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>>Anonymous  24may2020(su)20:11  No.77255  OP  P1
eventually swfchan could kick the bucket too like what almost happened to exhentai

will we ever seen a torrent or archive where we can download all the near 215000 flashes including the variants and archive logs?

Flashpoint is basically doing that but they're only saving mostly vidya and popular newgrounds movies at this point.

>>Anonymous  25may2020(mo)05:54  No.77257  A  P2R1
I definitely don't want everything, I wouldn't be surprised if over 75% of the total size of this database is dead weight.
>bloated horrible 3d fetish porn
>massive shitty porn videos converted to swf
>vector swfs some idiot converted into terrible quality flv with huge file size
>assloads of duplicate, WIPs or different versions of everything
>>Anonymous  25may2020(mo)13:58  No.77268  B  P3R2
Sadly, yes.
Don't forget about straight up broken files or empty preloaders, even if they would not take up much space.
It's supposed to be a complete archive, anything goes, quality control is up to the users.
So maybe a torrent for certain categories (the best, a classic)?
I'd still prefer if everything was made available, it could be up to the leecher to bring about order, maybe there's a way to also include metadata and the like, that would save progress of a decade.

Personally, I think should that horrible scenario come to life, Ants will gladly just make available what he can, but as long as that isn't the case, and it isn't yet, it just won't happen and isn't the focus of anyone's effort.
Like it was merrily discussed in the other thread, the threat of Ants just up and gone'ing is a lot worse than idk, flash being actively purged off the net, or DMCA's raining upon this place, or the FBI knocking on everyone's door.
I don't know how, but Ants made do without any of this shit for the whole past decade and half and I believe he can and will continue to do so as long as he has the slightest amount of power to do so.

Also don't forget that while the panda was basically the last bastion of loli content (not real pizza) on the internet and was a hueeg target for a lot of people, nobody really cares that much about flash, especially now after they let it die. I think google&co are more interested in just silently letting everyone forget about it than making headlines and cutting into known websites.
I mean, even inside the already kinda small flash community, swfchan isn't THAT ubiquiously known as you think it would be. Even on /f/ still a lot of people are ignorant of this place whatsoever.

yeah flashpoint does save and make available a lot of old flash and shockwave games, but I think they do it in a way that doesn't really give you access to the swf files themselves, maybe the put them into projectors or something? I haven't really tried it out, but they focus more on preserving the games, rather than the swfs, if that makes any sense.

The worst problem swfchan can run into imo is dat friggin monies.
So, trying again to make some sort of patreon thing going would be the most help that anyone can give to keep this place on the net.

I'm still hella mad, that swfchan's actual patreon was taken down back then, while it was juuuust before they completely gave up on quality control and principles, back when H-content was actually something that could negatively impact you there, HARHARHAR.
Best would probably be to just try the fuck again with the actual site, maybe the developement of the SWIFFARMYKNIFE on the subsection of the main page.

>>Anonymous  26may2020(tu)04:30  No.77283  C  P4R3
How big is the total flash database here? Has Ants ever talked about the possibility of doing that?
I've used Flashpoint in the past, they still offer a massive 400gb download option with the entire database included so I seriously doubt the swf files aren't directly accessible.
>>Anonymous  27may2020(we)09:03  No.77297  D  P5
fuck patreon and gumroad all paywalls are evil ive seen this shit before
trust me it will eventually turn into greed (im sure you know what's gonna happen next)

a btc donation system would be nice (without perks)
also do you think we need more popularity (i kinda like confy low pph chans)

>>Anonymous  27may2020(we)10:57  No.77298  C  P6
There's already BTC donation system, check the bottom of the page.
Created: 24/5 -2020 20:11:02 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 10:23:17 Server time: 12/03 -2025 10:53:09