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>>Anonymous  13jun2020(sa)11:06  No.77643  OP  P1
HTTPS + Site Cost

Heyo, I was wondering two things- why doesn't anything on swfchan support https, and secondly, I remember supporting the patreon a while ago, and was wondering what the continuing plan is for keeping up with server costs? Will donations ever be reopened?

>>Anonymous  13jun2020(sa)21:00  No.77652  A  P2R1
At the moment no, there aren't any donation sites considered, but there is always the option to donate Bitcoin to relieve admin's costs.
Wallet address is at the bottom of every page.

Ants, if you read this, the link of [discuss] next to the wallets that points to the disc thread is still linked to .org.

No idea about https. This site was coded entirely by the admin, so maybe he just didn't find the opportunity to implement it yet.

>>Anonymous  17jun2020(we)17:35  No.77730  A  P3
>Ants, if you read this, the link of [discuss] next to the wallets that points to the disc thread is still linked to .org
bumping this
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  23jun2020(tu)04:11  No.77835  SWF  P4R2
I know that https is overdue but I hard-coded a bunch of http assumptions over the years and it would be time consuming to make the switch now. I'd have to go through a lot of code to make sure nothing breaks. The site runs on rusty code layered on top of older rusty code, the stuff I wrote a decade ago is pretty crude. I used https on one subdomain many years back (it's gone now) so I at least know how to set things up, maybe someday I'll put in the work. Sorry.

As for donations opening up again, depends on what happens with the ad revenue. If there will be a dramatic drop in visitors next year --which I suspect is the case unfortunately-- I may try to open up non-crypto donations again. Though as always I'm keen on protecting my anonymity as much as possible. Thanks for your previous support!

Thanks for pointing out the [discuss] link, fixed now.
Created: 13/6 -2020 11:06:28 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 10:23:18 Server time: 12/03 -2025 10:53:40