Archived flashes:
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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Required text body length: 20 characters. Maximum: 15000 characters.
A file is optional.

Here we talk about swfchan or discuss the flash format/community. You may
however also post about any other topic you like to have a text-only discussion about.

Here to report a bad ad? Please post in the dedicated ad thread!
Don't start a new thread about the popups or anything else ad-related.

>>Nomnom  4dec2013(we)09:46  No.8955 
Not an Ad

I got an "Ad" that isn't an ad at all. It actually is a Site that wants you to pay for crimes that noone commited. It's like the Virus that fucks up your computer and says you are useing an unlicensed version of Microsoft Windows in another format. Even though it's easy to close and reopen the Browser to avoid it, it's still awful to encounter. Using adblock until it's fixed...

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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  5dec2013(th)00:37  No.8971 
I apologize for these shitty ads that pretend they are from the police and try to scare you into paying them money. I don't have any control over what ads are shown, it's my ad providers that has to sort out these bad eggs. The only option I have is to stop serving ads but that means no money so it's not really an option. There were problems with bad ads about two years ago as well and they promised to get better at sorting out bad ads since then. Up until now it has worked out alright so I hope they remove these scam ads very soon.
>>Nomnom  8dec2013(su)10:04  No.9011 
I disabled Adblock once in a while and today i got this scam as my very first "ad". Your adproviders are bad and they should feel bad :/. it's sad how they abuse swfchan to scam ppl.
>>Nomnom  4jan2014(sa)12:15  No.9199 
It's fixed!

>>Anonymous  31dec2013(tu)02:24  No.9173 
Looking for specific flash


I was looking for a file where some girl gives a guy a sort of lapdance.
The point of view is odd, for the guy is lying on the ground and kind of looking up to the girl shaking her butt in his face.

Entire animation is 3d and some kind of techno music is playing.

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>>Anonymous  31dec2013(tu)21:55  No.9180 
not quite sure, but my best guess would be one of the riding X flashes (

>>Anonymous  29dec2013(su)02:15  No.9164 
MnF Games

News Reporter is Broken, Legend Of Zelda: Song Of Sex is broken.
News Reporter 2, Super Heroine Hijinks, Velma Gets Spooked and Velma Gets Spooked again should be cracked next

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>>Anonymous  29dec2013(su)02:56  No.9165 
Well, if you'd follow this webpage and read the instructions you'd know that they've already been cracked.
>>Anonymous  29dec2013(su)03:01  No.9166 
i *wish* someone would crack them. seems the cracker stopped because he got too many complaints by faggots

if you read this Sir cracker, I appreciated your work and would love it if you came back!

>>Anonymous  19nov2013(tu)20:04  No.8835 
Just a suggestion for 4chanlink: if the image still exists on 4chan, don't just redirect, but show it in a frame. This way, it still consumes 4chan's bandwidth, but the link in the address bar is the correct one, for easy copy/pasting. I think new users would get confused and discouraged if it just bounces them back to the 4chan URL.
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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  23nov2013(sa)06:49  No.8863 
Guess it's possible, but I wouldn't want to overstep any boundaries.
>>Anonymous  20dec2013(fr)00:39  No.9097 
Bumping this for something completely different: 4chan now uses different URLs for the images (they're stored on and include /board/src/ in the path). Please update to reflect this?
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  20dec2013(fr)18:34  No.9101 
I've noticed, fixed the issue on December 2:nd. However since there is not that many people using 4chanlink I have not registered the domain, is still in use. It means that no longer you just type "link" before .org in the URL, now you have to replace "4cdn" with "4chanlink" in order to get it to work. Have to say that I think "4cdn" is a strange domain name for moot to pick.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  16jul2013(tu)03:05  No.7515 
The BFG Program

In this thread we discuss the Bitcoins For Gets program:

This is the place for questions, comments and advice.

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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  29oct2013(tu)11:28  No.8675 
Had to increase minimum payout from 0.00003 BTC to 0.0001 BTC because the latest Bitcoin client doesn't allow too small transactions.
>>DGOD  6dec2013(fr)06:04  No.8985 
new to this need help on what i need to do and anytips

i just started but got no inside intell on BITCOINS. I will like to have allot of BITcoins in the future. Can some one help me out on the ways to get the most out of it. I also having problem posting my links. is there a easier way to post a link and a program send them out to defrent webs site that are in the porn sention

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  9dec2013(mo)17:13  No.9023 
The End

Thanks for shown interest but I've decided to shut down the BFG program today.

