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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Required text body length: 20 characters. Maximum: 15000 characters.
A file is optional.

Here we talk about swfchan or discuss the flash format/community. You may
however also post about any other topic you like to have a text-only discussion about.

Here to report a bad ad? Please post in the dedicated ad thread!
Don't start a new thread about the popups or anything else ad-related.

>>Anonymous  14mar2013(th)23:55  No.5975 
Is there any way that the search results or tags can be ordered chronologically?
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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  15mar2013(fr)08:58  No.5979 
No, not right now I'm afraid. I've planned on improving the search engine functionality but haven't done it yet. All you can do right now is use the age that is written below the results, the newest and oldest result are the only ones that have an "age=" string below them (the rest have "age:") so if you CTRL+F and use your browser to search the results page for "age=" you are able to at least find the oldest and newest flash quickly. The lower age a result has the newer it is on the site.

I haven't implemented a real tagging system (yet), only categories, which I understand can be seen as swfchan's tags today. The category lists are static and can't be ordered any differently than they appear right now, the-first-flash-that-was- ...

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  24mar2013(su)14:04  No.6042 
Just finished improving the search engine. You can now do an advanced search, to order the results chronologically set the order to "By Number" and "Big-to-Small" if you want the newest flashes first.

>>Anonymous  20mar2013(we)08:21  No.6014 

I've been categorizing a lot of flashes lately, which had me wondering how effective my efforts are. Does my single attempt to remove a flash from an improper category have effect? How long does it take? There's a bunch of flashes that have been put in all categories (or just 'gay')...

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>>Anonymous  21mar2013(th)09:56  No.6016 
Thanks for making such a comprehensive reply. Looking back, there's still a bunch in all the quick categories... n.swf and are just a couple that I know I went through.
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  21mar2013(th)10:41  No.6017 
Alright, I'll look into those two.
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  21mar2013(th)14:15  No.6018 
I found an issue and have fixed it, that should do it (until a new problem comes along). Hopefully new categorizations by you will be processed as they should. Let me know if you still can't put flashes into categories! Try a couple that noone has categorized yet (they don't have any green text below the thumbnail on the page with the GET FILE button) and see if they can be put into the right categories.

I think your categorizations for those two flashes that you linked to has been inserted into the database, but I'm not sure if the votes were enough to change the categories that the flashes were in. I've added them into the correct categories myself just to be safe.

>>Zetfoxe  21feb2013(th)23:47  No.5702 

just wondering is it possible to covert the Chearleader in hlh Simulator into a winx girl

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>>Anonymous  22feb2013(fr)01:20  No.5703 
...what are you asking exactly?

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  7mar2011(mo)16:37  No.548 
Suggestions & Feedback

(This post was originally written by "Cross_counter", I'm just putting my name on it so that the thread looks more "official". Original post text:)

wow, having is even greater than the already useful .com
Post any suggestions you have toward the admin!

My and 1st suggestion: add ratings and enable sort by rating. A must for any sort of gallery type of database!

 Preview below.         Replies: 16. Files: 0. [Reply]
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  18dec2012(tu)01:21  No.5133 
No the server isn't hosted on my home connection, the old mirror server that I used to make use of was hosted at someone's bredbandsbolaget connection. Since I started using CloudFlare he withdrew since he had been wanting to do that for some time and felt that it was a good time to do so. That server might still be online as far as I know but it doesn't have anything to do with swfchan anymore.

As for what the money goes to: Hosting of the main server, bandwidth, domains, a buffer for new server parts from time to time and that new server in Hungary that was set up this month (to mirror flashes in the porn category, maybe more later). Plus of course myself so I will feel motivated to continue maintaining the site and developing ...

>>Anonymous  19dec2012(we)22:05  No.5144 
Couldn't you use to keep the domains?
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  19dec2012(we)23:46  No.5145 
I've used before for the swfchan DNS records and I'm using it right now for some stuff (not for swfchan though). Note that they only provide free DNS nameservers, they don't give you a free domain name of your choice. They're a fantastic place to get free subdomains, however since I want to use, and I gotta pay for it with an actual domain registrar.

>>localhost  23oct2012(tu)18:19  No.4792 
swfchan player

I like the embedded player on swfchan and would like to use it locally. Can I?

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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  23oct2012(tu)23:57  No.4793 
Glad you like it, unfortunately you can't use it locally though because it's done with JavaScript and only works in your browser.

