Archived flashes:
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>>Anonymous  28feb2020(fr)00:11  No.74798  OP  P1
The clock is ticking - What to use now and after everyone shuts it?

Some flashes need internet access or at least non-local access so the projector is not always the solution. Besides it is cumbersome compared to simply using a browser.

So what to do? Any browsers that will continue supporting flash or a extension?

Besides, Adobe will cease the download, so a archive of the projectors and .swc should also be in order.

>>Anonymous  28feb2020(fr)02:13  No.74799  A  P2R1
as of right now Pale Moon supports flash in browser. as a bonus it feels like old school Firefox. (pre-v30)
>>Anonymous  29feb2020(sa)21:36  No.74821  B  P3R2
can confirm, absolutely based

I'd also advise everyone to download not only the latest projector, but also one every couple or so versions, because there are sometimes problems that require a specific version
at least get one of v30, v20, etc.; like prev15 was able to build a standalone exe of a swf
also grab those plugin offline installers, so you could reinstall teh browser plugins in the future!
would be great if SWFants manages to build and discretely host an all-in-one download pack

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  1mar2020(su)06:58  No.74836  SWF  P4R3
See this related thread for discussion on what browser to use in 2021:

Until a good alternative is ready it's probably best to use "Firefox ESR", their Extended Support Release. It should keep supporting flash for at least another year (longer I hope): top-esr

I'm looking at Waterfox over Pale Moon because some video playback doesn't work in Pale Moon, makes me wonder what else doesn't work on a modern web when using Pale Moon. Waterfox also has a quicker render engine and support for new add-ons because it's based on newer Firefox code. No matter how much we miss the old add-on system, as the years go by the new system will have so many more add-ons. Hopefully the add-on-signing-requirement that Firefox has started with will be removed. But Waterfox isn't ready/stable yet and I'm not sure it has large enough community to carry over Mozilla's bug fixes in a timely fashion.

I've thought about adding some kind of "goodie-bag" to the bottom of all pages (or at least on the page with the GET FILE button). When the "goodie-bag" is expanded it would contain a bunch of flash related downloadables. Maybe even a torrent to CS6... The "goodie-bag" won't contain everything between heaven and earth but I'm open to suggestions. I've collected some stuff from flash-player-versions.html but not everything of course. I hope Adobe decides to keep that page online since archive is in it's title but wouldn't surprise me if they don't.

Currently an easy way to get the latest offline installer for the flash browser plugins is to go to the bottom of this page, below "Still having problems?": ion-problems-flash-player-windows.html
It has ActiveX (IE), NPAPI (FF) and PPAPI (Opera/Chrome) there. However there's no version number in the executables you download so although it's good for installing it's not so good for archiving (the latest flash version can be seen via the last "debug_downloads.html" URL in my post). For archiving purposes then go to the "archived-flash-player-versions.html" link above and grab for example "(Released 1/21/2020) Flash Player (425 MB)", which is the most recent archive right now:

Inside you'll find:
>32_0_r0_321/flashplayer32_0r0_321_linux.i386.tar. gz
>32_0_r0_321/flashplayer32_0r0_321_linux.x86_64.ta r.gz
>32_0_r0_321/flashplayer32_0r0_321_linuxpep.i386.t ar.gz
>32_0_r0_321/flashplayer32_0r0_321_linuxpep.x86_64 .tar.gz
>32_0_r0_321/flashplayer32_0r0_321_linux_sa.x86_64 .tar.gz
>32_0_r0_321/uninstall_flashplayer32_0r0_321_mac.d mg
>32_0_r0_321/uninstall_flashplayer32_0r0_321_win.e xe
>32_0_r0_321_debug/flashplayer32_0r0_321_linuxpep_ debug.x86_64.tar.gz
>32_0_r0_321_debug/flashplayer32_0r0_321_linux_deb ug.i386.tar.gz
>32_0_r0_321_debug/flashplayer32_0r0_321_linux_deb ug.x86_64.tar.gz
>32_0_r0_321_debug/flashplayer32_0r0_321_linux_sa_ debug.x86_64.tar.gz
>32_0_r0_321_debug/flashplayer32_0r0_321_macpep_de bug.dmg
>32_0_r0_321_debug/flashplayer32_0r0_321_mac_debug .dmg
>32_0_r0_321_debug/flashplayer32_0r0_321_mac_sa_de bug.dmg
>32_0_r0_321_debug/flashplayer32_0r0_321_winax_deb ug.exe
>32_0_r0_321_debug/flashplayer32_0r0_321_winpep_de bug.exe
>32_0_r0_321_debug/flashplayer32_0r0_321_win_debug .exe
>32_0_r0_321_debug/flashplayer32_0r0_321_win_sa_de bug.exe

(flashplayer32_0r0_321_win_sa.exe or flashplayer32_0r0_321_win_sa_debug.exe is Adobe's offline flash player.)

Unfortunately that archive page doesn't have the very latest flash version immediately assembled into one of those big zips and put on the page, the latest there is but the current version of flash right now is

You can download the latest version of Adobe's offline flash player here: ownloads.html
Click "Download the Flash Player projector" (leads to flashplayer_32_sa.exe). Notice the rest of the links are debug stuff (there's a debug projector as well). Would have been handy if they put the normal offline installers on that page as well but nope, as far as I can find you gotta get those through the "installation-problems-flash-player-windows.html" URL earlier in my post.
Created: 28/2 -2020 00:11:20 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 11:03:20 Server time: 12/03 -2025 11:12:36