The program always produced too much spam, which was never my intention at all, but I just noticed that even /f/ has started to get spammed today and this is where I draw the line. If there's anywhere online where swfchan does not need paid links it is on /f/.

With the BFG program I was looking for links to swfchan on people's own homepages or blogs or in threads where they were related to the current discussion, not just random promotions here and there by guys hoping to get a click. Instead of just letting things go on and make people get more and more annoyed every time a link to swfchan is posted I'll just close BFG instead. So if you see a link leading ...

>>pissed  28nov2013(th)05:05  No.8924 

the simbrothel fucking game is not fixed the godamned thing stops at 97fucking % every mother fucking time it fucking pisses me the fucking fuck off would sombody pleease fix the fucking thing so people can actually play the damned thing it`s really fucking annoying to set and wait for it to get almost done and stop every godamned time and watch the motherfucker stop loading p.sfuck,fuck,fuck,fuck,fuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccckkkk! it pisses me off thank you

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>>Mrposable  21nov2013(th)20:48  No.8849 
Where can i find the original source for this?

Does anyone have any idea where i can find the origin of this gif 62499880434535/29/141807/01.swf

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>>Sir Steak  6aug2012(mo)11:06  No.4084 
Fighting/Foot Fetish Flash games

Can anyone get these for me?

They're stuck behind a paywall, help me out! tion.html

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>>Anonymous  9aug2012(th)00:46  No.4106 
>Lovely Fighter (PC game full version) - martinxmanga

magnet:?xt=urn:btih:728cdf4f7c52add572de9d57801b5 c4255f7641e&dn=Lovely+Fighter+ ull+version%29+-+martinxmanga&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftrack %3A6969&

I guess? I dunno.

>>Sir Steak  9aug2012(th)23:11  No.4109 
Thanks, I think I have this one already. I was wondering if there was a way to get the games off the official site without paying. How can I get that?
>>Dracula  10nov2013(su)21:25  No.8756 


>>Joni  12may2013(su)09:03  No.6544 
MnF crack problem

I live in indonesia . and I want to play MnF crack BUT why all the games was expired 404 errors. how to fix it ?

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>>Jecky  8nov2013(fr)17:18  No.8753 
New MnF games cannot play here.

please fix this problem and I will be very thankful.

>>rwby  31oct2013(th)04:10  No.8690 
rwby porn rt

hey was wondering why there hasnt been any rwby porn f=games or flashes it has a perfect story to make a good one along with a ton of very attractive girls just a thought

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>>jrdn  22oct2013(tu)03:14  No.8619 

how come anytime i try any new meet n fuck like tsunade stalker or velma gets spooked etc, i always get the 404 thing with the music, can anyone help please?

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>>Anonymous  24oct2013(th)01:53  No.8631 
the flash probably loads another flash in the background, which is not found on swfchan = 404.swf

so the flashes you are trying to watch is broken (only a pre-loader)

>>Anonymous  25oct2013(fr)07:06  No.8648 

how do i watch the meet and fuck games when they keep doing the 404 thing? help please!

>>Anonymous  25oct2013(fr)07:45  No.8649 
you can't because they are not uploaded here, only the preloader files

you have to wait until someone posts a cracked version of the game, if that ever happens

>>Harry  12may2013(su)09:07  No.6546 
Please post this game "THE LAST COCKBENDER"
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>>NONSENSE  24sep2013(tu)17:35  No.8330 
>>josu  30sep2013(mo)13:30  No.8389 
>>josu  30sep2013(mo)13:33  No.8390 

>>Anonymous  17sep2013(tu)22:54  No.8279 
m and f games

is it possible for you to crack any more of the new meet and fuck games it looks like every one of them as of lately is just a 404 screen

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>>blix  1sep2013(su)08:05  No.8050 

Some dumbfuck tried to spam my sites with the crap listed in this image:

You'll notice the link field also has a URL (displayed bottom right), which I'm assuming is either his site or just more of his retardation.

I forgot to take down the IP, but if he tries spamming again, I'll update this post.