If you want to play flash files on your computer with a seekbar you can use for example Media Player Classic. It doesn't do so well for games since some keyboard keys in the game will overlap with the media player's shortcut-keys, but overall it's alright if the flash only require some input from the mouse at most. Works great for skipping ahead in the flash file's main timeline.

>>localhost  24oct2012(we)01:38  No.4794 
No, yes, I mean, thank You, I know Guliverkli/MPC (you can edit the shortcuts, btw).

I thought, maybe, I can use it locally - in my browser. You know, to not bother your bandwidth. There are no stand-alone SWF players with a seekbar for Linux. You can imagine my disappointment after being used to Media Player Classic (which works, but some codecs (like, Flash) won't install properly).

>>the-laughing-man  29aug2012(we)19:30  No.4367 
Dear Swfchan-Creator

I am an absolute fan of your page. You got really excited Dude! But, there's a problem with your side. I can not download anything! Anonymous and interstitial.js try to explain the same thing! I ask you dude, do that it runs again! PLEASE PLEASE! Otherwise, all the best to you, you're amazing.

P.S Long Live (The) ANONYMOUS. The Prophecy of Ghost in the Shell - Stand Alone Complex, has become a reality! Finally. Goddamn... finally!

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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  30aug2012(th)13:43  No.4372 
I made a "fix" two days ago right before I went to bed and forgot to add a dependency because I was a bit stressed. The site was broken for a while because of this. Very sorry, it's back to normal now and should work as it should (noticed and corrected the problem about an hour after you posted this message). Thanks for letting me know that you like the site!

>>Gibs  26aug2012(su)15:47  No.4297 

Hey, swfchan was added to allchans, please notify allchans if new boards are added, or if the board addresses change.

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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  27aug2012(mo)19:50  No.4310 
Cheers mate

>>max7238  8aug2012(we)03:19  No.4095 
Random nub-lit looking for answers

Exactly how can I start a wiki thread for a game if I can't search for it here on the .org?

Because hanging around bumping threads in 4chan is not going to help.

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>>Anonymous  8aug2012(we)07:08  No.4097 
You "start a wiki thread" by uploading the flash to either or and then asking for which game it is from. swfchan will find your thread and associate it to the right wiki automatically within a few minutes/hours. People can then post comments to the flash you uploaded and maybe help you out if you are lucky.

To upload a flash to or here on you need first download it from to your hard disk (select download option and then press the GET FILE button). Then you can browse to it on your computer when uploading it.

However I can tell you the source of the flash that you are asking about right here in this thread (since the information needed is in the file name and can be found on the Internet):

(同人ソフト) [猫拳] BEYOND RJ077737
Proof: 077737 ...

>>max7238  10aug2012(fr)00:02  No.4110 
Ahh... Searching for torrents with that info got results instantly... Searching for just what I did on swfchan, even with quotes, was getting me nowhere... But I suppose I should download the first file in the swf sequence and start a wiki page with this info, so no one else has this issue. Thanks.
>>max7238  10aug2012(fr)00:03  No.4111 

Well, then... Searching for torrents with that info got results instantly... Searching for just what I did on swfchan, even with quotes, was getting me nowhere... But I suppose I should download the first file in the swf sequence and start a wiki page with this info, so no one else has this issue. Thanks very much.

>>Anonymous  11feb2012(sa)03:59  No.3234 
Hola que hacen!!
link removed

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>>ayy  3feb2012(fr)03:31  No.3153 

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>>Anonymous  8feb2012(we)14:56  No.3207 
Hey, MackanZoor. Please delete all these shitposts from /disc/. It's really getting me down.

>>no clue  31jan2012(tu)06:42  No.3143 
Me Again

Dear MackanZoor,
Remember me, from the donation thread? Well, I got on the site today and..... No Captchas! Just wanted to let you know, if you were not already aware. Keep up the great work!

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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  31jan2012(tu)12:53  No.3145 
I don't remember you from the donation thread, I remember you from the ad thread. Nobody has made a post in the donation thread yet. =)

Captchas are only shown every now and then, not every time you download a flash. But if you have loaded 50 flashes or something and don't get a captcha, that's when there might be a bug somewhere. I'm assuming that you are talking about on There are no captchas on when you are viewing a flash because this domain is built to be an imageboard, and you shouldn't have to solve captchas to see uploads on imageboards.

