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>>Anonymous  11aug2020(tu)18:55  No.78637  OP  P1
Flash saved

Ok, so, right here and now, you can download the full offline installer for Firefox 51.0, go offline install it. do not install mozilla maintenance service and do not set it to auto update. turn off all updates. turn off checking for updates. in options. next duckduckgo search how to disable XPI signiature checking. go to about:config and search XPI disable any and all. next go download flash player, 32 has some bugs so I suggest something earlier atm. install. enjoy.

I also suggest to install noscript adblockerultimate, advanced cookie manager, and a user agent switcher. if you cannot get a working copy of these from mozilla's site, copy the URL and paste it in's waybackmachine and get an older version that will install.

for adblocker ultimate you'll need to install it several times from XPI file. most websites work perfectly with this browser. only a few do not. and in my opinion those websites are trash anyways. they are just trying to force the chrome standard.

also never turn on or scripts. they just track you and make money off you and spy on your mouse pointer location, keylog everything you type, monitor what URLs are open in other tabs, and take screengrabs when you switch to other tabs or applications. in other words, your computer slow? yeah it's all those nonsense scripts. turn them off. javascript is dangerous.

but yeah I'm on firefox 51.0 right now and flash works fine. and it will stay that way so long as I don't upgrade. Downgrade your browser today!

>>Anonymous  11aug2020(tu)19:05  No.78638  OP  P2
any trouble just ask.
>>Anonymous  11aug2020(tu)20:15  No.78639  OP  P3

just in case you can't find it.

>>Anonymous  11aug2020(tu)20:51  No.78640  OP  P4
en-GB = English Great Britain
en-US = English United States
>>Anonymous  12aug2020(we)15:08  No.78655  OP  P5
Also do not enable the mozilla health report and do not share any data with mozilla. it's just another way for them to see you have not updated and force it.
>>Anonymous  12aug2020(we)17:05  No.78657  OP  P6
in preparation for some FAQ:
Q: patreon's buttons don't work in this browser
A: yeah, patreon abandoned backwards compatibility, if you really must use it (which I don't suggest), use a different browser only for the sites you can't use in FF. then download piriform CCleaner and wipe all cookies and cache and everything from the other browser after you are done.

Q: Facebook says they've ended support for this browser.
A: lol.. they actually haven't ended support; posting and chatting on facebook still works. But seriously turn off those facebook scripts before you leave the page, they'll track you if you don't even after you close facebook.

Q: I went to a website and it's a blank page or the pictures wont load, why is that?
A: javascript, the page is running everything through a javascript and some of that javascript is newer than this browser allows, and probably will bend your computer over and give it new holes if you turned on the script. Ignore that site or use a different browser for that site if you really must. Use CCleaner to clean cookies and cache after you are done, and a antivirus scan with malwarebytes.

Q: are there some scripts online that automatically force you to update your browser or disable your adblocker and break ti so it stops working all together?
A: Yes, yes there are. keep Adblocker Ultimate up to date. It will block any scripts which try to disable or destroy your adblocker. also there are scripts which will automatically check your browser version and if outdated will automatically connect the browser to the browser's developer to download the latest update in the background. Keep No-Script on at all times and be careful what you turn on out there.

Q: how do I know what scripts are necessary to run a page and which are not?
A: start with the rule, it's probably necessary to turn on any scripts from the URL of the site name and any subsequent cdn scripts with the same URL, .com and .org of the site URL probably need to be on. in other cases check in no script where it says "blocked objects" it will appear if something like typekit for text boxes or fonts are necessary to make buttons or stuff work. for videos you may have to activate scripts for the video host and the player, both of these will show what they are when you click the player. It may take several script activations and reloads to get them all. General trial and error. ads are almost never necessary unless the video player requires them loaded before it will play. And be careful of urls with things like "push" in their name. is usually a media player, don't be fooled by the "google" in the name.

