>> | Anonymous 20jan2015(tu)12:17 No.17305 New board? Do you think you could make a new board called /furryfap/ or something? I've noticed that when furry stuff is put on /fap/ it's ALWAYS in dumps and that ends up pushing a lot of stuff off just to happen again when a decent amount of other stuff gets put on /fap/. Yes? No? Too little activity on /fap/ to care? |
| | | | Replies: 2. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 20jan2015(tu)16:58 No.17307 >>17305 I'd rather just call it /furry/, but anyway Up until now, boards were only divided by how they are to be handled. E.g. Games to be played or movies to be watched. Faps to be had. I doubt it would be necessary to divide them by their content. Taking out the furry porn to a new board would practically empty /fap/. I don't like the furry stuff, so I wouldn't mind personally, but there's just so few activity I always use the main page, so it wouldn't make any difference at all. |
| >> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 21jan2015(we)10:56 No.17316 Unfortunately there's just too few uploads to have another porn board. I'm actually even planning to remove /how/ someday because that board has had almost no activity at all since it was created other than by myself. When I wrote the imageboard I actually thought all kinds of people would need advice on things like ActionScript or on how to advance various projects further but I apparently was wrong. Even if older stuff is getting bumped off the board, how long should it even be up really? The oldest 0 reply flash in /fap/ right now has been there for 60 days, how much more exposure does it really need? I guess I can add another page to /fap/ so from now on it will have room for 165 flashes instead of 135 (/show/, /gg/ and /swf/ only ha ... |
>> | Anonymous 14jan2015(we)11:10 No.17174 Is there a way to control the frame step buttons via keyboard? The buttons are tiny and hard to use. |
| | | | Replies: 2. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 17jan2015(sa)21:29 No.17249 | >> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 21jan2015(we)10:36 No.17315 >>17174 There is now! Make sure to click somewhere outside the flash and then you can use the right and left arrow keys on your keyboard. I've only tested the script in Firefox but I'm pretty sure it will work in IE/Opera/Chrome and many others as well. |
>> | darlabv11 17jan2015(sa)23:38 No.17257 My supplementary website spam (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST) |
| | | | Replies: 0. Files: 0. [Reply] |
>> | johndoe123 12jan2015(mo)08:05 No.17122 Ad problems You might want to look into a new ad service, any juicypark ads go to a dead link. |
| | | | Replies: 2. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 12jan2015(mo)12:22 No.17131 I've noticed that some ads sometimes go to a blank page, however those still count as legitimate pops. Don't know why it's like that but it's up to the ad provider to fix it on his end. |
| >> | johndoe123 13jan2015(tu)10:10 No.17153 Hmm. Weird, cause some of the ads I saw don't go to an ad parking space, they literally just 404. |
>> | andrew 26dec2014(fr)21:34 No.16777 Green Sweater handjob trying to find a flash i saw a couple days ago - it had a girl in a green sweater give a handy to the guy with her legs and hands, and it could be changed into stills sex. I don't know where it went, but i wanna see it again. could have been deleted, ive been looking for a day straight now. |
| | | | Replies: 5. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 27dec2014(sa)23:22 No.16801 | >> | Anonymous 27dec2014(sa)23:42 No.16802 >>16801 Well, that's my time wasted... Teaches me to not read posts properly. Could've sworn OP's post said more than "[...]a couple a days ago[...]" |
| >> | Anonymous 29dec2014(mo)12:57 No.16817 |
>> | Anonymous 26dec2014(fr)03:19 No.16757 ATTN !///SWFAnts: A Very Merry Christmas! Loop It's that time of the year again, and always loving that little flash loop you put up there at the top of the .net page, Admin. My question is, you got a link or some sort of dropbox to download or link someone to it? The thing's ingrained in my mind severe enough that I feel like spamming it to all of my droogies who're probably going to be hungover beyond dead first thing tomorrow morning. |
| | | | Replies: 1. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 26dec2014(fr)13:49 No.16759 Glad you like it, I'm sure it annoys a lot of people. :) You can find the flash at http://swfchan.com/extra/juligen.swf all year around, feel free to link directly to it for all your hungover friends. |
>> | Anonymous 16dec2014(tu)10:08 No.16616 Is there a way to bulk download files/download every flash in the archive? |
| | | | Replies: 1. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 16dec2014(tu)11:20 No.16620 |