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>>Anonymous  1sep2013(su)08:09  No.8051 
By the way, you'll notice that some of the URLs lead to 404s. I'm assuming you've deleted some sort of spam SWFs and therefore anything that isn't 404ed from his links are probably also an issue and should be looked in to (it could just be that this spammer is as retarded as he's looking, though).
>>Anonymous  1sep2013(su)08:50  No.8052 
Probably a proxy:
>>Anonymous  4sep2013(we)19:55  No.8074

>>good guy  2sep2013(mo)07:58  No.8055 
plz find

fenoxo has 3 more versions of coruption of champions i tried to get them from his site and could`nt get them to down lo9ad so if somone here knows how plz im begging you these games are awsome plz download them here so that i can get them from this site

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>>Anonymous  21aug2013(we)22:28  No.7937 
The order of flash file entries

I noticed that the flash files are actually sorted ascending by age.

Wouldn't it make more sense to order them descending? The newest entries would be on the first page then and it would always utilize the maximum number of entries per page to show the newest stuff.

Currently you often have to click at least once more to get to the last page and find the latest files. And sometimes that page consists only of a few entries then due to the way of ordering things.

If it's just a few lines of code, perhaps you could change it? :)

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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  22aug2013(th)02:21  No.7938 
Thanks for the suggestion but it takes a lot more work than a few lines of code to change it. Also, since the files aren't dynamic (they are static html files that just import the top and bottom of the site) it would mean that all pages would have to be updated as soon as a new flash was added instead of just the last page. It kinda makes sense for pages on an archive to go from oldest to newest too.

The "new"-pages list flashes the way you describe (from newest to oldest). These are linked to from the front page of

>>jacky  9jul2013(tu)19:05  No.7387 

HELLO SWFCHAN I DONT KNOW WHO was making this MNF BCT crack but he is not making it please make more games for Like Ass Effect, Tsunade stalker

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>>swfchan  10jul2013(we)03:55  No.7393 
>>sentai  9aug2013(fr)21:53  No.7763 
does it take so long to crack a game we are waiting in urgens xD
>>Anonymous  10aug2013(sa)01:39  No.7768 
From what I've heard he stopped cracking them.

>>rocky  10may2013(fr)18:08  No.6506 
MnF BCT crack

Why all MnF BCT Crack is expired 404, and how to fixed it ??

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>>jacky  2jul2013(tu)10:14  No.7344 

Please people why have you stopped please dont stop this great job guys please dont stop

>>Praz  19jul2013(fr)08:20  No.7558 
MnF BCT Crack

Why all MnF BCT Crack is expired 404-_-. and how to fixed it ?

>>Anonymous  22jul2013(mo)11:12  No.7584 

>>alucard29a  10jun2013(mo)02:23  No.6998 

Having issue with multiple browsers where im getting a blank page after filling in captcha and trying to view any flash on this site.

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>>alucard29a  15jun2013(sa)20:01  No.7119 
before the problem was reported ive watched falshes on said site. when i refresh the page i usually get redirected back to captcha (with no captcha) or the browser message to resend data if there wasnt a captcha. captchas chage as normal. refreshing the page doesnt seem to help. chrome is up to date.
>>alucard29a  15jun2013(sa)20:05  No.7121 
the only thing i have noticed is if i take a link from a thread i can view a flash.
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  16jun2013(su)11:55  No.7134 
Sorry but I have not a clue as to what can be wrong. You say that the captcha disappears sometimes, that you get the "verification not needed" text? That should mean that you can watch a flash. Do you know if you recently changed IP address?

Do you mean that you can watch flashes here on or do you mean that you can watch flashes on if you follow a link to that domain from aother site?

>>Anonymous  14jun2013(fr)22:54  No.7091 
Searching by Tag?

Just wondering if it's possible to utilize the tags of flash file in the search. Thus far I haven't found a way.

For instance would it be nice if I could search for "Platformer" and then get all files that were tagged as "Platformer" instead of only those that have Platformer in their name.

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>>Anonymous  15jun2013(sa)00:10  No.7092 
Well, there's the categories (,
but you can't combine them with a search
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  15jun2013(sa)19:41  No.7113 
I've got plans to make it possible for people to tag flashes and make these tags searchable in the future, but it's probably quite some time left before I get down to programming it. The categories are implemented but still not searchable (some day they will be).

