>> | Anonymous 14jan2020(tu)19:12 No.73231 Help Saving Local Flash Games (On Computer) So I've downloaded a few games like Dragon Bride, and Erotical Night and a few JSK games. They saved just fine, but suddenly now they aren't saving data at all. I'm wondering how to fix this problem. All the other sources keep talking about saving the games on the browser, I need help with saving them when they are already downloaded on your computer. |
| | | | Preview below. Replies: 4. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 17jan2020(fr)02:53 No.73275 >>73268 I think they just never wanted people to exert such control over that, and if they wanted they still could. Like games and steam wouldn't let you export save data with a button ingame but you could still just navigate to the folder yourself. It is magic that should only happen behind the scenes. Users fiddling around with sol files from the actual flash would have probably been a real security issue.I have a shortcut to the sol files folder in my flash folder and don't switch anything around that often that it would really do me any good if there was a faster option. |
| >> | Anonymous 18jan2020(sa)00:24 No.73294 Maybe just a little heads up about the topic, because I just recently combed through the JSK collection and came about two facts that are relevant to this and kinda make me think that >>73268 is ultimately right. >1. If you have a filename specific file and your path is too long (too many folders in folders), then flash seems to give the file a unique identifier (scrambled text) and store the .sol file in there as a generic 0001.sol or something like that. Makes it extremely hard to judge files, the only real thing you can go by is the date, as it should be created the same time you played the game. It is really lenient though, tho funnily it happened to me when I stored the files in a folder and some worked because they had short names, but when the name exceeded a few words, it triggered this phenomena. So it probably won't happen to you frequently. ... |
| >> | Anonymous 21jan2020(tu)03:40 No.73345 Note to linux users, you can find where your .sol files are located by running find -name *.sol You should try it, there could be some interesting files there: myfedloans -- no idea that they used flash for anything. youtube -- didn't they ditch their flash player around 2014? analytics.sol -- ominous, I think I'll delete that one it didn't say where it was like the other ones, maybe it was google? |
>> | Hahaxddd 20jan2020(mo)09:50 No.73332 Istaran Dragon RPG Latest file (I think). Mostly here so I can convert it to APK. P.s. I just want to upload a file pls |
| | | | Replies: 0. Files: 0. [Reply] |
>> | Anonymous 18dec2019(we)22:38 No.72847 | | | | Replies: 4. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 2jan2020(th)22:50 No.73066 >>72847 >>72847 Don't forget to post the file afterwards, OP! Best to add a fitting description as well.Unfortunately I can only find this shitty video upload of it here >>>73052 |
| >> | Anonymous 3jan2020(fr)00:57 No.73068 >>73066 After I wrote my posts I found an old copy of the sothink exe2swf on my disk and tried it on the exe he linked. Unfortunately the game used multiple swfs inside the exe so they wouldn't work even if he posted them. |
| >> | Anonymous 3jan2020(fr)23:16 No.73088 >>73068 Very understandable, but uploading them is still good, especially when they aren't even on waybackmachine anymore. Just put them under consistent naming and people can understand to download them all and play locally. |
>> | not-a-namefag-w7 890 30oct2018(tu)08:38 No.64458 website scrape and archive list in here we discuss about what websites to archive |
| | | | Replies: 5. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 3nov2018(sa)02:18 No.64523 some more ideas, mostly centered around games. +miniclip +nitrome +kongregate +armorgames (although someone posted a torrent of all of their swfs on /f/ a long while ago) +addictinggames +dagobah (although they're mostly reposts of other flash sites it's possible that they might have something original posted) ... |
| >> | random SWF gamer 1feb2019(fr)16:05 No.66373 | >> | Anonymous 2jan2020(th)18:47 No.73054 |
>> | Anonymous 1nov2019(fr)19:47 No.72022 Trying to find a flash There was a flash on /fap/ that had some MILF. There was thunder or some shit in the background and you were in a room that had clickable items to the left or right. One put her in a costume as Morrigan from Darkstalkers. I've searched keywords and tags but I haven't found anything. |
| | | | Replies: 1. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 2jan2020(th)01:27 No.73024 |
