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>>Anonymous  26nov2022(sa)14:49  No.93394  OP  P1
New Palemoon breaks flash interactivity

I believe the devs broke something in the latest palemoon update relating to embedded/fullscreen flashes.
Key presses (like tab key) don't stay in-flash anymore but are used global, so you cannot for example tab through interactive elements.
Also the white html wrapper border around fullscreen flash is gone, which is a good thing but maybe that has to do with it.

Can someone more tech literate test it and impart that news on the forums (accound needed)? I'm on win10 with palemoon installed 31.4.0 and the last flash installed with swfchan plugins.

>>Anonymous  29nov2022(tu)10:53  No.93400  A  P2R1
Honestly I just save everything locally and play it with the Flash projector now, gets rid of the browser compatibility headache and it performs better too.
>>Anonymous  29nov2022(tu)19:57  No.93404  OP  P3R2
>Fixed an issue with plugins not receiving keypress events properly.
Well, looks like they already fixed it, no worries here. Didn't think anyone would put too much thought into flash these days but there is still hope.

Just too much of a hassle. Sure it would work in emergencies, but there is just no replacing the good old click in browser method. I'd suggest it to everyone who still opens swfs regularely.
Very simple, just install browser, install flash, replace files with end.swfchan and you're done for good (minus a few tweaks here and there for user friendlyness).
Obvious downsides of the local method: need to delete the files afterwards, won't see preloaders/preloading resources, list of recently used files viewable by all users. Even if you just copy paste the link into the projector open window everytime that's way more arduous than just a left click.
Also it should perform about the same unless projector can enable hardware accelleration?

>>Anonymous  30nov2022(we)04:54  No.93406  B  P4R3
Good that they fixed the issue so it's working again!

>need to delete the files afterwards
If you "open" the swf file from the browser itself the file will download to a temp location and is then opened in Adobe's projector. The browser/OS will take care of clearing that temp location after a time period so no need to manually delete the file afterwards.
Created: 26/11 -2022 14:49:59 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 11:02:46 Server time: 12/03 -2025 11:14:55