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>>max7238  8aug2012(we)03:19  No.4095  OP  P1
Random nub-lit looking for answers

Exactly how can I start a wiki thread for a game if I can't search for it here on the .org?

Because hanging around bumping threads in 4chan is not going to help.

>>max7238  8aug2012(we)03:22  No.4096  OP  P2
I should probably be more specific in case it's the flash itself that's the issue.

If you perform the search "" on, four flash files will come up. They are all from the same game, but I have been unable to find out which one. Normally, I could just look in the wiki page, but none exist for these flashes... Which is why I'm asking here how I can go about starting the page/thread.

>>Anonymous  8aug2012(we)07:08  No.4097  A  P3R1
You "start a wiki thread" by uploading the flash to either or and then asking for which game it is from. swfchan will find your thread and associate it to the right wiki automatically within a few minutes/hours. People can then post comments to the flash you uploaded and maybe help you out if you are lucky.

To upload a flash to or here on you need first download it from to your hard disk (select download option and then press the GET FILE button). Then you can browse to it on your computer when uploading it.

However I can tell you the source of the flash that you are asking about right here in this thread (since the information needed is in the file name and can be found on the Internet):

(同人ソフト) [猫拳] BEYOND RJ077737
Proof: 077737

I don't have a torrent or something like that for it but you can probably find it yourself if you search around a bit.

>>max7238  10aug2012(fr)00:02  No.4110  OP  P4R2
Ahh... Searching for torrents with that info got results instantly... Searching for just what I did on swfchan, even with quotes, was getting me nowhere... But I suppose I should download the first file in the swf sequence and start a wiki page with this info, so no one else has this issue. Thanks.
>>max7238  10aug2012(fr)00:03  No.4111  OP  P5

Well, then... Searching for torrents with that info got results instantly... Searching for just what I did on swfchan, even with quotes, was getting me nowhere... But I suppose I should download the first file in the swf sequence and start a wiki page with this info, so no one else has this issue. Thanks very much.
Created: 8/8 -2012 03:19:22 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 10:22:32 Server time: 12/03 -2025 10:55:08