>> | Anonymous 26dec2019(th)22:07 No.72970 The soaps are killing millions.Where's the sweat?Monster scar faces. People aren't sweating or barely sweating and the causes are the soaps,creams,rubs,swimming pools,hot tubs,etc,etc.The nerve and skin damage.Feeling hot,burning,throbbing,puffy,dizzy and sick?The dry flaky skin.Rigid skin.Stuck with fingernail indentations.People aren't tanning.Monster scar faces.The damage to our bodies is causing aging.People are dying and suicides.The deaths of millions.Blinding headaches,brain aneurysms and brain damage.People are being balded by the shampoo.People are being infected by the food and beverages and the poop and infection is stuck in the digestive tract and people smell snake venom.Air bubbles and dissolved air in fluids in IV bags,tubes and syringes is being injected into people causing strokes and deaths ... |
| | | | Replies: 0. Files: 0. [Reply] |
>> | Anonymous 4dec2019(we)17:59 No.72600 Lulz Site Does anyone know why lulz.net isn't working? |
| | | | Replies: 4. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 9dec2019(mo)23:54 No.72688 Well it seems the other boards on lulz still work which is great since I wanted to create a furry collection on the flash board some time. |
| >> | Anonymous 25dec2019(we)04:39 No.72945 the site is back up now. seems to have been some problem with the board software since there's a sticky where it says: >i'm not sure if we're going to stick with this board software or what going forward, but this works for now until that gets sorted out. |
| >> | Anonymous 26dec2019(th)02:09 No.72953 I saw that the site changed to https://dev.lulz.net/furi/ last week but I can't upload swfs & how come pawsru is missing their flash/animated board? |
>> | Anonymous 23dec2019(mo)17:58 No.72901 | | | | Replies: 3. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 23dec2019(mo)18:22 No.72902 I've checked all of them, and they seem to work perfectly well for me. Is Flash enabled on those pages? modern browsers disable flash unless you click into them. |
| >> | Anonymous 24dec2019(tu)21:44 No.72935 The swfs are not working on the PS3. |
| >> | Anonymous 25dec2019(we)04:21 No.72944 >>72935 Might have wanted to mention that in your first post.Considering PS3 was made in 2006 it's probably that their flash plugin hasn't been updated and those flashes are using something that only works in a newer plugin. Check to see if you can get an update to the PS3 flash plugin in some way. |
>> | Anonymous 20dec2019(fr)06:43 No.72870 fuck 4chan's new captcha does anyone have a way to make it more bearable? I'm not buying a pass, not only do I not want to buy cryptocurrency, because I don't want to support the current incarnation of it. I rarely post and the one time I did after the change, it required me to fill out at least 5 of the fading captchas in a row before letting me through. I believe I did at least 20 captchas in total and that was for only one post. |
| | | | Replies: 5. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 21dec2019(sa)19:45 No.72881 >>72874 it really is sad but there's not much you can do if you want to continue posting on 4chan. I suppose you can use a separate browser, if you do use a youtube/gmail/etc account, just for 4chan and then load it up with more security measures. I forgot to mention that I only ended up solving the captcha by opening the audio dialog and it sent me through in one try. I bet it would eventually require a lot more if you posted more regularly. Also recaptcha doesn't work at all for older browsers: it checks useragent strings in addition with their own checks and will give you an error message if you are not using up to date or one of the not big 3 browsers. |
| >> | Anonymous 23dec2019(mo)13:28 No.72898 >>72881 >it checks useragent strings in addition with their own checks and will give you an error message if you are not using up to date or one of the not big 3 browsers. Didn't even know it was that bad. We've really allowed them to dictate everything. Although you're probably wrong about it not working at all in other than the 3 biggest browsers because it would affect too many (around 20% of people). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usage_share_of_web_ browsers#Summary_tables Maybe you meant it checks and enforces the version of the 3 most popular browsers.One thing that few know about is that reCaptcha can lock your ability to even try to attempt solving the captcha if it has detected malicious behavior (spam etc) from your IP ran ... |
| >> | Anonymous 24dec2019(tu)03:04 No.72918 >>72898 I've had the misfortune of experiencing being locked out a few times. I think it happened due to my activity because I kept on intentionally checking one of the boxes wrong.As for the browsers, yeah I got that one wrong. Here's their page https://support.google.com/recaptcha/?hl=en#62238 28 and it looks like they support more than I thought, but only the 2 most recent ones. But if you try and load it with a useragent, such as icecat; some random text; wayback machine's; etc, you'll get a message pointing to that page. All this does is encourage people who don't want to switch browsers to make it lie about what they are using. |
