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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Required text body length: 20 characters. Maximum: 15000 characters.
A file is optional.

Here we talk about swfchan or discuss the flash format/community. You may
however also post about any other topic you like to have a text-only discussion about.

Here to report a bad ad? Please post in the dedicated ad thread!
Don't start a new thread about the popups or anything else ad-related.

>>Anonymous  3oct2016(mo)02:02  No.39625 
Possible influx of users?

With a small possibility of /f/ being deleted, is this place ready for an influx of users from /f/?

Wouldn't want a bad first impression if this become the new /f/.

Quoted from >>>/qa/706294

>Winter is coming. hiroyuki ## Admin
Thank you for thinking about 4chan. ...

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>>Anonymous  3oct2016(mo)02:41  No.39628 
>I believe /f/ isn't going anywhere anytime soon
I certainly hope not. Just asking in case.

I thought that the since4pass was a little strange, I guess Hiro wanted some more incentive for buyers and ended up making a feature where he wouldn't realize the consequences.

Similar to him messing with the 404 page. ...

>>Anonymous  3oct2016(mo)02:42  No.39629 
>>Anonymous  3oct2016(mo)06:36  No.39649 
Some people are considering and 7chan.

Just thought you should know.

>>Anonymous  12sep2016(mo)11:30  No.38951 
News: A Document Weev Cited was Deleted Off of Almost All Sites Within Hours of Him Citing It

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>>Anonymous  13sep2016(tu)08:53  No.38971 
tl;dr: Blithering twat with delusions of grandeur shrieks "CENSORSHIP!!!" repeatedly for five minutes, then launches into interminable, meandering technobabble word salad, seemingly trying to blow the lid off a conspiracy by "the government" to cover up the 'fact' that GPS proves that relativity isn't real.


I couldn't take it. Only made it half way through. Can't stop twitching.

>>Anonymous  13sep2016(tu)09:02  No.38972 
>when you start out as a troll but end as a schizophrenic tinfoil freak

It's actually very karmic.

>>Anonymous  30oct2015(fr)02:29  No.24934 
Trials in Tainted Space

Hi... first time in 'discussion' area... love this site! I got hooked on Trials in Tainted Space and have been waiting for a new release. Does any one know if it is going to be continued? The most recent one I have is 5.54. Thanks for this site and thanks to who ever is producing TiTS.

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>>Anonymous  30oct2015(fr)03:06  No.24937 
For the most recent public release.
The backers version sometimes get uploaded on /fap/
>>teitoku  27aug2016(sa)18:06  No.38501 
Do not forget Fenoxo's source code repositories are on Github as well.... you can follow along with the discussions of issues, etc, for both CoC and TiTS.

To OP: Actually, both of the projects there have been getting some fairly recent updates, I just don't know where their threshold is for a "new" release to be made....

>>teitoku  27aug2016(sa)18:11  No.38502 
Minor correction for my last post; the "CoC mod" is a separate project, also on Github, also quite active...

>>Clods34003  18aug2016(th)03:05  No.37847 
Contact admin email checkup

Hiya, sorry if this is the wrong place to ask regarding this, but I've sent an email to what I believe is the contact email. I've read this is rarely checked but the matter is urgent, if you could check your email that'd be great. Thank you!

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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  18aug2016(th)04:46  No.37859 
I've added a new mail now. I avoid Yahoo/Gmail/Hotmail since they have become really picky about knowing who you are these days just to sign up (phone number verification etc).
>>Clods34003  18aug2016(th)04:46  No.37860 
I'll try to send an email to that adress, thank you sorry for the trouble so far.
>>Clods34003  18aug2016(th)04:54  No.37861 
Email sent, please let me know if you recieved it, thank you.

>>Anonymous  11aug2016(th)07:59  No.37524 
Reply count to thread sorting and or search possability

I was in and thought that it was interesting to see a triple digit reply thread, there hasn't been one in a long while as far as I remember. I was trying to remember the larger ones of 300+ replies, but I couldn't pin a flash to them.

As always there are so many things on the long list that makes up swfchan.

I have some ideas about how it could work, but I don't know how difficult or even how useful people would find it ultimately.

Firstly it would probably be good to add a sorting method in the regular search that sorts by the largest thread of each flash. ...

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>>Anonymous  12aug2016(fr)20:43  No.37584 
Oh there was one more thing I was reminded about from >>37573 is the threads that have broken html.

Is it possible to search for threads that are broken?

