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>>Anonymous  24aug2020(mo)18:33  No.78907  OP  P1
Is this site going to die now that flash is dead in 2020?

Please tell me flash is going to have a renaissance one day
also how does html5 fare against swfs? ur opionions are welcome

>>Anonymous  25aug2020(tu)12:47  No.78919  A  P2R1
html5 doesn't have easy to share singular containers like swf and it doesn't have one tenth of the content. Killing Flash is fucking retarded, it should've been revamped or left alone.
>>Anonymous  25aug2020(tu)13:52  No.78922  B  P3R2
There will be a renaissance. During Ragnarök all formats will rise and battle it out. It is foretold that Flash and Silverlight will survive on a platform called "Hoddmímis holt" and repopulate the web.
>>Anonymous  26aug2020(we)02:21  No.78935  C  P4R3
download everything u like while u can, flash is going into the dark ages :DDDD
>>Yggrdasil  28aug2020(fr)14:51  No.78982  D  P5R4
By Odin! My hammer is ready.

Bytes, give yourselves! Release the source of flash.
Give chanboads back its SOUL. I hereby request CS to be fixed!
Let the seed of vectors flow...
Obey the swf, Adobe!
You are no longer an animation, but the internet of all, filled with content.

>>Anonymous  28aug2020(fr)15:29  No.78983  E  P6R5
So does this mean that flash CS16 or whatever is now free abandonware?
>>Anonymous  28aug2020(fr)15:34  No.78984  F  P7R6
nope, use an outdated browser with flash installed or use basilisk, do all your browsing on a computer stay away from dumbphones.

Flash is not dead in my browser. I will continue to enjoy swfchan for many years to come.

IF adobe kills off the flash development software or sets some sorta sunsetting in an update which disables it, there will be lawsuits and Adobe will lose. When a company legally states they are discontinuing support and sale and distribution of a product, it can clearly be argued that statement by that company is a statement of legal abandonment of the Intellectual properties regarding the product. at which point adobe will be said to have no right to hide to source code from the public, as it is public domain.

Meanwhile flash CS4 has no such time bomb. CS5+ thats a different story, they are forcefully ungraded on install so yeah potential for timebomb.

but yeah flash is not dead in 2020 only stupid chromium users think it is. hint "Dump Chrome". oh and when websites are written in a chromium only format, complain to the devs of the website. eventually together we can kill chromium and restore flash to a new age.

>>Anonymous  28aug2020(fr)15:43  No.78985  F  P8
on the note of HTML5 compared to swf.

there is no comparison.

HTML5 is just HTML, there is not anon hosting for HTML because IT IS THE ACTUAL WEBPAGE. no one is goign to give free anon webhosting. oh and actually HTML5 can't really do games it needs javascript for that.

the whole attack on swf was that it's an insecure and dangerous format that can contain viruses. and for somereason they thought that javascript is somehow not as hacked as it is and somehow contains less ability to make viruses than it has had since the dawn of the interbutts.

there is no comparison. only companies or users who dox themselves to setup a website can actually release HTML anything. and other than that getting any host to allow your javascript will be difficult, it goes througha screening process and they could just deny it for personal reasons.

there is no comparison, swf is an online game and movie content format that can be viewed in your webbrowser and any one can make one and upload it and it can be posted just about anywhere online. HTML5 is a webpage itself so it cannot.

so it's really an argument of how does Javascript fare against swfs?

and given that javascript has been around far longer than flash, has less games, less movies, and more viruses. I'd say javascript fails pretty epically.

>>Anonymous  28aug2020(fr)15:44  No.78986  F  P9
HTML5 and Javascript the official recommendation of indian virus makers and hackers since whenever it was made.
Created: 24/8 -2020 18:33:01 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 11:03:20 Server time: 12/03 -2025 11:08:33