>> | Anonymous 14dec2019(sa)08:37 No.72764 rockcandy.se 404ing Hey I noticed that RockCandy's website has been down for a while. Does anybody know what gives? |
| | | | Replies: 2. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 16dec2019(mo)10:29 No.72797 Because Autism doesn't pay domain bills. |
| >> | Anonymous 16dec2019(mo)21:59 No.72803 >>72764 it works and is online right now, just make sure you don't use https (use http) |
>> | Anonymous 26nov2019(tu)17:26 No.72418 COPPA Now that YouTube is scheduled to die at the start of 2020 can we cancel the end of flash at the end of 2020, please? |
| | | | Preview below. Replies: 9. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 1dec2019(su)22:40 No.72510 >>72502 I don't know about if any of those are possible with youtube-dl (did a quick search and couldn't find answers) but I have some workaround suggestions.If you have just a couple of long videos you don't want to download you should be able to manually add them into youtube-dl-downloaded.txt and the program will skip over those thinking they have already been downloaded. Then for keeping track of error URLs you could add " >> youtube-dl-log.txt" at the end of the line in the .bat file to append the program output to the text file. After everything is downloaded you can search the log for error messages and see which URLs that couldn't be downloaded. I don't think it's ever been possible to save video comments with youtube-dl. ... |
| >> | Anonymous 12dec2019(th)01:10 No.72736 >>72510 I'm not using windows, so that doesn't quite apply to me. I ended up reading the message it sends when you invoke it with '--help' and found out that using --reject-title [title] will prevent downloads of any matching regex for [title]. I also found it interesting that there was an option to display the duration of a video but no option to restrict downloads according to the length of a video. Also it seems that they provide a way to download descriptions (--write-description) and annotations (--write-annotations) but no option for downloading comments. |
| >> | Anonymous 14dec2019(sa)06:25 No.72759 An update to TheirTube's harassment policy https://youtube.googleblog.com/2019/12/an-update- to-our-harassment-policy.html Things are looking worse by the day. At first glance it's easy for the layman to think that of course it's a good thing to get rid of threats, personal attacks, harassing behavior and toxic comments. The problem is none of those are objectively definable. So now nobody will be able to criticize anyone or even repeat what other people have said. There will be even more self-censorship and restrictions on what content anyone can make. Site staff can delete your channel for whatever little thing they deem is harassment and of course exceptions will be granted for the channels they like (traditional media channels). There's no way everybody will be treated the sam ... |
>> | Anonymous 30nov2019(sa)03:08 No.72473 classification errors Yeah so when I click X on the advanced classification under misc. on every category, it still has the misc. highlighted as green. IDK if that means that the misc. classification still shows up when submitting the button but i want to make sure that it doesn't. thanks SWFAnts! https://files.catbox.moe/c78qeh.png |
| | | | Replies: 0. Files: 0. [Reply] |
>> | Anonymous 3nov2019(su)04:03 No.72041 | | | | Replies: 3. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 8nov2019(fr)06:01 No.72138 maybe next time explain what this is about instead of dumping a ton of urls. nobody will go through the trouble of clicking any of them just to figure out what the hell you're trying to do with your post. also explain exactly how clicking any of these will "help" whatever your cause is. |
| >> | Anonymous 10nov2019(su)21:10 No.72161 uhurrrr hurrr durrr da ebil twannies huuuuuurrr durrr ess jay doubleyouussze hurrrrrrrrrrrplease take a razor blade to your wrists |
| >> | Anonymous 10nov2019(su)21:10 No.72162 uhurrrr hurrr durrr da ebil twannies huuuuuurrr durrr ess jay doubleyouussze hurrrrrrrrrrrplease take a razor blade to your wrists, this is just as retarded as the bullshit tim pool advertisement at the top of the page, thank fuck that can be hidden |
>> | Anonymous 30sep2011(fr)03:02 No.2596 down loading files i have just recently discover this site and really enjoyed it but i can't seem to figur out for the life of me how to download these swf file from this site i've got a flash converter that also downloads the files but it dosen't work with files on this site now i'm not great with computers so if there a way to download these files please let me know unless your not allowed to download them just let me know |
