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>>Nanonymous  10jun2013(mo)16:48  No.7009  OP  P1
files2 server

Sorry if this isn't posted in the right place. I'm reporting an error. Unable to load anything hosted on the files2 server (porn). Is the server down? Is anyone else having this issue? Problems began to occur last night around 5:00 EST and have yet to resolve.

>>Anonymous  10jun2013(mo)22:12  No.7013  A  P2R1
I am also having this issue, and only with files2.
>>Nanonymous  11jun2013(tu)01:24  No.7017  OP  P3R2
the server must be down. is there any other explanation? my connection is fine. anything that could be blocking access to
>>Anon  11jun2013(tu)01:30  No.7018  B  P4R3
Same here. For a moment I was paranoid and said wtf is this some kind of ISP censorship?
>>Anon  11jun2013(tu)01:30  No.7019  B  P5
I am having the same problem. For a moment I thought it was some kind of ISP censorship.
>>Nanonymous  11jun2013(tu)03:40  No.7020  OP  P6R4
ISP censorship, no that's not the case here... if it is then that's some coincidence... but i have a feeling that if the server was really experiencing 24 hours+ of downtime, more people would have complained about it by now. so what could it be?
>>Nanonymous  11jun2013(tu)03:41  No.7021  OP  P7
As of now, still unresolved
>>Anonymous  11jun2013(tu)07:48  No.7023  C  P8R5

Yeah, I'm pretty certain the server's just down.

>>Nanonymous  11jun2013(tu)20:52  No.7035  OP  P9R6
files2 server is back up! Thank you :)
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  12jun2013(we)17:30  No.7052  SWF  P10R7
It must have been up temporarily, was down again just now.

Just became aware of the problem, I will make an announcement about it on soon.

I have changed the code to pull files from the main server until files2 has been fixed. It'll be too slow for many to even download anything but at least it's better than not working at all.
Created: 10/6 -2013 16:48:53 Last modified: 18/10 -2024 05:55:21 Server time: 18/10 -2024 06:17:41