2015(th)04:13  No.22473 
this does not work, fail after way too many captchas required to continue, and vague directions, not clear what next step.

finally got all the way to last step to finish, and repeated message

Last export generation failed!
Last export generation failed!
Last export generation failed!
Last export generation failed! ...

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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  20aug2015(th)09:02  No.22476 
The problem was that one of the images in the "Quality: High" selection couldn't be put into the flash. It happens sometimes due to some small error in the format encoding, if you pick a different quality setting it will work (was a message about that below "last export generation failed").

I went ahead and finished your swf for you with "Quality: Medium-High". loop.swf

I know the user experience of the swfloopmaker isn't very good, if I had designed it today I would have made it much clearer with less captchas and less text.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  9jul2015(th)06:11  No.21325 

This thread is about ash/

I worked a bit on this last week but want to spend time on another project at the moment. Since I don't know when and if I will continue I decided to release this as version 0.4.0. There's a lot more I wanted to put in there but it's better to put it out as it is rather than maybe never.

To be honest I'm not sure why I did this, it just felt like fun at the time. Will anyone actually use it?

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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  12jul2015(su)14:47  No.21406 
Alright, I'll add a note of it on the project page. If you ever get any errors it might be because the Java Virtual Machine ran out of memory, in that case try putting "-Xmx5000m" back but with a lower number, maybe 1000 would work instead of 5000.
>>Aedako  12aug2015(we)23:47  No.22305 
Hope you don't get ticked off at me for stealing your idea, but it inspired me to make this:
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  13aug2015(th)00:53  No.22306 
Hah, awesome! I'm always happy to have inspired creativity.

>>Anonymous  9aug2015(su)16:06  No.22141 
Broken links in search

Visit a search result page like the following rry+gay&p=3
When I click on the link for another results page, say 4, it simply appends another &p attribute, e.g. rry+gay&p=3&p=4
which most of the time will not lead to the wanted result page.

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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  9aug2015(su)16:49  No.22143 
Thought I had fixed that already. Did some changes in the search a month or two back, must have been like this since then.

Works correctly now, thanks a bunch for letting me know mate. If there's anything else please don't hesitate to leave a message.

>>A concerned user  10jul2015(fr)18:38  No.21361 
403 Forbidden

I get 403 Forbidden on pretty much all flashes, what's happening ?

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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  11jul2015(sa)01:42  No.21371 
The files2 mirror is not working, I thought it was fixed yesterday since images2 are working... Should have checked to make sure. Disabled files2 for now, sorry for the trouble.

>>rjwboys  9jul2015(th)05:29  No.21323 

all images are comeing up with x and error 403 forbiddion

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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  9jul2015(th)05:45  No.21324 
You're right, working on getting it back online now.

>>Brang buck snocks  18jun2015(th)21:29  No.20762 
Fyi Ants, if you didn't notice it already:
For whatever reason all swfchan domain links on 4chan are automately filtered as spam for whatever reason as of late. Spamfilter always prevents posting. This makes filling requests and battling the new even increasingly harder.
I would appreciate it if you made some sort of formal investigation in that matter, maybe write whatever poor successor to Moot there is that swfchan links are needed on /f/.
This can't possibly be good for traffic numbers on swfchan.
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>>Anonymous  22jun2015(mo)02:33  No.20844 
That's what I've been doing until now, but it's stupid, takes more effort, is more difficult to open and swfchan just clearly should not belong into that filter.

There have been now a number of threads involving this and everytime a good number of anons declared that they sent a complaint. Including black numbers that's now a good amount of feedback.
I hope it will do something, but chances are low considering that there aren't any answered feedback questions since the start of the new year.
Enjoy the cancer fest.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  1jul2015(we)01:24  No.21075 

Seems like swfchan is no longer filtered on 4chan, I'd like to thank everybody that helped out in sending them feedback about this.

>>Anonymous  1jul2015(we)22:13  No.21100 
Seeing there's now newly answered feedback and there wasn't any about this issue, I was fearing the worst. Great they actually listened!