Taking for example, you can find the "Unrecognized format, preview unavailable" text with ctrl+f but since there isn't a preview, won't get anything out of those threads right?

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  13aug2016(sa)04:05  No.37601 
Had to look it up because it was so long ago I made that system now, unfortunately they are not searchable. I have a feeling I should be able to make them searchable anyway though if I spent some time on it but there must have been a good reason why they aren't. Probably filled the database with too much junk at the time, maybe wouldn't be as much of an issue today. There shouldn't be that many threads around that aren't searchable though, I've usually picked up on 4chan's HTML changes within a week or so after they happen.
>>Anonymous  13aug2016(sa)19:57  No.37623 
>300+ replies
How about the HKeyGirl5.swf release?
Apart from that it was mostly spammers in times of no captcha as stated in >>37573
Still a nice addon. Because that's the most important feature of swfchan. A solid search function.

>>Anonymous  27jul2016(we)18:12  No.37023 

Hakan Karahisar
Graetzstraße 4
D-58762 Altena

this person is a child abuser , please communicate this info worldwide

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>>Anonymous  30jul2016(sa)18:47  No.37128 

we took millions also we had 3 attacks one was from a refugee the other two by guys that were born here.

Also one of them was a german-iranian nazi and exclusivly shoot turks and shit

>>Anonymous  30jul2016(sa)19:44  No.37130 
>germany is one of the biggest pedophile countries in both production and usage
That is complete bullshit.
>google Edathy
Yes, he's a pedo and he downloaded that shit.
You are naming me one person here and the case is ocer 2 years old and suddenly it's all of germany?
Give me a break!
Meanwhile in Iran, for example, it's legal to marry a 13 year old. ...
>>Anonymous  30jul2016(sa)20:00  No.37131 
Almost forgot that one
>we took millions
Do you even know hom many people live in germany?
About 81 to 82 million total. (including "non-germans")
Taking in millions of refuuges is fucking retarded!
Just one million is more than 1% of the german population! ...

>>Anonymous  19jul2016(tu)04:19  No.35719 
I can't see the captchas

So this may be a dumb question but I cannot find an answer anywhere, for the past couple of weeks I have not been able to see captchas to enter so I cannot view any of the flash's. I have adblocker disabled and have tried running the site on Firefox and Chrome and nothing is working, what's the problem with this?

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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  25jul2016(mo)23:43  No.35937 
It should work now

The issue was probably the /ad/ in the URL after all, even if you seemingly had turned off the adblocker (maybe it was off for but not The captcha path has been remade now so /ad/ should no longer be a random possibility. Bit of an oversight by me to not design around the fact that many adblockers just assumes that anything with "/ad/" in it is an advertisement. There's probably a lot of people that have just thought the site was broken when they couldn't see the captcha when in reality it was just blocked.

>>Anonymous  26jul2016(tu)05:18  No.35952 
Oh dear god yes it finally works, thanks so much! I have a lot of flash's to catch up on now heh.
>>Anonymous  27jul2016(we)17:08  No.37017 
That's what you get with tons of people using ad/ or scriptblocker by default and not knowing how to operate them in the first place.

Don't make your Adblocker problems the hassle of site admins, you people!
Stay fresh, stay salty!
But then again OP probably was just surfing on his work PC and business networks often times block shit by default for obvious reasons.

>>!Wulf.Eb.mY  10mar2016(th)19:32  No.30207 
Bump Limit on /fap/

I don't see a reason for it to not auto-sage after 80 posts. Rarely do threads reach it, but when they do, it's generally just shitflinging or bumping for trolling reasons.

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>>Anonymous  9jun2016(th)02:48  No.34227 
Ah, fair points!
At least you've given thought to it which shows you care.

I guess as long as it stays inside the thread it aint so bad.

>>Anonymous  13jul2016(we)07:01  No.35456 
is there a post limit for a thread?
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  13jul2016(we)22:43  No.35489 
There is not. Instead a thread lose more and more health per day the older it is, requiring more and more posters to be interested in it.

>>Anonymous  27jun2016(mo)19:50  No.34870 
Animated Version

Could someone please animate this pic.

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>>Anonymous  27jun2016(mo)20:20  No.34872 
I didn't know what I expected, but it wasn't that.
>>Anonymous  28jun2016(tu)11:42  No.34895 

>>Anonymous  3jun2016(fr)17:45  No.33901 

This happens pretty much every time I access the site; I load a few files just fine but after the first 2-5 files all I get is 404 "the link you followed had expired" pages.