| | | | Preview below. Replies: 17. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 1nov2019(fr)00:25 No.72007 >>71979 addendem to that; if your on a page with embedded flashes and want to download them, navigate to the "Page Info" menu, either by right-clicking on the page or ctrl+i in firefox. From there you can go to the media tab, sort by type and any swf files embedded should turn up as "Object" |
| >> | Anonymous 9nov2019(sa)18:06 No.72154 >>71978 Jeeesus Christ, this has to be the most unneccesary complicated way to do this yet. It's like people don't even know how to operate a webbrowser anymore. How to I opened file and download it? Shit's magic. There is even a written guide on every GET page just for [YOU] peeps. |
| >> | Anonymous 10nov2019(su)05:49 No.72160 A better way to do what the person wants is to save a screen shot of the words under the swf, save the pic to dropbox, & post the link to this thread. P.S. Internet Explorer is the best to view the swfs not the stupid Firefox & Chrome. |
>> | Anonymous 7nov2019(th)21:06 No.72132 Other Swf Sites Would anyone know of a site that can have up to 120 mb to post a swf file? |
| | | | Replies: 0. Files: 0. [Reply] |
>> | Anonymous 3nov2019(su)03:26 No.72040 square brackets in filename stripped It seems that the square bracket in this filename was possibly treated as an array in one of the processes by which swfchan grabs threads. Anyway just thought that swfants should know so that this could be checked for security reasons. Here's the flash in question http://swfchan.net/42/POGZ4VT.shtml you can see the original name has it as megacum[0].swf while the archive has it down as just megacum.swf |
| | | | Replies: 2. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 3nov2019(su)04:17 No.72042 It's by design, [#] and (#) is stripped from the end of the filename because (first reason) in the long, long ago I used to get swf files from places that appended those things to the end of the filenames. I can't 100% remember the exact details, I think it was like that if you copied swfs from Internet Explorer's cache (Temporary Internet Files). Or maybe some FTP program appended it, or a download manager program in case of there being more than one file of the same name. Windows add (2), (3) etc on top of the filename when copied into the same folder if you "keep both files". So this thing is a bit of laziness from my part but also (second reason) were a thing because I remember other people sometimes used to post these filenames with ... |
| >> | Anonymous 3nov2019(su)19:06 No.72053 >>72042 Okay thanks for clearing that up! I wanted to make sure it wasn't some security issue. |
>> | Anonymous 29oct2019(tu)19:17 No.71964 Fullscreen Is there a way to play the swfs in fullscreen? |
| | | | Replies: 1. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 29oct2019(tu)19:38 No.71965 Proper fullscreen mode only works if the flash itself has implemented a button for it but what you can do is open the swf file directly (URL should end with .swf) and then press F11 to fullscreen your browser. Alternatively you can download the swf file and open it in the standalone flash player from Adobe, then press CTRL+F (or ALT+ENTER) to fullscreen, or via the menu: View > Full Screen Using the adobe's standalone flash player offline also gives better performance than viewing the swf in your browser. |
>> | Anonymous 25oct2019(fr)20:22 No.71898 Search by Original Document ID? It would be nice if we could search by Original Document ID. That would make it easier to find edited versions or original version of a file. |
| | | | Replies: 1. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | !///SWFAnts #ADMIN# 26oct2019(sa)14:28 No.71911 It's not a bad idea but unfortunately flash metadata is not indexed. Neither are the info pages, which I had hoped to make searchable someday. Unfortunately it would take a lot of time and work to achieve this, I improved the code extracting metadata from flashes last year and it took the several months for the server to update every flash page. Many flashes don't have any metadata at all or are missing an entry for Document ID, especially older ones, so looking up doc ids would have limited use, however being able to search metadata in of itself would still be a good feature. At one point I wanted to index resources inside flashes as well, for example every jpg embedded in a swf (or even a hash of connected vector positions inside every single MovieClip). That way you could have found similar flashes easily. Or flashes borrowing content from other flashes. |
>> | Anonymous 20oct2019(su)07:32 No.71806 Trying to find source for a flash http://swfchan.com/37/181153/ I think I also saw it in one of the Q gif montages. Anyway I can't find a name to associate the gif with and I'd be glad if I could find out. Someone in http://swfchan.net/31/GC6E7BG.shtml mentioned that they have existed in flash form before, with sound apparently; if anyone knows what the originals are called, that'd be great. I tried searching them up myself but the names are so random that there's no hope in finding any name that's useful. Thanks for any help. |