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  23jun2015(tu)20:43  No.20909 

I'm considering implementing support for .unity3d on swfchan. These are single self-contained files, just like swfs, that are played with a browser plugin, just like swfs. They are created with the Unity game engine and I don't know the first thing about how the .unity3d format is constructed or if there are any security issues with it but I can learn.

Files in the .unity3d format would be uploadable on all boards supporting .swf uploads and would mix in with the flash threads, though they would be highlighted somehow to differentiate that they are about a Unity file. Uploaded .unity3d files would not get into the current flash archive on .com/.net, instead they would appear on their own subdomain and have their own arc ...

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>>Horsie  24jun2015(we)21:11  No.20937 
I find this an excellent idea.
There are some good porn in Unity right now, like the Cathouse Tale, Lugia 3D or Yiffalicious.
About security issues, compared to the old times with flash and browser security holes going rampant, I don't think this is a really serious issue nowadays.
>>Anonymous  25jun2015(th)07:25  No.20948 
Unity Web Player is losing support, Chrome dropped it because they won't update from NPAPI and there's still no signs of them ever porting it to Linux (even though Unity3D can export standalone Linux apps, they just never bothered bringing the web player over).
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  29jun2015(mo)02:18  No.21037 
It's probably best to hold off on any kind of Unity implementation.

Biggest problem seems to be that people aren't releasing their things as .unity3d for the browser, they are releasing them as .exe.

The subject still remains open for discussion, if anyone have anything to say please do so! I'm especially interested in URLs to actual porn things created in Unity that has been published for the web player.

If there's not even one of those around already there probably won't be much in the future either, at least not enough to make it worth all the time it would take to implement what I mentioned.

>>Aedako  8oct2014(we)08:54  No.15330 
Flashbulb / yt2swf

I'm developing a program for in-place modification of swf files ( If you've been paying attention to the new file uploads for the last week or so, you may have noticed a number of IOSYS animations with glitching and artistic effects applied to them -- as I've been creating new features I've been uploading them to 4chan to see what kind of reaction they get.

I consider swfchan to be a valuable service and respect your opinion, so as I've been working on this I've been wondering how you feel about your database being flooded with my edits. If you'd rather not index my test files, I can make it so Flashbulb sets some kind of flag in a Metadata or DefineBinaryData tag at the top of the file so you can detect ...

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>>Anonymous  4jun2015(th)21:18  No.20443 
Nice to see things are still happening, well done!
>>Aedako  26jun2015(fr)22:50  No.20992 
As of Flashbulb 0.51 it's possible to create basic flashes from scratch. Certain tasks are automated, such as displaying images and GIF animations, playing sounds, creating buttons and adding credits to the bottom. I'm hoping the availability of a free Flash authoring tool will encourage more people to create files that are actually Flash, not YouTube rips.

Going to focus on putting in a site lock removal tool next.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  27jun2015(sa)03:36  No.20997 
Nice job, warms the heart to see someone working on tools for flash

>>Anonymous  26apr2015(su)23:52  No.19564 
Can't see flashes

Hi. I wanted to see if you guys can help me. Every time I try to watch an swf. It either won't load or give me a 404 error... I haven't been able to make a single flash work for me and I have the latest version of Flash. HALP!! :(

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>>Anonymous  16jun2015(tu)01:37  No.20653 

Could be a caching problem though.
Did it work for you in the past?

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  16jun2015(tu)01:49  No.20669 
So if I understand this correctly you can watch flashes from and but not from and Those last two use CloudFlare so maybe the issue is that you can't connect to their server or one of their mirrors (that you are trying to reach) is having trouble connecting to swfchan and therefore can't forward the flash to you.

Try removing "get." from any URL and see if you can download flashes from here. Removing .get will download the flash from swfchan's server instead of via CloudFlare.

>>Anonymous  17jun2015(we)16:54  No.20730 
good to know!