Biggest problem is that almost only porn flashes are getting categorized by people at the moment, and I figure it will be the same with tags when they are implemented. So even though there is a "platformer" game category there aren't many flashes in it due to nobody bothering to tag games...unless they are pornographic.

What you could do is browse through the pages at:

Then press CTRL+F and search the page for "platformer" loc ...

>>ThatGuy  11jun2013(tu)22:07  No.7039

Looks like the files 2 server is down again, at least for me anyway. Unable to load anything from the server [porn related], and it's downright pissing me off. As of now, the time here is 8:00PM (GMT+1), but it's been going on for the whole day. Should consider switching to a new server, since this has been happening the last couple of days.

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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  12jun2013(we)17:31  No.7054 
I just became aware of the problem, I will make an announcement about it on soon.

I have changed the code to pull files from the main server until files2 has been fixed. It'll be too slow for many to even download anything but at least it's better than not working at all.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  12jun2013(we)17:32  No.7055 
Just became aware of the problem - will make an announcement about it on soon.

I have changed the code to pull files from the main server until files2 has been fixed. It'll be too slow for many to even download anything but at least it's better than not working at all.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  12jun2013(we)17:35  No.7057 
Triple post for the win!

>>johndoe3  11jun2013(tu)22:05  No.7038 

i can`t get the flashes to load. i typ min the correct capcha and the flash does`nt load and it always did before i never had any trouble at all .please oh please tell me you did`nt change the site i absolutly love this site it`s the only place where you can actually see the flash that you load. so many other sites that were great went to crap just cause they kept changing things like yiffstar it was fricken awsome! then they kept changing it till eventually the site was reduced to ashes compared to it`s former glory just please tell me that`s not whats happening here i really do love you guys

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>>Nanonymous  11jun2013(tu)23:21  No.7041 
If it's porn you're looking for, the server where it's all hosted (i.e. has been down for about two days
>>Ligats  12jun2013(we)03:13  No.7042 
Does anyone know if this is due to server changing of something like that?
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  12jun2013(we)17:31  No.7053 
Just became aware of the problem, I will make an announcement about it on soon.

I have changed the code to pull files from the main server until files2 has been fixed. It'll be too slow for many to even download anything but at least it's better than not working at all.

>>Nanonymous  10jun2013(mo)16:48  No.7009 
files2 server

Sorry if this isn't posted in the right place. I'm reporting an error. Unable to load anything hosted on the files2 server (porn). Is the server down? Is anyone else having this issue? Problems began to occur last night around 5:00 EST and have yet to resolve.

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>>Anonymous  11jun2013(tu)07:48  No.7023

Yeah, I'm pretty certain the server's just down.

>>Nanonymous  11jun2013(tu)20:52  No.7035 
files2 server is back up! Thank you :)
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  12jun2013(we)17:30  No.7052 
It must have been up temporarily, was down again just now.

Just became aware of the problem, I will make an announcement about it on soon.

I have changed the code to pull files from the main server until files2 has been fixed. It'll be too slow for many to even download anything but at least it's better than not working at all.

>>Nanonymous  12jun2013(we)06:45  No.7046 
files2 server

is still down, please be patient everyone. I apologize for the inconvinience but I'm not the one in charge, so this post is meaningless but serves a perpose to tell you to just relax, your precious porn will return.

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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  12jun2013(we)17:27  No.7050 
Who might you be? :)

Anyway thanks for soothing people a bit. I have changed the code to pull files from the main server until files2 has been fixed. It'll be too slow for many to even download anything but at least it's better than not working at all.

>>Nanonymous  11may2013(sa)09:23  No.6522 
Post this game

post xmas pay rise 1 and xmas pay rise 2 (fullversion) please !!

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>>colector  11may2013(sa)12:41  No.6526 
Stop being so lazy and use the "search" function :D
>>Anonymous  11may2013(sa)17:50  No.6528 
yeah you should have been able to find that here yourself op, you knew the file name
>>Anonymous  11may2013(sa)23:30  No.6539 
>when even people on don't use

>>Anonymous  1may2013(we)12:11  No.6390 
is there actually a backup in progress right now or am i having issues on my end? i've having a lot of stuff time out lately, so it's hard to tell
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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  1may2013(we)22:58  No.6397 
That thing you mentioned about the timeouts sound bad though, maybe there is something that can be done. Can you describe when you get the timeouts? What do they say exactly? Or do you perhaps mean "connection reset" messages on
>>Anonymous  2may2013(th)09:18  No.6407 
Oh, I've just been having problems with my modem (ping goes through the roof, speeds go down the crapper), so I thought maybe that was causing the problem. Though, now that I think of it, I'm not even sure a client-side timeout would trigger a server-side error in this manner... maybe it could be done with Javascript... or... something...
In any case, swfchan seems to be working fine for me right now. Thanks for actually caring! A lot of people running paid services don't even seem to care, so it means a lot :D
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  2may2013(th)13:20  No.6410 
My pleasure, thanks for using the site!