| | | | Replies: 2. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 22oct2019(tu)19:51 No.71846 | >> | Anonymous 22oct2019(tu)19:54 No.71847 Er, actually maybe you were asking for the flash version with sound that someone mentioned? I've no idea about that. I don't think vvindowsme made any video version with sound himself. |
| >> | Anonymous 23oct2019(we)06:40 No.71856 >>71847 Either one actually. Thanks! |
>> | Anonymous 22oct2019(tu)16:48 No.71843 Help Needed! How do I download whole collections? I've been downloading the .swf one by one, but this obviously can not be the answer to my problem because that would be hilariously stupid amirite? |
| | | | Replies: 1. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 22oct2019(tu)19:36 No.71844 collections aren't really meant for batch downloading so i'm afraid you're stuck with downloading one by one |
>> | Anonymous 22aug2019(th)05:15 No.70726 I find it cute how this site is bringing up the phony US election reality TV game and Tim Pool. Aristocrats are going to aristocrat. Meanwhile my Chrome is telling me they will no longer support Flash come next year or so. |
| | | | Preview below. Replies: 12. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 20oct2019(su)09:47 No.71807 Yes free healthcare welfare for everyone who can't afford kids. Great idea. Can I vote to completely disband the local and federal legislation and stop income taxes? |
| >> | Anonymous 20oct2019(su)19:07 No.71812 >>71807 You could certainly start petition or something similar that would have that effect. I don't think it would pass because you're just ripping out the government, which for all its faults has some good elements in it; such a petition would need a something to replace the government with. |
| >> | Anonymous 10nov2019(su)21:14 No.72163 >the site owner actually thinks project veritas and tim pool should be trusted >the site owner actually believes the election has actually ever represented the will of the people >the site owner believes that america will survive 2020 instead of collapsing into civil war and hopefully revolutionOHN ONONONONO AHAHAHAHHAAHA OH GOD HAHAHAHAHAHAHHJA HAHAHAHAHAHAHHJA HAHAHAHAHAHAHHJA HAHAHAHAHAHAHHJA HAHAHAHAHAHAHHJA HAHAHAHAHAHAHHJA HAHAHAHAHAHAHHJA HAHAHAHAHAHAHHJA HAHAHAHAHAHAHHJA HAHAHAHAHAHAHHJA HAHAHAHAHAHAHHJA LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLLLLLLL AHHAH UGHDFSPAUIHF OHG ODISFHADKJSFHAUEIFAWL OOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
>> | Anonymous 15oct2019(tu)06:56 No.71738 Peculiar Flash Tub request: thegarf.swf Does any have the original SWF for the Flash Tub short "The Garf"? The official page has an MP4, but before, there WAS a SWF. It had an easter egg where the gold fish would say "Oh Garfield" before an 8bit garfield image would start stretching around. |
| | | | Replies: 0. Files: 0. [Reply] |
>> | Anonymous 7oct2019(mo)23:38 No.71632 | | | | Replies: 3. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 11oct2019(fr)04:36 No.71669 >>71632 creator needs to learn how to change shapes instead of using 5,020 images. 0_o |
| >> | Anonymous 12oct2019(sa)06:16 No.71690 over 100 megs?! looks like they are the types that won't compress well either, you would gain maybe 1 or 2 mb |
| >> | Anonymous 14oct2019(mo)05:34 No.71725 |
>> | Anonymous 6sep2019(fr)05:16 No.70941 Archive website? I remember around the time I discovered swfchan, I found another website, but I completely forgot the name. All I can remember is that it had a interactive portrait of a naked Amy Rose at the top. I cant remember but I think it was some archive download website or something, and it may have been Russian. Anyone have any ideas? |
| | | | Replies: 3. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 8sep2019(su)20:21 No.70986 I remember that one too. The amy had a normal and Christmas version as well. I think the name had chan in it too (tho I'm not too sure). Last I remember it just had download links to the flashes. |
| >> | Anonymous 8sep2019(su)20:25 No.70987 | >> | Anonymous 10sep2019(tu)10:57 No.71016 >>70987 >If you read this message, it means that the domain was bought by the "old pervert" gallery owner-moderator from the forum - K :) (! And suddenly someone else remembers me! XD). And maybe try to restore this resource! PS: Hi Yiffmeister! If you suddenly appear here and want to restore the project, write to me at Guess the site is dead? Guess OP remembered the forums, http://yiffme.forum24.ru/ (was linked to from flashchan.ru) there's a flash at the top with Amy, although she isn't nakedis there anything worthwhile on the forums? as i said looks like the site itself is dead looked it up in 2013 on archive: ... |
