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>>Nomnom  4dec2013(we)09:46  No.8955  OP  P1
Not an Ad

I got an "Ad" that isn't an ad at all. It actually is a Site that wants you to pay for crimes that noone commited. It's like the Virus that fucks up your computer and says you are useing an unlicensed version of Microsoft Windows in another format. Even though it's easy to close and reopen the Browser to avoid it, it's still awful to encounter. Using adblock until it's fixed...

>>Anonymous  4dec2013(we)13:22  No.8958  A  P2R1
Ransomware is what it is. 'Ve had it three, five times this week alone.

Definitely something to be looked into and repaired urgently. Cycle of browser lockup and followed restart isn't fun at all.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  5dec2013(th)00:37  No.8971  SWF  P3R2
I apologize for these shitty ads that pretend they are from the police and try to scare you into paying them money. I don't have any control over what ads are shown, it's my ad providers that has to sort out these bad eggs. The only option I have is to stop serving ads but that means no money so it's not really an option. There were problems with bad ads about two years ago as well and they promised to get better at sorting out bad ads since then. Up until now it has worked out alright so I hope they remove these scam ads very soon.
>>Nomnom  8dec2013(su)10:04  No.9011  C  P4R3
I disabled Adblock once in a while and today i got this scam as my very first "ad". Your adproviders are bad and they should feel bad :/. it's sad how they abuse swfchan to scam ppl.
>>Nomnom  4jan2014(sa)12:15  No.9199  D  P5R4
It's fixed!
Created: 4/12 -2013 09:46:02 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 11:03:20 Server time: 12/03 -2025 11:14:11