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>>Anonymous  7jun2016(tu)21:50  No.34159 
Update: I successfully loaded two files today only to be greeted by an expire link the third time. f?%3E22369149088-8157696219-742220

The first thing I tried loading, it's still working as of this post. .swf?%3E22421884672-8165938536-7442156246 ...

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  8jun2016(we)11:19  No.34199 
Okay, thanks. I'll try to have a look at it today.
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  8jun2016(we)15:26  No.34205 
That ought to do it

I hope.

>>Anonymous  28may2016(sa)21:34  No.33652 
I found a 91 mb flash game, where can I upload it if not here?
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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  30may2016(mo)20:51  No.33707 
Tested it a bit more and after a while I managed to get a piece of clothing to go away so it's a R-18 game, just slow as molasses.

The date in the metadata is "2016/05/27", since there's no 27:th month it can only mean 27may2016. I also notice now on tm it says "2016 5/27 キャラクター4人追加。", which means something like "added four characters on May 27:th 2016". Looks like it's still being updated, though the update before that was in 2014 so maybe this was the last one.

>>Anonymous  31may2016(tu)01:52  No.33715 
You can shove that 91mb game all the way up your ass.
>>Anonymous  31may2016(tu)03:18  No.33721 
Are you butt-blasted?

>>AnonAhri  23may2016(mo)00:11  No.33426 
Scofa Ahri swf tests

Tests for a inf loop of Scofa's Ahri anim to sample music,

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>>Anonymous  23may2016(mo)10:50  No.33437 
>>­­  23may2016(mo)13:14  No.33439 


>>Donald trump is going to be assassinated  20may2016(fr)13:57  No.33314 
Donald trump is going to be assassinated today on his way home after touring, its going to be blamed

Donald trump is going to be assassinated today on his way home after touring, its going to be blamed on a black lives matter affiliated group. screencap this

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>>Anonymous  21may2016(sa)12:24  No.33341 
Still waiting.

It's already 21 may here, so whoever the Republican party hired for the hit either fucked up or ran away to Russia with a bag full of dollars.

>>Anonymous  21may2016(sa)14:53  No.33344 
Well, there was a similar happening in Germany related to supposedly announcements of a school shooting on Krautchan, some ten years ago.
Keks were had.
But this is swfchan, so I assume noone will give two fucks.
>>Anonymous  21may2016(sa)18:10  No.33346 
How does it feel knowing your a cuck?

>>Anonymous  12may2016(th)16:45  No.32928 
Loading problems

So I'm having an issue with the site loading at anywhere from 55.5 kbps and 4k+kbps before it stops completely. Any attempts to refresh result in nothing, as well as cache clearing and web restart. this has been going on forquite some time, is there an article about this?

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>>Anonymous  13may2016(fr)16:18  No.32990 
.net flashes, it happens often, ranging from fash sizes of 2Mb and higher. There seems to be no set flash types that it happens on.
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  13may2016(fr)16:31  No.32991 
.net doesn't serve any flashes though, I assume you mean .com. The next time you get bad download speed: after the download has finished (if it does), hover over the [SAVE] link and check if it says files1, files2 or files3. I'm not sure if I can actually do anything about the problem but then we'll know if you're getting slow speeds from the main server, the rented extra server or from CloudFlare.
>>Anonymous  20may2016(fr)23:15  No.33330 
After a couple of days playing around with it, I noticed that files2&3 are mainly where it comes from. in the last day though, nothing has hung in loading limbo though, one was kinda slow lo load but never stopped.

>>Warrior Soul  8may2016(su)03:08  No.32697 
Getting that New comp tomorrow...

got an extremley lucky break and my family decided to build me a comp for my birthday

if you've got any ideas for me, post them there.

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>>Warrior Soul  9may2016(mo)05:14  No.32746 

Ty yeah windows 10 is horrible lol.

was reading up on the ins and outs of animation software today, and apparently SFM doesn't use Cuda rendering, meaning it relies more on CPU (or is it gpu) during the rendering. I'll have to read over it again, but it seems like from here the main upgrades i will need to make are to my cpu speed and to my graphics chip.

>>Anonymous  9may2016(mo)08:21  No.32748 
Happy for you WS! Been watching you silently since your first post. That shitty citizen handjob.

Looking forward to more content from you with more fem civs!

>>Warrior Soul  9may2016(mo)09:18  No.32750 

well I just did a quick test render and there is no more white line, I can also use more than one light and have a lot faster rendering time. The bad news is even though I was able to transfer the DMX files I didn't transfer the character/model/map files because it would take too long. so I will have to rebuild some of them from the ground up. luckily 9/10 of the characters I used are default characters so most of the animations don't have to be rebuilt.