>>Anonymous  22mar2015(su)06:10  No.18573 
i can't preview my flash loop, help please
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>>Anonymous  11apr2015(sa)20:51  No.19170 
Not working for me either
>>Anonymous  9jun2015(tu)22:41  No.20511 
Also having problems

Using this sites swf looper tool thingy to make a flash

using a 24 image gif and 4 mb mp3, simply trying to make a loop out of that, once I get to the preview stage the preview fails.
Tried changing the setting a bunch of different ways, nothing worked.
Then it told me to post about it here.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  10jun2015(we)03:30  No.20516 
It should work now, the problem was that "Use the original audio, don't re-encode" was selected, causing no preview version of the audio to be generated. It will just use the original audio now if no preview MP3 can be found. Thanks for letting me know about this!

So this is what >>18573 and >>19170 were talking about... Sorry guys, I just didn't realize what you meant! It has been years since I made the SWF loop maker, sometimes it pays off to be very clear about the context. :)

>>Anonymous  31may2015(su)17:47  No.20338 
more swf's

can you save the swfs from other boards, like (2channel), (Futaba Channel), or (the swf's not the gif's) ?

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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  31may2015(su)18:37  No.20341 
It's certainly not impossible. ;)

At the moment the swfchan server only scans 4chan's /f/ automatically on top swfchan's own boards. I've however developed some additional scanners for other major places that run from a different server and then I manually move found files over to swfchan when I feel it's time. The move-files-over process will be automated one of these days.

On top of that I also do manual scans from time to time with code I've tailored especially for the site that looks interesting. 115 such custom scans has been done so far. If a place keeps being updated I might repeat the manual scan after a year or so. The manual scans usually don't give that many new flashes but they provide a bunch of new file names for existin ...

>>Anonymous  1jun2015(mo)21:05  No.20368 
Oh, I always thought the scan and move files process is already automated.
It seems you didn't get any new files from, as far as I know. The only other I can think of are and And Freeway Cola's
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  2jun2015(tu)07:22  No.20386 
It's fully automated for 4chan and 90% automated for other places.

I suppose I really should scan for some non-porn flashes one of these days, usually I make my scanners only pick up porn because the vast, vast majority of non-porn flashes are pretty, well, worthless to be blunt. A few years ago I was in the process of scanning Newgrounds but after a while I looked at what was being found and nearly all of it was something that I couldn't possibly think swfchan's userbase was interested in. I rewrote the code to only grab the very top rated flashes and it still inserted thousands of flashes on swfchan that nobody has watched even once.

Since then I figure that at least porn flashes will always have SOME kind of value to peopl ...

>>æ  31may2015(su)02:07  No.20316 
Search Buttons

I often come across the same problem with inexperience users on 4chan's /f/:
They don't seem to understand that there are multiple site domains (because it's rather unusual) and, even when I never had that problem, probably did not read the site architecture at all.
What I'm trying to say is, they don't know how to search for keywords in archived threads.
I think the reason is that the second search button for the .net engine isn't clearly visible at all.
Maybe this was intentional. But if I would not have been on swfchan on older layouts, I probably wouldn't know about it as well. I remember having to figure it out a little bit myself.

Most visitors probalby only visit the frontpage and don't immediatly recognize two different search functions. ...

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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  31may2015(su)06:53  No.20321 
I think the reason I made the .net search so "hidden" was because people were doing the wrong search without realizing it wasn't what they wanted and in those days the thread search could take so long to complete that they left before it had completed. Since that meant the server was spending a bunch of time doing something that nobody viewed and people ended up thinking searching was broken it made sense to hide away what most people wasn't looking for.

But you're right, the function should be more clear to people that it is there. I've added a "Search for keywords in threads instead?"-link that is shown for all searches on .com, that way people will still start out with the search that they most likely want to perform but will become a ...

>>Anonymous  26may2015(tu)19:32  No.20227 
does anyone knows what song is in this:
im bad at english btw....
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>>Anonymous  26may2015(tu)20:16  No.20232 
Thanks man! appreciate it.
Im lying btw, im just not that good at english XD...

i dont remember i double posted tho...must be cuz im kinda new at using this "discussion board"

>>Anonymous  26may2015(tu)20:25  No.20233 
oh, fuck it i did...
>>Anonymous  27may2015(we)15:38  No.20246 
You're lying...?

