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>>Arcaena  27jan2021(we)01:34  No.83156  OP  P1
Nothing works and i still want to use the site

I know flash is completely dead on all browsers (trust me i tried it bricked me and said its "out of date" etc. and i still have game i love to play here. tried the projector and that did nothing. just stayed blank when i entered the link and hit open. is there a way to make the files html5 or another format that will re-allow them to work on browsers? i cant seem to find a solution to making the games work on pc and the games i want to play arent really fit for mobile. its really frustrating an entire format is just being fucked over. i get its not updating but why out out an entire genre? or not have ANY seeming way to interact with stuff after its gone? if i cant find a way i just wont be able to use the site anymore and i love this site

>>Anonymous  27jan2021(we)02:04  No.83157  A  P2R1
>>Anonymous  27jan2021(we)22:48  No.83165  B  P3R2
>>83156 yep, follow >>83157

I use firefox 51.0 I have had windows updates disabled for over a year. I set firefox to never update never check for updates and deleted all the mozilla maintenance server files after selecting do not install maintenance service.

I have flash version 31. everything on this site works for me.

>>Anonymous  28jan2021(th)02:37  No.83167  C  P4R3
Far be it for me to tell you what to do but you might want to update flash to at least since the last release of flash 31 was late November 2018. You're at least 28 patches behind the final .465 version, probably more.

You could also update your version of Firefox to 84.0.2, which is the last version supporting NPAPI.

While writing this post I noticed that there was an update pending to Firefox. It was released recently on Jan 26th and sure enough, after restarting I'm now on 85.0 and can no longer play flash. Going to a swf file directly just triggers a download and when on a page with an embedded swf nothing happens, it's as if looking at a transparent image.

>>Anonymous  28jan2021(th)03:03  No.83168  D  P5R4
Firefox-ESR will have Flash support until October 2021.
>firefox 51.0
That's the last release before WebExtentions right? In case you are interested in a maintained Firefox built without WebExtention support there's a fork called "Basilisk".
>>Anonymous  28jan2021(th)14:55  No.83174  E  P6R5
Just use the standalone, I've been using it for fucking ages.
>>Anonymous  28jan2021(th)23:53  No.83180  F  P7
>implying you can embed standalone in a custom browser
>>Anonymous  29jan2021(fr)00:50  No.83181  B  P8R6
51.0 was the last version of firefox to allow addons such as adblocker ultimate and advanced cookie manager. it was the last version where turning of xpi signiature checks actually meant something. and was the last version where addons/plugins that get kicked off can still be permanently loaded through the addon debugger menus and a few about:config changes to the list of non-debugged addons to add the debugged addon in permanently. Might I also add, it was the last version where you could actually turn off "security/mandatory updates" those updates force your browser to always be the newest which will eventually kill your flashplayer.
I hope this helps.
>>Anonymous  29jan2021(fr)02:12  No.83182  G  P9R7
Is that for Linux only? What would I use for Windows?
>>Anonymous  29jan2021(fr)03:16  No.83183  A  P10R8
It's not for Linux only.
>>Anonymous  11feb2021(th)02:14  No.83398  F  P11R9
is it arm compatible? i wanna try this on raspberry pi

also why am i getting this error when pressing get file button frameworks/running-classic-asp-applications-on-iis -7-and-iis-8/classic-asp-not-installed-by-default- on-iis

you ok there antz?
Created: 27/1 -2021 01:34:50 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 11:02:09 Server time: 12/03 -2025 11:13:38