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>>Anonymous  7mar2020(sa)20:35  No.74865  OP  P1
is it possible to download browser online flash games?

when a online browser game ends, is forever. is it possible to download browser online flash games?

>>Anonymous  8mar2020(su)01:17  No.74866  A  P2R1
>>Anonymous  8mar2020(su)02:17  No.74868  B  P3R2
for me (pale moon) tools> page info> media> save as
>>Anonymous  8mar2020(su)17:59  No.74875  C  P4R3
that's how it works generally in firefox
if the flash is embedded that is, you want to seek for the direct link (to the swf) and open/download it
you can save everything that you have direct access to (like you save an image in paint)
>>Anonymous  8mar2020(su)18:01  No.74876  C  P5
just adding that if the game is actually online (like an mmorpg) then you can save the swf, but it won't help you as soon as the server goes down
>>Anonymous  9mar2020(mo)18:45  No.74890  D  P6R4
ctrl + i brings up the page info too, however if you've clicked on a flash, sometimes shortcuts don't work.
>>Anonymous  10mar2020(tu)18:55  No.74902  C  P7R5
yeah, browser shortcuts generally don't work inside a flash, as the flash shortcuts take over
just click outside (like on the tab title) to get them back
>>Anonymous  11mar2020(we)08:03  No.74905  E  P8R6
In Russia, we have a project to preserve the heritage of flash games.
>>Anonymous  11mar2020(we)19:24  No.74914  C  P9R7
Looks a lot like flashpoint.
Personally I'm more interested because of old Shockwave for Director games.
I was searching for a specific racing game from my childhood that I played in my browser. Turns out it wasn't a swf at all, but a shockwave game called Redline Rumble Revolution.
I couldn't find a working standalone .drc file ANYWHERE, even the fucking legacy shockwave archive had every redline rumble BUT THIS ONE.
Damn son.
>>Anonymous  27mar2020(fr)13:49  No.75663  OP  P10R8
my interest is to save app.nicovideo games, is ir possible then to make a private server of a browser game?
Created: 7/3 -2020 20:35:56 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 11:02:48 Server time: 12/03 -2025 11:19:35