>> | Steph 23nov2014(su)07:23 No.16264 Flashes fail to load Hello. I was wondering if anyone can help me because this site doesn't seem to be working for me. I have the latest version of flash, yet almost no flashes will load for me. Either they'll stay stuck at 0% or a 404 error appears. Please help :( |
| | | | Replies: 3. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 24nov2014(mo)09:34 No.16279 Do you load them directly or via the html page? Are you using any kind of flashblock or the like? Also check your security settings for adobe flash. It could simply block anything but local host. |
| >> | Anonymous 26nov2014(we)21:53 No.16328 probably script blocker on :| |
| >> | Anonymous 7dec2014(su)18:05 No.16474 >>16328 yeah. those dumbnuts scriptblocker been already quite the troublemaker for swfchans serv turn that shit off already, adblocker is enough (turn it off here if you want to be not a dick=) |
>> | Anonymous 1dec2014(mo)19:48 No.16405 Looking For Swf I'm looking for a swf that contains a small green female dragon with a big black male dragon, the swf also has 1 when clicking on the male dragon's tail it's tail gets moved out of the way, & 2 when clicking on the green dragon a zoomed shot is seen. |
| | | | Replies: 3. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 2dec2014(tu)04:25 No.16409 Is this swf file in 3d or is it in the format of a drawing and such? I can help you look to speed things up but do you have any other descriptions that can help? |
| >> | Anonymous 2dec2014(tu)04:59 No.16412 | >> | Anonymous 2dec2014(tu)18:11 No.16425 >>16409 It's not a 3D format & the only other thing I remember from the swf is the black male dragon is having doggie style sex with the green female dragon. >>16412 I've looked at the list & it's not there. |
>> | Anonymous 24nov2014(mo)18:57 No.16284 | | | | Replies: 2. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 24nov2014(mo)20:32 No.16288 you mean this one? http://swfchan.org/6329/ It takes some time until flashes are added to the .com adress/version of swfchan. The flash you linked here is simply not the one you uploaded. It's that easy really. |
| >> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 25nov2014(tu)06:40 No.16294 Actually he is right, the system is incorrectly determining those two flashes to be the same. It's because the flash OP has uploaded has some kind of badly formatted header which specifies the dimensions of it incorrectly. This causes my hasher (checksummer) of the flash's content to fail and in turn the system falls back on older, much more relaxed, ways on determining if two flashes are the same. Simply put it believes "HTH 2 Cindy Rabbit.swf" is the same as "kristen_sex_a.swf" because "HTH 2 Cindy Rabbit.swf" has a weird format. You can see this weirdness when viewing it - notice how the flash is not centered and the controls are out of the bounding box to the left? I would check my hasher program further but the source code of ... |
>> | Anonymous 20sep2014(sa)18:08 No.15011 | | | | Replies: 0. Files: 0. [Reply] |
>> | 6rav3 10sep2014(we)17:02 No.14809 Rating System I've been browsing this site for a long time now, and it's just now that I realize what it's missing: a rating system. It'd be wonderful to know whether or not a flash game was shyte. Any plans on implementing one? |
| | | | Replies: 3. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 11sep2014(th)07:29 No.14873 Age: 0.58d Health: 75% Posters: 1 Posts: 1 Replies: 0 Files: 0 It's a thread's health basically You can reduce it by using the mail options as seen in the faq. |
| >> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 11sep2014(th)16:05 No.14879 >>14809 Do you mean on .com or .org? On .com a flash's number of recommendations or current popularity might work as a kind of rating (the number of categorizations into cool/lol/etc as well I suppose). As for rating a flash here on .org it has been suggested before. However, this isn't really how imageboards work. The number of replies a thread gets should usually be a good indicator of how good a flash is, especially here where saging doesn't add towards the thread's reply count. A flash worth seeing usually have more replies.Of course I don't think a thread's reply count is equal to a rating, that would be silly. Comments could be negative or it could just be two peopel arguing for a 100 posts. But wouldn't a flash that creates so m ... |
| >> | Anonymous 11sep2014(th)17:06 No.14881 Warning, personal opinions ahead. >>14809 I think that would be a horrible idea. Not every single website needs to have a rating system. This isn't Redderp, Twatter or Faecbuk, even though we have the same amount of Ego-Trippers and self-righteous do-gooders fumbling around. A rating system being implemented would just encourage competition in that particular group, I think. ... |
