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>>Anonymous  12mar2020(th)03:52  No.74927  OP  P1
stHarry Archiving

I just realized there are several (probably many) flashes by stHarry that are not archived even though they are 10-17 years old. I will post a few but I don't have the energy to go through all of them on his Japanese website. My file name structure is the following, if anybody wants to pitch in:

<artist> - <google translation of name> (<original name>) <original filename>.swf

Here's the page where I discovered unarchived flashes:

I don't know if index03.html lists all his works but the page title is "倉庫", which translates to "Warehouse", so maybe it's a site map?

To download the swf file just load the page it's on and hit CTRL+S and save as "web page, complete" (might need to retry the download in Firefox for some reason, at least I had to). You can check if it's on swfchan by searching >>"file-bytes", although re-uploading existing flashes with a more informative filename is probably a good idea if it's too much of a hassle to check if they are in the archive.

Some of his works are multi-files (he had some kind of limit of 250kb per swf back in the day) but seems like they can be played standalone. Don't know if true for all multi-file flashes. If a flash has a number in the filename you need to manually check if a "2" or "3" version exists on his site by modifying URLs, CTRL+S only covers the first flash in the multi-file series.

I've tried searching around for "stharry collection" or "stharry torrent" but can't find any so we could be at risk of his works disappearing. That domain doesn't look like something reliable to stay up 10 more years and I kinda doubt have found 100% of his swf files (especially those multi-file flashes).

>>Anonymous  12mar2020(th)21:10  No.74934  A  P2R1
kinda pissed that wasn't archived in the ten+ years that it existed
and now z0r gets saved, because of the end of flash, but died just some 1 or 2 years ago
man, fuck this gay earth
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  13mar2020(fr)20:25  No.74944  SWF  P3R2
All flashes from are on swfchan, unfortunately they were just named a number, for example swf

I have a text file with 5185 of their flashes mapped to names and filesizes in case I want to parse it to make a collection some day. I think that's all the flashes they had, although the highest numbered flash on their site was .swf (it's mute). It's possible that 197 numbers were skipped/deleted.

There were a surprising amount of z0r flashes not on swfchan, have been adding a few to the archive every day for the past several months in order to not flood the front page and there are still over 2000 of them to go.

>>Anonymous  14mar2020(sa)14:58  No.74951  A  P4R3
Hot damn, Ants, you never dissappoint!
Sorry for even doubting you, that's great news.
Unfortunately it would be veery hard to search for these flashes atm, as the descriptions on pown were probably the only thing to go by.

Also there were QUITE a few reposts on, so that might explain the missing numbers.
Created: 12/3 -2020 03:52:49 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 10:22:53 Server time: 12/03 -2025 10:54:31