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>>bruh  22aug2020(sa)07:29  No.78845  OP  P1
Imagine showing your political opinion on your website

thanks for shoving your admittedly retarded political views down the throads of thousands who use this website.

if anyone knows any alternatives hit me up

>>Anonymous  22aug2020(sa)07:43  No.78846  A  P2R1
>>Anonymous  22aug2020(sa)08:40  No.78847  B  P3R2
cope retard
>>bruh  22aug2020(sa)12:11  No.78849  OP  P4R3
>cope retard
Literally the only insult basement dwellers who use any 4chan clone, or 4chan itself, resort to. Try harder if you wanna hurt my feelings

I was being generous. I'm sure that user base won't surpass a hundred with the political agenda insertion from the owner who sports infinite wisdom.

>>Anonymous  22aug2020(sa)12:32  No.78850  C  P5R4
It's his website asshole.
>>Anonymous  22aug2020(sa)13:10  No.78852  B  P6R5
>>Anonymous  22aug2020(sa)18:49  No.78862  D  P7R6
Welcome to majority of the chan site on the web. Go bitch about it on twitter
>>Anonymous  22aug2020(sa)20:55  No.78867  A  P8R7
I thought the userbase was low because this is an archive site for old content on an ancient format that nearly no one uses anymore and will officially be killed by the end of the year. But no, the real reason is because there's a maga hat next to the title. Lmao.
>>Anonymous  23aug2020(su)20:42  No.78888  E  P9R8
the alternative is

to go back to reddit

and never use flash again

I don't even like that political shit up there as well, but SWFAnts is the eternally based flashmaster admin. If the thinks it's okay, it's okay with me. I think running a website for free for some 10 years earned him the right to vent his political frustrations on his own site.
He even only made it a 5x5 pixel square and you can hide it as well.
If that is enough for you to leave the site, then begone thot.

>>Anonymous  10sep2020(th)02:41  No.79518  F  P10R9
the quads speak the truth also what does begone thot mean and is yiff party ok
Created: 22/8 -2020 07:29:51 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 10:23:29 Server time: 12/03 -2025 10:53:14