>> | Anonymous 31aug2014(su)06:58 No.14559 Echi/Hentai AMV Request There was an echi/hentai anime amv on the flash board roughly 3 weeks back for the song (Mason vs. Princess Superstar - Perfect Exceeder). The amv had content from a variety of anime. I've looked for a good while but cant find it, and the request board on 4chan hasn't been able to help at all. Does anyone here where to locate something that fits this description? |
| | | | Replies: 4. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 31aug2014(su)18:02 No.14565 >>14563 Unfortunately no. The file that was on the flash board consisted of scenes taken directly from the anime and had more of a focus on lude or suggestive scenes and the scenes also seemed to bit slightly sped up. If it helps, i know i saw a few scenes from fairy tail on the amv i'm looking for, and i "think" i recall seeing a few scenes from Kiss x Sis and maybe one from Kuroinu Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni Somaru |
| >> | Anonymous 1sep2014(mo)17:54 No.14583 | >> | Anonymous 1sep2014(mo)20:55 No.14586 >>14583 Thanks, this was exactly what I was looking for. And i'll be sure to keep your advice in mind for next time :D |
>> | Bob 27jul2014(su)01:50 No.14008 Flash: Namco x Capcom Im trying to search for a flash animation, where its the intro theme of namco x capcom "brave new world" or "Subarashiki Shin Sekai". But this flash in the beginning has wacko, yacko, and dot if anyone knows of this please I would like to know. |
| | | | Replies: 0. Files: 0. [Reply] |
>> | Anonymous 17jul2014(th)17:34 No.13802 Reporting and moderation Might it be possible to add a faster "Report this post" button to posts? It would help a lot in cases such as the one occurring in /fap/ right now where there is a high volume of posts that deserve reports. Also, how many mods/janitors do we have to help clean boards in cases like this? If it's not possible to effectively ban a user (such as Scar/Soldier_of_FAP), maybe it would be preferable to implement a compounding time delay on creation of new threads or something similar. It's frustrating to come into /fap/ every now and then and see the board coated in shit; some sort of thread limit would at least mitigate some of the damage. I know it's not a serious problem, in that he's not actually causing harm to other users or technically ... |
| | | | Preview below. Replies: 15. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 21jul2014(mo)00:42 No.13873 bear in mind, swfchan's true purpose was the direct upload to the site >>13839 失礼します! *bows in shame before Zoor* |
| >> | Anonymous 21jul2014(mo)02:57 No.13874 | >> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 21jul2014(mo)06:40 No.13889 >>13873 swfchan's true purpose has always been, and still is, to archive flashes. If you're talking only about .org you're more right that I made it to allow direct uploads to the site, but that doesn't mean I didn't dare to dream for some discussions and non-flash threads too. Otherwise I wouldn't have made /b/.>>13854 The template is finished, had some time after all. Please use it for your future videos: http://swfchan.org/5866/ Let me know if you are having trouble converting your video files into the .flv format. |
>> | SonofOsiris 13jul2014(su)08:03 No.13626 Just wondering Does Anyone think it would be possible to create a file sharing/hosting website such as Swfchan or Paheal, and use WEBMS instead of Gifs and Swfs? Nothing wrong with either of them. But Things do feel a bit behind the times. What do you all think? |
| | | | Replies: 2. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 13jul2014(su)22:06 No.13639 >>13626 yeah, as 4chan does it already. But as always, they aren't saved permanently. 4chanlink can process webms as well. |
| >> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 16jul2014(we)01:45 No.13661 >>13626 You better be quick about it, the thought did cross my mind too a couple of times. ;) |
>> | john doe 5jun2014(th)03:31 No.13234 lusty argonian maid luvers hey did anyone ever know that theres asite called spam.com that has some fricken awsome flash movies about argonian anal sex YOUR ADVERTISEMENT IS SHINING THROUGH |
| | | | Replies: 1. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 9jun2014(mo)08:48 No.13294 |
>> | cb 4aug2013(su)04:33 No.7706 Different playing speed. (Posting here because I have no idea where else to ask.) Consider this SWF: http://swfchan.com/3/11576/?ruff.swf When it was published back in 2004, it was pretty much on sync (at least on IE6, Windows XP and Flash 7, I think. Not in Firefox - this has already been an issue back then). Now it's not anymore. What happens now: Even though I have this file on my hard disk, it starts off pretty slow, and then continues playing faster after one iteration - but not always. Even when it doesn't start off slow, the video itself is a bit slower than what it ought to be. The video is supposed to play exactly 5 times for one full play of the audio track. Even when you extract the FLV and play it with VLC, the speed is different (not exactly sure if it's the correct speed with VLC). I have spent many hours trying to inspect the file with different tools, but I really can't see the problem... ... |