>>Anonymous  12aug2020(we)18:57  No.78662  A  P7R1
Or you could ... you know, use Basilisk or Palemoon.
Basically the same thing without all the post-smartphone-era bullshit, with plugin support, but still developed to this day with modern security patches and 99% site functionality.
>>Anonymous  12aug2020(we)20:51  No.78665  OP  P8R2
does it natively support the flashplayer plugin?
>>Anonymous  13aug2020(th)16:08  No.78677  A  P9R3
Yes, it supports all plugins ever made for firefox (up to a certain version I presume), because XUL is just a branch of firefox before it got pozzed.
I tried it with all my old plugins and they work marvelously. For flash it is a true blessing.
Only thing that bothers me is that the plugin itself might get shut down.
>>Anonymous  13aug2020(th)17:45  No.78684  OP  P10R4

then prominent hosts (like SWF chan and newgrounds) should keep repositories of a variety of flash browser plugins and standalone players so users can always get them here.

>>Anonymous  14aug2020(fr)17:34  No.78714  A  P11R5
not as easy as you make it sound
I do hope ants will do something of that kind, but think about the fact that flashplayer is and will always be proprietary to Adobe
they will (already have?) announced that they are not okay with anyone hosting those and will use their effort to take them down
at the very least it's an invitation for a lawsuit to the site happening
because why post an abandoned format into opensource if you can just let it rot in your drawer amirite?
>>Anonymous  14aug2020(fr)23:34  No.78725  B  P12R6
>flash works fine. and it will stay that way so long as I don't upgrade.
You need to use an old version of the flash plugin itself as well, using an old browser that supports flash isn't enough. This is because Adobe has bricked their flash plugin to not work if your computer's clock is after 2020.

>buttons don't work in this browser
I really hate modern web designers. That's right, the designers, not the "modern design". Because it's the newage designers that adopt these things.

I especially hate when they can just use a normal hyperlink and when middle mouse button doesn't work to open URLs in a new tab. YouTube and many other sites have links that aren't actually real links and it drives me nuts.

Annoyed when they write "tap x" instead of "click x", then you know the web designer is one of the bad ones.

Those browsers are unfortunately too backwards (as in using old tech), I don't know what newage crap some sites use when playing movies online but they just won't play in Basilisk/Palemoon. If it's that bad now and web designers give that few fucks it'll just get worse in a few years. Mainstream browsers have just gotten so big that they don't care about the broken web they create for the less-than 1% still on old tech browsers.

>>Anonymous  14aug2020(fr)23:45  No.78727  B  P13
>I especially hate when they CAN'T just use a normal hyperlink
>>w7-890  15aug2020(sa)00:21  No.78733  C  P14R7
off topic but what does ants think about integrating ruffle into swfchan com archive so phab-posters like me can contribute
(webgenie doesn't work on Android 8.0 ¯\_ಠ_ಠ_/¯ post made using Gboard)
>>Anonymous  15aug2020(sa)11:45  No.78739  A  P15R8
reminds me of those abyssmal practices when it comes to infinite scrolling these days, even on google
because of MUH SMARTPHONE people, sites scrolling oftentimes just jump all over the place when you use a mouswheel or the navigation bar on the side
because it loads in and doesn't save your position, even if you just scroll down a little, you jump an unspecified amount and completely lose track where on the page you've the fuck been

or that content gets retracted from the site or stops playing
when I browse social media and the likes and you click on a vid or embed, you let it play in the background
but as soons as it gets out of screen, it just vanishes or stops autoplaying
fucking hell

I think he shouldn't, he should stay neutral on how to play the content, his job is only to preserve and host said content
how you play it yourself, is entirely up to you, it's not like you can watch flashes here without the flash plugin or anything related
there are ways to get flash to work on mobile (old versions of android firefox), so you just have to get that on your own

something like that would only contribute to even more people getting out of touch with the actual flash format which tends to bring in the worst kind of people

>>Anonymous  15aug2020(sa)12:46  No.78744  OP  P16R9
true, I suggest flash-player 30 or earlier in fact many people on 64bit systems need flash 23 to avoid some graphical rendering problems. Also flash developers should be aware of this, never write your flashes for the newest version of the player.

they didn't brick anything but the newest one.
Created: 11/8 -2020 18:55:21 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 11:03:21 Server time: 12/03 -2025 11:07:22