>>Anonymous  20apr2016(we)02:06  No.31919 
can't find the not_new swf with the scene selector

i seen it before on here but now i can't find it at all

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>>Anonymous  31mar2016(th)04:04  No.31047 
Was swfchan down for anyone else for about a minute?
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>>Anonymous  1apr2016(fr)15:40  No.31116 
>/b/ has all the pointless content
>>Anonymous  1apr2016(fr)19:05  No.31121 
K. How do I get this thread deleted? It's a waste of space.
>>Anonymous  1apr2016(fr)19:18  No.31122 

Welcome to the 1337haxxing community fellow Anonymous Legion Warrior

>>Anonymous  5mar2016(sa)02:58  No.29579 
It's been possible to post flashes as replies for a while, first recorded one is in July 2015, but since swfchan doesn't scan for them that record only goes 'til 2013 and it is possible that someone has uploaded as a reply before.

They don't show up except to the poster, in 4plebs archive or in 4chanx (I think, I don't have it personally).

I think 4chanx leaves in the post button and you can also manually edit the html for the button. ...

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>>Anonymous  17mar2016(th)04:12  No.30459 
flashes are, we like it or not, heavy bandwitch consumers. how much traffic does /f/ have? can hiro allow himself the luxury of increasing the file size limit?
>>Anonymous  17mar2016(th)23:59  No.30473 
I'd be willing to bet five hundred bucks on that /gif/ or /b/ consumes at least 20 times more bandwidth on any day than /f/, with their webm movies and vastly greater number of lurkers. Not that it really matters too much since services like CloudFlare reduces bandwidth costs a lot these days (they download files once from 4chan and then distributes them to visitors as a middleman). Most flashes uploaded on /f/ are not close to the max limit anyway, for example right now there's only 10% flashes on /f/ that are actually over 9 MiB.

So yeah, increasing the max file size of flash files is very much not a matter of bandwidth cost.

>>Anonymous  21jan2017(sa)08:19  No.43472 
But Hiro has cloudflare, bandwidth shouldn't be an issue.

>>Liaison  17mar2016(th)04:12  No.30460 
Archiving swfchan

Oi, admin. I'm a Bibliotheca Anonoma member - an archivist collective that specializes in imageboard history & culture. We've been contacting imageboard scrapper owners since the death of in an effort to secure & back up the contents of their archives, and maybe establish a mutual support net.

So far we have all the surviving contents of safely stored in the Internet Archive and are in contact and/or receiving back ups and helping the following archives:
4plebs ...

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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  18mar2016(fr)12:26  No.30491 
>don't know what's up.
Yeah those errors are because part of the site is painted rust, luckily posts are getting through anyway. I should fix that but... well it's not THAT broken!

I'll post my answer in the other thread since it has replies already.

>>Anonymous  11mar2016(fr)00:07  No.30229 
FIM Webm

Someone should convert this swf into a webm & post it on fe05df6d836d6ec67086787911d5.swf

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>>Anonymous  11mar2016(fr)00:37  No.30231 
My face has not enough palms right now.
>>Anonymous  11mar2016(fr)04:29  No.30233 
Nah, you can if you want though.

>>Anonymous  15feb2016(mo)08:49  No.28787 
I was wondering if there will ever be a search by date function?

I know that this isn't like the other archivers and is mainly about keeping flash files, but it would be nice to be able to search back what was posted on any given day all the way back in 2007.

This came to mind because I was reading through some archived thread and an anon mentioned that a bunch of oldfags were posting stuff that day, and it was before 4plebs started archiving /f/.

The information is in all of the posts, just wondering if it would ever be searchable.

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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  17feb2016(we)22:37  No.28929 
Biggest problem for me at the moment is to focus on one thing, I can't decide what I really want to do right now.

Btw off topic but since you mentioned that flash is dying: There's a rumor going around that Adobe is dropping flash since their Flash Professional program is disappearing, even reported on this incorrectly (or misleadingly). That is not true, they are just renaming the program to Adobe Animate CC: ate-cc-a-new-era-for-flash-professional/

The SWF format can still be exported to and as such there will still be a flash plugin for browsers. AIR is still doing well as well, which is in essence flash. So flash isn't really dying, it's still being used extens ...