>> | Anonymous 1sep2019(su)16:41 No.70869 Looking for a flash I'm searching for a flash what i saw time ago, it was themed on Persona characters, trapped on a room and with a slot machine takes the character and the sex poses |
| | | | Replies: 0. Files: 0. [Reply] |
>> | Anonymous 26aug2019(mo)17:30 No.70808 help me find a flash There was a animation i found a while ago on /fap that had this girl riding a boy while she rested his phone on his stomach, i dont remember if the animation was furry or not but ove been looking like crazy for it |
| | | | Replies: 1. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 30aug2019(fr)20:42 No.70853 do you have more description? |
>> | Anonymous 25jul2019(th)10:51 No.70247 Archive of swfchan I couldn't find a contact for the admin so I figured someone here might have a clue. Is there any downloadable complete (for a certain date at least) archive of swfchan flashes? I'm sure there is a fuckton of flash content that is only on this site and it would be a shame if any of it became lost media. |
| | | | Preview below. Replies: 6. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | Anonymous 29jul2019(mo)10:38 No.70333 >>70318 I'm glad I'm at least thinking ahead of the game here in that regard. I really hope SWFAnts changes his mind on releasing a full archive in the near future. |
| >> | Anonymous 1aug2019(th)16:23 No.70385 >>70333 For every good flash, there are multiple bloated unoptimized horrible pieces of shit made by disgusting fetishists. I wouldn't doubt over half of the size of a full archive would be completely undesirable by anyone but the aforementioned creators, but it's still worth doing for the sake of not losing everything. |
| >> | Anonymous 14aug2019(we)09:27 No.70592 >>70247 I would like to have some sort of archive. I'm here for months now downloading stuff one per one, missing some important thing because I cant see preview image and the captchka. My god if I have to fill out another 10 of them just for 2 flash ill go insane |
>> | msn gang 2aug2019(fr)14:01 No.70397 SWF to GIF hey im trying to convert a swf to gif but i actually cant find a decent tutorial on how to do it. the 2 or 3 sites that do it online didnt work. is there any special way to do it myself? |
| | | | Replies: 5. Files: 0. [Reply] | | | >> | msn gang 3aug2019(sa)14:17 No.70414 gifshooter only works with flashes on swfchan also the flash is a transparent object(?) which i want to keep in gif format |
| >> | Anonymous 5aug2019(mo)12:26 No.70469 spam (USER RECEIVED MAXIMUM BAN FOR THIS POST) |
| >> | Anonymous 14aug2019(we)01:32 No.70581 As far as I know there is no good way to extract visuals from a flash (in any format). Unless the flash just has a gif in it (or a flv) you can decompile it and grab it that way, but if it's drawn shapes ... the only real way is to film your screen output while it's playing (this is how those "converters" do it) and save that as a video (or convert it to gif). Swfchan's own gifshooter should be the best solution, all flashes should also be on here somewhere anyway. |
>> | Anonymous 13jul2019(sa)20:16 No.69992 Superpeople The parts of the spectrum of each thing that have the opposite reaction to the parts of the spectrums which cause aging,retards,sickness,etc,etc,and there's the other parts in the middle(example-the berry spectrum has healthy berries and poisonous berries and the other berries in the middle).The elements.Recreating various outside crisis situations(hungry,thirsty,stuck,etc,etc) or not results in invisibility and speed,omnipotence,superpeople,youngness,altering you and reality,personally affecting reality,your mind returning to the past(time travel).People who are acidic,nervous,shitty and others are being assalted,bleeding and puking acid.The soaps are killing people,the nerve and skin damage and where's the sweat and tan,feeling hot,dizzy, ... |
| | | | Replies: 0. Files: 0. [Reply] |
>> | Anonymous 13jul2019(sa)18:57 No.69991 The soaps are killing millions.Where's the sweat?Monster scar faces. People aren't sweating or barely sweating and the causes are the soaps,creams,rubs,swimming pools,hot tubs,etc,etc.The nerve and skin damage.Feeling hot,burning,throbbing,puffy,dizzy and sick?The dry flaky skin.People aren't tanning.Monster scar faces.People are dying and suicides.The deaths of millions.Blinding headaches,brain aneurysms and brain damage.People are being balded by the shampoo.Air bubbles and dissolved air in fluids in IV bags,tubes and syringes is being injected into people causing strokes and deaths.People are being euthanized at hospitals and hospices.Hospital devices radiation damage.Operating table and bed murders and people being numbed by the dentist.Loud music in the cars backseat,etc,etc and eardrops are causing dea ... |
| | | | Replies: 0. Files: 0. [Reply] |