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>>L  31mar2021(we)07:57  No.84472  OP  P1
How do I allow an APK to connect to an internet connection?

Lemme elaborate a bit. I have an NSFW SFW game, "Bedplay", and this game needs to be able to connect to my internet in order to fetch various resources and whatnot. I'd like to know if it is possible to enable the game's ability to connect to internet and retrieve resources, and how I would go about doing it. Thanks.

>>Anonymous  31mar2021(we)08:41  No.84473  A  P2R1
Call the creator a faggot for programming his game to stop working.
>>Joshex  3apr2021(sa)00:51  No.84602  B  P3R2
you would need to have your computer be always online, you would also need to maintain the exact same IP address every time you connect. OR provide a method for the game to find out what the new IP address for the content is. This will have to be in a try () argument because if the server is not online or connection difficulties happen it'll timeout or raise an exception. This will usually mean you have to have a dedicated server for the DLC. it also typically means Doxxing yourself to a server host company and letting users be able to know your server's IP address so they can your ass and then you're doxxed publically.

Not suggested bro.

There are ways to do it without server hosting. But thats hypothetical dark web tech I would rather not discuss here.

and as the other user stated; what would happen if you accidentally became not online ever again, without releasing the files? it'd just be a broken game. better to release the files in the game and just have some trigger in game to enable or disable them.

>>Anonymous  3apr2021(sa)09:49  No.84605  C  P4R3
I believe his issue is not missing online resources required to run the flash, it is just extra content hosted by the creator that the flash can access. (Several of this particular creators games do this, and the resources are still available as the dev is still making stuff. Interestingly its mostly also backed up on SWFChan since the extra content is encoded in flash too.)

This is specifically about accessing internet resources from a flash converted to APK, right? The page for the converter says internet connectivity is disabled for security, which makes sense. Ants might be able to make that optional in the generator with a check box, though if he is storing the apks for future requests it could throw a wrench in things.

Can you load this games extra characters through SWF files? No idea how the APK conversion handles a file picker...

>>Joshex  3apr2021(sa)13:51  No.84606  B  P5R4
ah, >>84605 , now I get it.

ok, so you have a game that does already have it's own hosting, it's not yours and the author is hiding content on their server.

yeah there are a few people who do this. such as nutaku and mnf.

right, getting those files wont be easy if you don't have access to them via being logged in on their site. even then they are typically loading assets like vectors or images directly into memory and not saving them in the game.

IF you can get them to load fully (such as being logged into their site, or completing the necessary requirements to unlock the content (nutaku)) then you should be able to grab that content somehow, on nutaku the images they use can be grabbed with downthemall which is a download manager that can also list out active files that it can find on the page.

if it's being loaded directly into a flash game, then you'll need to get more creative, you'll need to open the game and right before you trigger the game to load those resources (put in a password or connect to their server(by going online or logging in on their website)) you will need to stop, find that program's memory and dump it to file, then load the DLC the normal ways (by their rules) andthen dump the program's memory again.

then you'll have to fish through those memory dumps and find out whats different and try to separate out those elements to their own file.

you could make a program to watch the port that will recieve the DLC and just record anything it says to a binary file then look through it later and see whats what, that is actually the easiest method, but it requires programming abilities. not much though, it can be done in AS2 AS3 and python pretty easily.

coupled with p

myhentaifile = open('C:/myportlistenningjunk.FAP', 'wb')
myhentaifile.append(whatever you catch the server sending to the game)

make sure to myhentaifile.close() when you are done recieving stuff.

alternatively sometimes creators who do this do not actually put any download protections on the DLC, in that case open the game file in the software used to make it and see if you can get the code. if not and it's an SWF use SWFTOOLS to extract the text (which will likely be the actionscripts)

either way find out where the game is connecting to (IP address) and the assets it is requesting and how it'll probably define the server IP address then the asset
serverIP = ###.###.###.###
asset1= /tits

so you should be able to download it by simply entering the IP address/tits into your URL field of your webbrowser and saving the document.

openning this might be difficult but if it's content for an SWF you should be able to just open it in CS4 or flash MX keep in mind stuff made in CS5+ may not load correctly and may be lost forever because of adobe dicontinuing any flash making software that was paypermonth(so it wont even open because you haven't bought access and can't any more because they don't offer it, like microsoftie did with windows XP keys). F adobe with a hot rusty iron.

these are the hard ways to do it, I am not aware of any easier ways. someone else might be, but these methods will give you the tools to get your hands on the DLC content as a solid file rather than in memory which will be flushed after closing the game.

>>Joshex  3apr2021(sa)17:28  No.84608  B  P6
Additionally, some games (such as some mnf games) actually contain ALL the vector/image elements in the demo .swf file then merely comminicate with the mnf server and ask it if you are logged in, this runs a script on the server which checks a list of logged in users and checks your browser for a cookie to match. if all is ok it sends a message back to the game to "loadall" or "loadfull" or "loadVIP" most of the time this message is plain text and merely tells the game to activate the otherwise unavailable content.
>>Joshex  3apr2021(sa)17:36  No.84611  B  P7
for those who don't know what profit this is, that means you can full version the game by setting up a python socket.socket or AS2 AS3 equivelent to listen to the port the game communicates through and send the required full version message back to it through the local host = . you can even do this while offline just in case for example there is also a fullversionreject message that the mnf server might send.
>>Anonymous  4apr2021(su)17:06  No.84618  D  P8R5
I guess it would be way easier to crack the swf though and modify it to always return the loadfull check successfully. That way you can share it here as well without the need for extra (potentially dangerous) script files.
>>Anonymous  5apr2021(mo)03:42  No.84626  E  P9R6
When Android was new apps were required to have the "internet" permission to get online, nowadays apps are granted internet access by default. Probably because Google realized 90% of the apps will ask for this permission anyway to serve ads.

What I mean to say by this is that the problem is probably not that the APK is denied internet access but that it simply isn't built to be able to fetch and make use of remote resources.

>>w7-890  9apr2021(fr)10:14  No.84690  F  P10R7
what about MITM proxy i saw the digdeeper neocities autist use it (dunno if he can be trusted)

or you can just decompile the flash (on browser right click inspect and select the network tab)

im getting zer0w1ng flashbacks here
Created: 31/3 -2021 07:57:47 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 10:23:29 Server time: 12/03 -2025 10:56:28