>>Anonymous  19feb2016(fr)00:54  No.28974 
Yep, sadly Youtube isn't NiCO NII, I mean Nicovideo, maybe that's why 2ch has a lot more flash history?
Only furries for some reason are REALLY dedicated to making their porn in SWF format. I mean, I don't like it, but I really appreciate their loyalty and mastery of the flash format.
>>Anonymous  28feb2016(su)04:34  No.29276 
Flash might be dying because Adobe has turned their program into a subscription service. This deters content creators who don't own older versions to start makings content in Flash. Why would they want to pay a monthly fee for a hobby that they are not even good at (yet)?

Newgrounds, Albinoblacksheep, dagobah and are all places that allows flash video uploads, however I don't know how widespread they are. Newgrounds is rather popular but they don't allow you do download the video content there.

Games are still pretty popular in the swf format; Nitrome, Miniclip and ArmorGames are usually flash. ...

>>Anonymous  6jan2016(we)17:29  No.26599 
Oculus Rift

Anybody else that was looking forward to pre-order Oculus Rift today only to be disappointed of the unrealistic price tag? How they expect VR to take off with a 700 USD + tax + shipping (+ 1500 USD gaming PC) purchase is beyond me. Plus whatever they are going to charge for the Oculus Touch controller(s) this summer.

I'm sure their product is great but they are blowing their chance of taking off with a boom here.

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>>Anonymous  15jan2016(fr)17:06  No.26886 
Vive will be better.
>>Nanonymous  15jan2016(fr)21:39  No.26892 
News flash: everything costs more when it hits the market.

Early adopters will buy it no matter the price; there's a hundred thousand dollar TV that Best Buy is selling. This recoups the R&D expenses, which transitions the market into a pricing war, which gets you your cheap toys a year or three later than everyone else.

In another few years, Apple+Sony+Microsoft+Google will all have their own competing devices on the market. Be patient and save your pennies.

>>Horsie  16jan2016(sa)10:44  No.26902 
Vive is almost the same on paper. What can be a good thing for them if they sell the controllers with the headset and not separate like Oculus is doing.

>>Anonymous  31dec2015(th)20:52  No.26427 
Convert Webm

Could someone please convert this webm vid into a swf. mated-anthro-anthrofied-bouncing_br

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>>Anonymous  4jan2016(mo)19:05  No.26552 

The only way I know how to convert webms is to use an online video converter & when I convert the mpeg of the converted webm to swf the size gets too large.

>>Anonymous  5jan2016(tu)06:00  No.26565 
there are conversion softwares out there that you can download the one I use is here -Video-Converter.htm

>>Anonymous  5jan2016(tu)09:49  No.26566 
The best way to convert videos into flash is with swfchan's own tool:

Webm is a video and you'll get the best quality using SwfH264.

>>Wulf  23sep2014(tu)08:07  No.15051

What's the plan? Will swfchan figure out a way to archive it or just stick to 4chan?

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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  12nov2015(th)05:13  No.25291 
Man that was a lot of text at five in the morning. I didn't get into it that much but looks like it's a legit security issue from what's being said. I wonder if Adobe has been able to patch the problem by now, it's been over 20 days. Shit like this isn't doing wonders for flash's reputation these days but it's better to catch it sooner than later.
>>Anonymous  12nov2015(th)16:56  No.25304 
Too bad 8chan isn't anymore trustworthy than new 4chan these days (just gonna leave this here
I've stopped browsing 4chan's /f/ around the second descent of captcha, but I really have to say the quality went upwards the last years again, with 2 post limit.
Captcha just makes me post less than before but it's kinda bearable with no flash board being just like /f/.
That said I do like the differences with swfchan, it serves a different purpose, all with non complete anonymity.
It just feels a bit unneccessarily archaic, but as SWFAnts said, he's working on upgrades.
As long as /f/ is alive, things should stay as they are with .org.
Let's see as to how long the swf format is destined to survive.
>>Desu  17dec2015(th)15:37  No.26095 
That archive link is completely false lol.
It's some stuff /int*/ made up and a journo published it without fact checking anything

>>Anonymous  23nov2015(mo)13:06  No.25511 
Description? lla+Blaze+%28Horse+cock+Action%29+by+shocking+%28S onic+TheCatFutanariHyperBigBoobsLickPussyAssCumSho tFunnyParody%29.swf

Seen a couple of these flashes but no idea what description the creator was talking about. Anyone of link to full video?