>>Anonymous  20apr2013(sa)04:10  No.6297 
SWF Info Page, ActionScript

How is the SWF info page made?
Especially, I'm interested how to extract the data of a MovieClip in a readable manner. I've tried SWFInvestigator, AS3 Sorcerer, ShowMyCode, and SWFTools, but had no luck whatsoever.
Take this SWF for example: test.swf
Click ActionScript, then "Symbol 229 MovieClip [Q_1answerText_2]". I want to know how to get this info manually, because I have a similar SWF. It seems like I'm pretty dumb, since I've already tried a lot of tools. Help me, please. :(

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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  21apr2013(su)13:12  No.6313 
Sorry, I can't disclose how the info page is made exactly. It's pretty outdated anyways, have to update it so it shows ActionScript 3 too. It's a bunch of work so I'm putting it off...

The most popular way of getting ActionScript is by using "Sothink SWF Decompiler", it's not free though. But if you aquire the program you'll probably have no problem reading it's ActionScript, unless the code is obfuscated by its maker of course. You could also upload the SWF to swfchan if you want to and see if the system can get the AS on its info page (not guaranteed since, you know, outdated and all). Just keep in mind that the swf and its code will be up for everyone in the world to see if you do that.

>>Anonymous  14mar2013(th)23:55  No.5975 
Is there any way that the search results or tags can be ordered chronologically?
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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  15mar2013(fr)08:58  No.5979 
No, not right now I'm afraid. I've planned on improving the search engine functionality but haven't done it yet. All you can do right now is use the age that is written below the results, the newest and oldest result are the only ones that have an "age=" string below them (the rest have "age:") so if you CTRL+F and use your browser to search the results page for "age=" you are able to at least find the oldest and newest flash quickly. The lower age a result has the newer it is on the site.

I haven't implemented a real tagging system (yet), only categories, which I understand can be seen as swfchan's tags today. The category lists are static and can't be ordered any differently than they appear right now, the-first-flash-that-was- ...

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  24mar2013(su)14:04  No.6042 
Just finished improving the search engine. You can now do an advanced search, to order the results chronologically set the order to "By Number" and "Big-to-Small" if you want the newest flashes first.

>>Anonymous  20mar2013(we)08:21  No.6014 

I've been categorizing a lot of flashes lately, which had me wondering how effective my efforts are. Does my single attempt to remove a flash from an improper category have effect? How long does it take? There's a bunch of flashes that have been put in all categories (or just 'gay')...

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>>Anonymous  21mar2013(th)09:56  No.6016 
Thanks for making such a comprehensive reply. Looking back, there's still a bunch in all the quick categories... n.swf and are just a couple that I know I went through.
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  21mar2013(th)10:41  No.6017 
Alright, I'll look into those two.
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  21mar2013(th)14:15  No.6018 
I found an issue and have fixed it, that should do it (until a new problem comes along). Hopefully new categorizations by you will be processed as they should. Let me know if you still can't put flashes into categories! Try a couple that noone has categorized yet (they don't have any green text below the thumbnail on the page with the GET FILE button) and see if they can be put into the right categories.

I think your categorizations for those two flashes that you linked to has been inserted into the database, but I'm not sure if the votes were enough to change the categories that the flashes were in. I've added them into the correct categories myself just to be safe.

>>Zetfoxe  21feb2013(th)23:47  No.5702 

just wondering is it possible to covert the Chearleader in hlh Simulator into a winx girl

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>>Anonymous  22feb2013(fr)01:20  No.5703 
...what are you asking exactly?
Created: 8/2 -2011 20:30:00 Last modified: 18/10 -2024 03:55:09 Server time: 18/10 -2024 04:12:18