>>mmzaiks  27jan2012(fr)08:55  No.3125 
Adult blog

Blog video :
link removed

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>>Anonymous  11jan2012(we)06:57  No.3042 
Large Pics Sizes

Why do some people post pics that are larger then 1,1??x2,??? & how would you view the large pic when using the PS3's internet browser since it wouldn't show the full image even if you use the resolution at +2?

An example of this would be this pic

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>>Anonymous  11jan2012(we)08:22  No.3045 
Try using a actual computer to browse the internet.

>>Anonymous  19dec2011(mo)02:28  No.2870 

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>>w7-890  11jan2019(fr)13:53  No.65936 
[obvious trolling plz dont]

hey admin plz ban me
also SAGE

>>w7-890  11jan2019(fr)13:54  No.65937 


>>Anonymous  16oct2011(su)02:23  No.2639 

Smash Bros 4: Simon Belmont
by ~Requiem-of-Forest

Name: Simon Belmont
Gender: Male
Alignment: Hero
Origin: Castlevania
Weight: Medium ...

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>>sage  16oct2011(su)15:42  No.2643 

sage in every field

>>shadowstep (mostly go by anonymous fan)  12sep2011(mo)  No.2561 
uhmm... lets see dude u should post mission brothel

dude u should post mission brothel 1.1 it doesnt appear to be a c+ game looks like a flash so it should be possible so...yeah.

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>>Anonymous  12sep2011(mo)06:21  No.2562 

>>Musouka  9sep2011(fr)07:57  No.2545 
HELP! I Cannot download SWFs it seems.

Having a little trouble downloading swfs after the site changed. Now when I download them all I get when I play the downloaded file is a red screen. I used to be able to dl & play them just fine. What's up? how do I fix this?

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>>Musouka  9sep2011(fr)08:22  No.2549 
LOL. Yea, you're right. Sorry, it's been a while since I visited Got them mixed up. Thanks. :)
>>Anonymous  9sep2011(fr)08:25  No.2550 
my pleasure. just glad to be around when someone else is actually posting here haha
>>Anonymous  9sep2011(fr)08:28  No.2551 
>Now when I download them all I get when I play the downloaded file is a red screen.
...i still dont know why you got that however

>>Anonymous  25aug2011(th)19:19  No.2512 
United states government invokes Patriot act on wikileaks gainst.html

full list of their demands

Subscriber names, user names, screen names, or other identities; 2. mailing addresses, residential addresses, business addresses, e-mail addresses, and other contact information; 3. connection records, or record of session times and durations; 4. length of service (including start date) and typos of service utilized; 5. telephone or instrument number or other subscriber number or identity; including any temporarily assigned network address; and 6. means and source of payment for such service (including any credit card or bank account number) and billing records.

records of user activity for any connections made to or from the Account 2. non-cont ...

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>>Anonymous  26aug2011(fr)22:37  No.2522 
I wonder what they will be doing with all that info...

>>Anonymous  25aug2011(th)00:58  No.2510 
Another Super smash brothers wishlist


She could use A Deku Stick/Sheild Combo for A-attacks. Her B attack could be a quick volley of 3 (or 5 charged) Deku seeds from the Fairy Slingshot. her up-B can be throwing A Deku nut into the air, If it doesn't hit a target,it comes back down and stuns any enemy in a small radius. Her Down-B could be a spinning swipe with a flaming deku stick, causing fire damage. Her final smash could be her famous tune, causing everyone to dance around, leaving them exposed.

Skull Kid

he could use his mask to grant himself immeasurable power. utilizing punches/tackles for A attacks. His B Attack could be Firing a Beam of energy out of the mask. His side B could be a spinning dance move,sliding into his enemy,hitting them for medium damage ...

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>>Anonymous  25aug2011(th)12:55  No.2511 
Where'd you copy this from?
>>Anonymous  25aug2011(th)19:19  No.2513 
deviantart <3
>>Anonymous  26aug2011(fr)22:36  No.2521 
Alright... I've not played since the one that was on Game Cube. I was never into it. But it looked really good, though I heared they messed it up in the later game and made it not as fun anymore.

