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>>Anonymous  22oct2022(sa)10:00  No.92143  OP  P1
RIP Miniclip

>It’s actually been shut down for a while now, but lots of people have only just noticed.
>site does still exist, but when you visit it, there are only two games: 8 Ball Pool and
>plans to change the site back in March 2022, and the games were taken down a while later. s-shut-down-and-its-the-end-of-an-era/ f-childhood-nostalgia-is-finally-dead/ar-AA13eEvi officially-closing-down-its-online-servers

Seems like this event is almost 2 months old (blog post says 2022-08-31) but it's only becoming news now. Small news, outside some nostalgia people don't really care, but I thought I'd at least mark down the event. They published a lot of flash games over the years. 62307992081-Miniclip-com-has-changed

>>Anonymous  22oct2022(sa)15:22  No.92146  A  P2R1
Yeah, a definite end of an era feel for me too.
>but it's only becoming news now
Probably because people don't frequent flash websites anymore for obvious reasons.
Sad, but it was inevitable.
I surely hope that most of those games, at least the good ones, are archived somewhere, maybe even here.

Funnily enough people on video game imageboards or youtube still make threads/videos about the greates flash games that everyone played or unknown gems.
Seems there is still interest in those games. Just that access to them was forcefully removed. Even the sites that laude them handle it like the just disappeared with no possible way of playing them anymore.
Makes me think even more that flash was removed from the populus on purpose and the people brainwashed into thinking app games are the future. Same old, same old.

>>Anonymous  31mar2024(su)13:18  No.101215  B  P3R2
flash definitively died, i remember even youtube have used flash player too, the golden era of flash player, so many browsing games made with flash, unfortunately this era ended, but i always will remember
>>Anonymous  31mar2024(su)16:02  No.101226  A  P4R3
And did we get in exchange?
Chinese knockoff gacha app games?
Flash was never made obsolete, just pushed off the face of the earth for extracting more money from children and idiots...
>>TurCrayPig  31mar2024(su)17:23  No.101230  C  P5R4
>hope that most of those games are archives somewhere, maybe even here
There is also if you speak russian like I do. Some of the games out there aren't present in the archive, so we still have time and space to save as much flash stuff as we can!
Created: 22/10 -2022 10:00:53 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 11:42:07 Server time: 12/03 -2025 11:51:40