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>>Anonymous  23nov2015(mo)16:41  No.25517
>>Horsie  26nov2015(th)18:07  No.25593 
More from this guy here:
Link does not have the last ) on it

>>Swf Addict  13nov2015(fr)01:20  No.25311 
AD Pop-Up locks browser

Hi there,

that's my first time in the discussion section so I don't know if the problem is already known. For a few months I've been visiting swfchan with turned-off adblocker, I don't mind it as long as you get some bucks.

However for a few weeks now there's an ad pop-up that locks my browser and attempts to force me to install some shitty app. I've run into this garbage twice now - only on swfchan. I have reported the issue (the app) to google as malware (nope I did not install that shit).
I doubt this will solve the issue though.

I'm running win10 / google chrome. ...

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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  13nov2015(fr)02:18  No.25312 
Did you happen to catch the URL of the popup? The domain part of it I mean. If I had that I can give it to my ad providers (I'm using three of them) and hopefully they the one that serves the bad ads will get rid of it. Unfortunately I can't control the actual ads that show up any more than that.
>>Swf Addict  14nov2015(sa)17:50  No.25334 
no sorry I didn't think about it at that moment. Next time it pops up I'll make a screen-shot ;)
>>Swf Addict  14nov2015(sa)18:07  No.25336 
-.- ugh... I must be pretty retarded from sleep deprivation...

I didn't think about looking into my browser history.

I don't know in what order your ad providers open, but at that time of visit 3 pop ups opened: ...

>>Anonymous  31oct2015(sa)07:16  No.24951 
Can't find a game

So there's this Asian game of an alien/mosnter that attacks and rapes a girl
It's like a fighting game, with bars (no hp, u don't kill) and you can change positions and bring one mosnter from the background to help you rape, and also some tentacles.

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>>Anonymous  28oct2015(we)05:59  No.24892 
Nothing loading

Is it happening for anyone else? I'll go to play a game, or something on here, click the get file button with the captcha, then on the next page, it's just a blank white screen.

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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  28oct2015(we)19:27  No.24904 
Well, that test would have only been useful if you had tried shortly after the reboot had taken place. Perhaps you'll return tomorrow.
>>Anonymous  30oct2015(fr)04:17  No.24939 
Oh. Yes. sorry. Still getting blank page.
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  30oct2015(fr)15:54  No.24941 
Sounds very strange, especially if you're not getting any error message either. I'll try to simulate accessing the GET FILE page with your IP as soon as I have time, in the meantime I'd appreciate it if anyone else that is having similar problems post about it here.

>>A wondering user  5oct2015(mo)15:00  No.24223 
Seekbar for flash files ?

I never realised how useful the seekbar/timeline bar is until I stumbled upon flash content on other sites that i was actually interested in seeing. Is there a way to somehow add those functions via a plugin or something similar ? What I'm trying to say is: can I get the (or a similar) seekbar to the one im guessing you made for your site when viewing flashes ? The closest thing that I could find to what I need is this: l
but it sadly doesn't work (anymore?). Anyone knows if it is even possible ?

 Replies: 0. Files: 0. [Reply]

>>A curious user  7sep2015(mo)22:26  No.23225 

I always wondered (since I first heard about this thing being an alternative to the classic captcha) why isn't the site using the far less annoying reCAPTCHA ?

 Replies: 5. Files: 0. [Reply]
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  8sep2015(tu)01:06  No.23233 
The reason is because of bots leeching the flashes, I'd like the bandwidth to go to humans instead instead of automated leeches of competing sites. I know it's happening since some sites end up leeching 404.swf sometimes, here's an example: clitgames/video/huge-boobs-titfuck-3279.html (insert dot com before the first slash)

Since the captcha is custom-made it's a lot harder to find a company that will solve a bunch of swfchan's captchas for a buck, they usually only have systems which are built for big players like reCAPTCHA. Someone going through a bunch of trouble for bypassing swfchan's captcha automatically is unlikely since it'll require a lot more know-how than just running a spider that downloads the flashes.

I know it's hypocr ...

>>A curious user  8sep2015(tu)10:10  No.23251 
It would be great if you could do that. Also would making a login system help in any way ? I mean imposing that you first make an account to access the site flashes, or to increase the number of flashes you can view before completing a new captcha ? I know you added this stuff for the Patreon program, but wouldn't it be useful for all users ?
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  8sep2015(tu)16:02  No.23259 
I'd like to avoid requiring visitors to log in as much as possible so I don't think there will be any kind of accounts for regular users. Their IP and/or a cookie value provides enough identity.
Created: 8/2 -2011 20:30:00 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 14:57:14 Server time: 12/03 -2025 16:02:48