>>Anonymous  25aug2011(th)19:19  No.2514 
United States invokes Patriot act against wikileaks on charges of espionage gainst.html

full list of their demands

Subscriber names, user names, screen names, or other identities; 2. mailing addresses, residential addresses, business addresses, e-mail addresses, and other contact information; 3. connection records, or record of session times and durations; 4. length of service (including start date) and typos of service utilized; 5. telephone or instrument number or other subscriber number or identity; including any temporarily assigned network address; and 6. means and source of payment for such service (including any credit card or bank account number) and billing records.

records of user activity for any connections made to or from the Account 2. non-cont ...

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>>Anonymous  25aug2011(th)19:35  No.2515 
oops, double post. please delete this one mods. thank you

>>Anonymous  3aug2011(we)18:59  No.2133 
Actionscript decompiler?

What do you guys use to get actionscript out of SWFs? I just moved everything over to a new computer and SURPRISE SURPRISE the fla won't open in Flash 8 or CS4. I just want the AS out of it /sadface

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>>Anonymous  3aug2011(we)19:01  No.2134 
also it would be amazing if you could somehow get the capcha images to come from the same domain (hopefully it's ads.swfchan and not something external) as the ads so people with adblockers would have to turn them off
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  4aug2011(th)13:38  No.2141 
I'm afraid I can't tell you the solution swfchan uses to read the ActionScript (to avoid potential trouble, I have to upgrade it some year though since it can't handle the now-not-so-new AS3) but I can recommend "Sothink SWF Decompiler", it does a pretty good job. It's not free though. There are some free alternatives around but I have lost the names of them (someone remember?), it was a quite a while since I decompiled a flash now. I'm assuming you're using AS2?

But wait a minute, you're not trying to decompile a SWF - it's a FLA project? Try to change the file name extension to .zip and extract it, perhaps you can find your ActionScript in a "DOMDocument.xml" file there somewhere? Open it in notepad and check. I've never tried ...

>>w7-890  11jan2019(fr)13:38  No.65934 
yo sir try FFDEC decompiler

>>Czar the Cat III!Ogv4Ysy0Hc  19jul2011(tu)22:35  No.1642 
Hiya guys! Check out our new Tampon site for chans. Clean, efficient and fast.

also.. meow. That is all.

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>>The Shark  19jul2011(tu)01:43  No.1627 
World's Latest Spam

Hello swfchan,

Please check out our website and send us some feedback, are you afraid of Spam? We have a solution. Did you know that 95% of Spam attacks take place in less than five feet of web.

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>>Anonymous  18jul2011(mo)22:54  No.1615 s-europe/t/report-phone-hacking-whistleblower-foun d-dead/?GT1=43001

As I'm sure you all know. The Mainstream media recently broke the story of The Death of whistle blower Sean Hoare. Police say after an investigation that "The death is currently being treated as unexplained, but not thought to be suspicious," according to a police statement. "Police investigations into this incident are ongoing."

Are we supposed to believe this from the same Police force that shrouded the evidence of phone hacking from the public for six years??? this is the Last straw people. We need to mobilize! We need to go out there and start Facebook groups, Petitions at, anything, everything ...

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>>the police  18jul2011(mo)23:15  No.1616 
dude this is the internet, so TL;DR

>>Scar  18jul2011(mo)06:39  No.1610 
To Whom it may concern;

People Of Swfchan, It sadden's us when we see people question the sincerity of an idea as pure as democracy or as Old as freedom, As sincere as peace, and as Meaningful as Love. Then turn and use those same words as a punch line to push their narrow-minded, often warlike agendas.
To use and manipulate the people they claim to represent, to lie to the same people who fight for those ideals and hold them in their heart. To Brainwash those people into going to war, and then lie to their families when a soldier was killed by friendly fire, to cover up the murder of innocents who we're killed by a gunship, to create a Blanket of fear over your people just so you can justify 3 trillion dollars and ten years of war. Only ultimately to use that sa ...

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>>Soldier_Of_INTERNET  18jul2011(mo)06:00  No.1602 
A Quick Note to all my friends.

Over the past couple of years it has become apparent that the quality of our masturbation content has been declining. i lurk day in and day out searching for good SWF animations to deliver to my friends in the wank-off community. but today I've simply had enough. I waited 3 WEEKS for an anonymous site that distributes flash files and so forth to update it's archives, and out of roughly 70 furry and 60 human (130) flashes I found 13 TOTAL CUMMABLE FLASHES. 13!! that's not just in the furry section either, that was EVERYTHING! But you know what the final nail in the coffin was? I clicked on a new doggie Game that was just released, and guess how many scenes it had? ONE!!! ONE FUCKING SCENE! I know not to expect much when coming on to the inte ...