>>Anonymous  26may2015(tu)19:32  No.20226 
does anyone knows this song? im bad at english

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>>Nanonymous  23apr2015(th)17:06  No.19522 
Invalid swf

I'm trying to upload an edited hentai game but it says that it's an invalid swf. Is there any solution to this?

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>>Anonymous  23apr2015(th)20:32  No.19526 
Seems like your edit fucked up the swf file.

>>Anonymous  16apr2015(th)06:56  No.19316 
There was a porn flash that was posted pretty recently with a loli in bondage. Someone said it was reminiscent of Studio S, but it was someone else. There was a wooden pony, I think. Anyone know what flash I'm talking about?
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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  21apr2014(mo)19:06  No.12549 

This is where discussion goes about another site I put up:

Maybe you'd like to suggest another fetish category? Or have an issue to report? A new feature to describe?

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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  24mar2015(tu)20:45  No.18617 
Hey dude, I've kinda abandoned PIXIVcats. A few months ago they changed something on Pixiv that made my system incompatible and since I barely got any visitors on PIXIVcats I never bothered to fix the problem. I just didn't feel motivated to work on something that people didn't care about. Thanks for the suggestion and for showing me that at least someone still found PIXIVcats useful but an update won't happen, sorry.
>>Anonymous  26mar2015(th)00:08  No.18625 
you might want to remove the link at the bottom of swfchan then, so people don't come across a broken project
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  26mar2015(th)05:50  No.18628 
Nah, it's still a portal to Pixiv that help people find some odd porn, just that it isn't updated any more (says that at the top of all pages over there so most people should see it). Might as well keep the link around until I decide to get rid of the domain. Maybe one day I get an impulse to fix it up.

>>Anonymous  18mar2015(we)05:06  No.18481 
What's the link to the swf where Minerva Mink is getting sexed by tentacles?
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>>Anonymous  19mar2015(th)00:11  No.18500 
Maybe you can find it here somewhere: es+porn

>>Anonymous  17mar2015(tu)04:08  No.18449 
made loituma in "html5"

save it under whatever file, i used loituma.cnvs

open in chrome, because i used proprietary webkit extensions for the animation css

all self-contained ...

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>>Anonymous  17mar2015(tu)04:57  No.18451 
not clicking that, probably virus

also html5 doesn't replace flash no matter how much you lie on your back yelling and kicking

>>Anonymous  21jan2017(sa)07:55  No.43471 
Congratulations! You embedded a gif and an mp3 file on a page! Now can you remake the loop with vector animation?

>>Anonymous  28feb2015(sa)20:36  No.18177 
Would someone please tell me the artist's vcl page that has this swf is_rough.swf

as an animated gif?

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>>Anonymous  2mar2015(mo)01:47  No.18207 
The artist's what page???
>>Anonymous  6mar2015(fr)18:15  No.18288 


>>Anonymous  8mar2015(su)22:08  No.18315 
Never heard of that place. It's not very casual-browse-through-friendly, takes many clicks to just see one image by an artist. So it's hard to discover artists that you actually like, felt like I might as well just close my eyes and click somewhere at random and hope something worthwhile shows up on my screen.

>>Anonymous  3mar2015(tu)20:28  No.18234 
Where is the flash control panel?

The loading percentage and control panel for browser embedded flashes is now gone for me. Why is this?

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>>Anonymous  5mar2015(th)01:48  No.18269 
nevermind it's fixed
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  8mar2015(su)21:13  No.18299 
Good! (Saw your message a little late.)

>>reshiramdragon  16feb2015(mo)06:16  No.17958 
almost done with my last bundle

Mlp or my little pony flashes I will add tomorrow

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>>Aedako  11feb2015(we)19:28  No.17850 
LZMA support

Just a heads up, Adobe added LZMA compression to the Flash spec a year ago -- won't allow files compressed this way to be uploaded. They seem rare in the wild, and can't be uploaded to 4chan's /f/, but they are supported by 7chan's /fl/. Flashbulb will support them in the next release and I think several decompilers handle them too. Ergo, you may want to add support.