| | | | Preview below. Replies: 14. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 23apr2014(we)07:44 No.12621 >>12553 Did you remember to decompress the swf information before scanning for the SoundInfo tag? Remember the first 8 bytes are never compressed of a swf file. |
| >> | cb 26may2014(mo)23:14 No.13133 >>12621 I used Adobe's own SWFInvestigator, and additionally SWiX, just to be sure. There's no doubt they decompress it beforehand, since they've both displayed all the other tags correctly. Just to be double sure I manually decompressed it beforehand, but I still couldn't find SoundInfo. Were you able to find SoundInfo with the SWF in the OP? (Sorry for the late answer.) |
| >> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 4jun2014(we)13:42 No.13229 >>13133 No, I haven't scanned anything since I don't need to solve this for any of my current projects. Sounds strange if there were no SoundInfo tag after all. Sorry for the late answer here too, hehe. |
>> | good guy 5sep2013(th)02:06 No.8075 pretty pleaase help find the 3 new c.o.c games they are awsome if there is anyone who can doit plz help find the 3 new c.o.c games |
| | | | Replies: 3. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 5sep2013(th)04:43 No.8078 foe is somewhere there and tits is for backers only atm will be 4 free later |
| >> | Anonymous 28may2014(we)15:49 No.13138 tits seems to work for me for free. |
| >> | Anonymous 28may2014(we)23:32 No.13140 >>8078 >>13138 Backers just get updated faster, T.I.T.S works fine for anyone. |
>> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 12feb2011(sa)05:37 No.26 The official bug reporting thread Having issues with the site? Maybe they can be fixed, please describe what is wrong in this thread. If the bug happens to be that you can't post, try turning off JavaScript, refresh the page and then post (please mention the browser name and version that you are using). |
| | | | Preview below. Replies: 45. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 7may2014(we)08:52 No.12958 Let loaders load! Finally figured out why preloaders wouldn't work in many flashes here on swfchan since the server change. This was a bit nutty. It all came down to the response header from the server. It wasn't sending Content-Length! By default the server was configured to compress all files files before sending them in order to save bandwidth and make transfers a bit faster. What happens is that a chunked transfer takes place; the response arrives in small chunks at a time. Upon a request the server immediately starts compressing the requested flash file and immediately starts sending it by flushing small chunks of the compressed data to the user's browser. Since the server doesn't know the final size of the compressed data it can't give any conten ... |
| >> | Anonymous 7may2014(we)14:33 No.12976 >>12958 I love how you feedback on the details of problems and their fix. Since I basically don't know anything about the Shockwave Flash Format or Server Architecture, this always makes me understand some more about me lov'ed files. |
| >> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 8may2014(th)21:56 No.12983 >>12976 Always good to write stuff down so other people doesn't have to go through the same hassle. If they are fortunate enough to find this thread when they search the web that is. I didn't find any info about it anywhere myself even though I'm pretty sure I can't be the only one that have had this problem for his site. |
>> | Anonymous 5may2014(mo)09:34 No.12906 Happy Birthday! toot toot 20 letters |
| | | | Replies: 2. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Horsie 5may2014(mo)12:21 No.12908 | >> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 6may2014(tu)00:26 No.12936 |
>> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 21mar2014(fr)15:33 No.9885 New server 21mar2014 After two weeks of work the new server is finally ready for use and if you can read this it means at least something works. However there could still be some issues somewhere, please tell me about anything that doesn't work in this thread! Enjoy the increased site performance, if it isn't clearly noticeable I will go an hero. |
| | | | Preview below. Replies: 39. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 23apr2014(we)06:15 No.12618 Blank Screen To echo gattacacheemall's problem, I cannot view any of the flashes. The home page works fine, but when I click 'get file' it takes me to a blank screen. There is never a prompt to enter a captcha. |