Ok, this one was actually a little bit clever.
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>>MadHax!DCHAGqU/Do  1jul2011(fr)21:22  No.1453 
MackanZoor -- compression

The site detects whether files are compressed or not, so why not compress them if they aren't? You'd save disk space and bandwidth, and the files wouldn't experience any loss. It's not really necessary to preserve the files bit-for-bit as long as the content remains undamaged.

It's not hard, and in fact you already have portable C++ code to do it -- it's RAR'd in MadHax_destink100.swf. Link zlib, include src/swf.h, then do something like this:

swf target;
target.saveToDiskAsCWS(outfile); ...

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>>MadHax!DCHAGqU/Do  4jul2011(mo)11:54  No.1460 
Not to mention that said bitfields are not byte aligned so you end up with variables spanning half the bits of one byte and half of another. Yeah, not fun.

Kind of disappointed that you're not compressing them to keep duplicates from arising. IMO it would be beneficial to the Internet if people started spreading smaller versions and the larger versions dropped into obscurity. Were there a problem with duplicates being uploaded to /f/, it might give them incentive to fix their system.

Still, how about optimization? There was a recent trend of very large files uploaded that were simple cell-shaded line drawings, the aforementioned worst case eating 15.4MiB for 22 frames. It doesn't compress with the standard compression because the imag ...

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  4jul2011(mo)19:42  No.1462 
I do understand your point and appreciate your suggestion but that would be a lot of work for a result that I don't really want (different file versions). Just the amount of testing that would be needed to make sure it works in 100% of all cases would be huge. Poorly optimized flash files are a bitch but to put so much effort into saving a couple of MiB in the year 2011 would be a little silly, especially since Internet will keep getting faster with each year. Here in Sweden people where I live now do have the option of getting a 1 Gbps connection at home and I expect in two years it will be cheap enough for most to actually have it even though they don't really need it. Besides it's not like it's even 10% of all files that desperately need ...
>>MadHax!DCHAGqU/Do  4jul2011(mo)20:47  No.1463 
I'd be willing to do the actual work of coding the filter, but alright, it ultimately comes down to the issue of duplicates.

It's worth noting that Internet speeds aren't that great everywhere. Here in McBurgerObeseFattyLand there are still large regions where the only available connection is dialup (!), others where the only telecom doesn't give a damn and the connection spontaneously craps out for days at a time (I'm one of those lucky people), lackluster wifi hotspots, slow connections on portable devices, and usage caps (my parents are stuck with a meager 8GB/month, and even my relatively decent 10Mbps connection is capped at 100GB/month).

Anyway, I'd like to thank you for running this site. I've found it to be very useful, partic ...

>>Anonymous  27jun2011(mo)20:52  No.1432 
From one Anon to another

So if you haven't been keeping your finger on the pulse of the Country for the past couple of months, let me give you a brief overview

The Republicans have been passing pieces of legislation that ;

*Allow's Big Corporate businesses to evade paying taxes through loopholes and tax breaks

* makes the government less accountable for their actions ...

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>>Anonymous  28jun2011(tu)08:29  No.1434 
I only go on this site to keep my hand on my pulse, if you know what I'm saying.
>>Anonymous  29jun2011(we)16:33  No.1445 
thats... beautiful man!

>>rICK RAWSE  28jun2011(tu)01:58  No.1433 

I've known Ben Cardin for almost 25 years. We met when we both served in the House and have been close friends ever since. Over the years, I've come to count on Ben as one of my most dependable allies in the fight against hard right extremism.

When it came to fighting for health care, Ben was there. When it came to protecting women's rights, Ben was there. And when it came to standing up for hard-working Americans across our nation, Ben was there.

Help me make sure that Ben continues to be there at my side during the tough road ahead. ...

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>>Anonymous  11jun2011(sa)06:26  No.1325 
I'm looking for a game I saw on here before.

I'm looking for a dragon yiff game where it looked like they were in a bathroom stall and you could add or remove the wings

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>>Anonymous  1aug2011(mo)18:21  No.2126 
Created: 8/2 -2011 20:30:00 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 14:57:16 Server time: 12/03 -2025 16:07:05