Example file here:

Handling them is relatively straightforward. The compressed file looks like this:
uint8 swf_signature[3] // "ZWS"
uint8 swf_version // 13 or higher ...

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>>Anonymous  12feb2015(th)00:11  No.17859 
Sounds like you started to get quite a bit traumatized by that "old code" over the years :P
just kiddin'
>>Aedako  12feb2015(th)11:16  No.17870 
Yeah, it was a pretty moronic thing for Adobe to do. I tried compressing a variety of files using default settings and came up with this data:

With rare exceptions, the typical swf compresses to about 95±5% of its ZLIB'd size. It would have been useful back in the dialup days, when it was a closed format with no third-party support, but completely breaking 15 years of backward compatibility to save a few 100 kB when we're routinely streaming DVD quality videos...who knows what they were thinking.

A few files, notably minus8's stuff, do gain a dramatic increase in compression. and wf compress to 1/3 of their original size. I don't know why, but it seems fairly rare.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  12feb2015(th)12:34  No.17871 
IMMEDIATE BAN! just kiddin'

Some of the oldest code for this site is a real mess. I usually have a policy of "as long as it works it's fine" in order to not waste too much time just moving code around and combine that with how inexperienced at programming I was seven years ago compared to today things sometimes take a while to understand before edits can be done. Two days ago I finally changed the code that handles downloads from 4chan and (to the archive) to make it more stable and it took pretty long since I had to be careful not to break something in the process. I'm not sure if I would ever dare to make swfchan open source just because I'd probably feel embarrassed.

That's quite some work you've put i ...

>>louisale11  6feb2015(fr)16:17  No.17667 
spam galleries


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>>Anonymous  22jan2015(th)05:17  No.17343 

The amount of garbage flashes in swfchan is ASTOUNDING. There should be an effective way to eliminate all the pathetic furry fetish flashes and bring to light the hidden bits of quality, drowned by this piss poor shit. The "popular" list is very unreliable, and reaction tags leave out most of the good stuff waiting to be discovered.

Some of us are brave enough to wade through the sea of garbage and bring back something good. A simple "user list" system should be implemented, so users can highlight what they find best and others can enjoy without sacrifice. A rating system is also sorely needed (the kind that includes negative numbers) for flashes and user lists. A "lists" tab should then be added to show the top rated/most recent user lists. This would surely improve swfchan by lots.

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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  22jan2015(th)23:36  No.17354 
I'm actually working on something just like this in the background. That is to say, I began working on it and then took a break. Maybe I'll start working on it again now that I know at least someone wants the thing. Cheers for the suggestions and the motivation!
>>Anonymous  26jan2015(mo)02:54  No.17421 
Thanks! I can't wait.
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  6feb2015(fr)08:46  No.17665 
Alright, it's done:

>>kerryye11  5feb2015(th)19:00  No.17658 

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>>suzannerh11  1feb2015(su)16:52  No.17580 
My brand-new website


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>>Anon  30jan2015(fr)14:20  No.17511 
trying to find missing swf

old old badly animated "flash series" on here called flash joke of the day.

They are all there except number 14.. searching for it on google finds dead links and an old torrent with the file in. In the torrent there was a typo for that one flash file.

the filename in the torrent was:
Flash Joke of the Day - 14 - Chicken Shit,swf

which should have had a . instead of a , which is why it's missing. (Someone didn't just correct it and uploaded it here with the rest) ...

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>>Anon  30jan2015(fr)15:56  No.17513 
ok found it myself

uploaded to /fap/ he%20Day%20-%2014%20-%20Chicken%20Shit.swf.html

>>Anonymous  31jan2015(sa)04:00  No.17521 
awesome, it's great that you found this missing piece of history and uploaded it to swfchan. great job!
Created: 8/2 -2011 20:30:00 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 14:57:15 Server time: 12/03 -2025 15:33:48