| >> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 23apr2014(we)07:37 No.12620 >>12555 You know, I've noticed that too. Take the Zone Bioshock flash up in /fap/ for example, it's been up before and I seem to remember it loaded fine then. Now on the other hand you have to right-click and press play to get it to play. This is true even if you access the file directly (click the .swf part of the file name), and then it's not even emebedded.But if you download the file and play it offline (in browser or in the official Flash Player program) the preloader works just fine. Almost as if Adobe has changed something with their flash plugin to make something not work as it should online. The flash has local sandbox restrictions (doesn't have Network Access enabled), could it be that it's now not even allowed to read its ow ... |
| >> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 23apr2014(we)23:20 No.12631 All done, the new flash.asp is up and running! Should be much more stable and hopefully show no more blank pages for anyone? Additionally visitors that change their IP number a lot will no longer have any problem watching flashes, which should be good news for all you proxy users out there. If you find anything not working as it should please tell me about it BUT let's take the discussion in the Bug Thread over at http://swfchan.org/17/, I think it's about time to move on from this thread now since I doubt anything at this point will be actually related to the new server (it will just be a normal bug that could have happened on the old server as well). |
>> | Anonymus 23apr2014(we)10:48 No.12622 Animation not playing properly I dont think you realised but one of h0rs3's animations is not playing properly. it's one of the Red13 animations. It only loads 25% of the flash before stopping. The title is: m_1249211919806.h0rs3_red13anim2.swf I hope you can solve the issue. |
| | | | Replies: 1. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 23apr2014(we)23:14 No.12630 >>12622 There are many bytes missing in the version you are trying to play, it can't be fixed. It was probably uploaded incomplete somewhere and since swfchan.com is a little loose with what it deems is a OK flash it indexed it anyway (swfchan.org is a lot more strict about this, you can't upload incomplete flashes on this board, they will be rejected).However, you're in luck because a quick search of the file name reveals that a version of the full file has already been archived before: http://eye.swfchan.com/search/?q=m_1249211919806. h0rs3_red13anim2.swf |
>> | Anonymous 10feb2014(mo)00:00 No.9583 Is there a system on the boards that turns Flash ID numbers into links to that particular flash? Typing, say, #11 would create a link to http://swfchan.com/1/11/ or I may just be being stupid and the board lets you shorten the link's name. Not quite sure about the code for that if that's actually an option, though. |
| | | | Replies: 1. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 22mar2014(sa)16:29 No.10920 Sorry for the late response, I've been busy setting up the new server. I thought about what you are suggesting myself a long time ago, but for some reason I never got around to make it. But now it's done. You can reach a flash's index or wiki page by visiting: + swfchan.com/9999 + swfchan.net/9999 Where 9999 is the flash ID of your choice. The system will automatically add the correct subfolder into the path. |
>> | Anonymous 26feb2014(we)06:09 No.9792 lots of timeouts today shit's broke what the fuck |
| | | | Replies: 1. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 26feb2014(we)23:01 No.9796 The server HDD has been corrupt and is basically breaking a little more each day. I'm on it but it'll take quite some time to get everything fixed. Will make further announcement on swfchan.com. |
>> | ali 24feb2014(mo)21:41 No.9787 i like your site someflash music loops i couldnt find in here and other sites plz give any flashes music with image flash for example santa dance.swf i need full music |
| | | | Replies: 0. Files: 0. [Reply] |
>> | Anonymous 21jan2014(tu)07:44 No.9298 can you... can you put a list of related flashes on the side of the page like youtube has for its videos? |
| | | | Replies: 2. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 23jan2014(th)23:09 No.9310 I've been thinking about it before but I'm not sure how I'm going to do it, especially if I want it to not take up too much of the server's resources. An easy way would be to check for flashes that are named similary. For example if you view "blabla01.swf" a suggestion of "blabla02.swf" and ""blabla03.swf" could show. Problem is that those flashes could be completely different than the flash you are watching , they might just be named similar. A different approach would be to check what other people has watched that has also watched the flash that you are watching. If someone is watching all flashes made by ArtistName2000 it could be possible that you want to do that as well. Problem then is of course that most people are watching all ... |
| >> | Anonymous 28jan2014(tu)03:43 No.9335 Ok, thanks for the response. I assumed the flashes were already tagged/categorized. Didn't know they were all unsorted. Good luck if you decide to do it in the future. |