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>>Anonymous  3dec2013(tu)03:27  No.8948  OP  P1
Broken MnF

A couple of the MnF Cracks don't work, Universal Soldier is 404'in and Baka Motherfucker are just two of the games that do this can you re-upload them if possible?

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  5dec2013(th)12:43  No.8978  SWF  P2R1
Actually some of them do work (Universal Soldier works for example), it's just that the flash is trying to read an external flash file at a certain point in the flash which is not found on the server, making the flash read 404.swf instead.

This can be fixed by selecting option "Prevent B: Communicating with external servers" before pressing the GET FILE button.

I've been aware of this problem a long time, I actually had "Prevent B" as the default option in the beginning but had to set "Prevent A" as default since "Prevent B" causes some flashes to not work (for example some games will pretend not to load unless they can display an ad first). I think I will change this now though, in the end it's probably better to have "Prevent B" as the default. Can have a few exceptions to this so that those I'm aware of having problems with option B will still default to option A. If this turns out to be too much of a problem I can always change back to the old default later.

>>Anonymous  8jan2014(we)02:43  No.9219  OP  P3R2
Tried the options

I've tried changing the options it didn't work, it just doesn't load at all
Created: 3/12 -2013 03:27:50 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 10:23:23 Server time: 12/03 -2025 10:53:17